32: Ones With Light

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Moon and Ash, in their new forms, found each other in their ascent and went to Zaria.

"You can try to strike us down, but we'll come RIGHT. BACK. AT. YA!" they said, talking in turn. "And stronger, too."

"Just die or something!" Zaria exclaimed, half-screaming. "Jayden! Help me!"

"Coming!" he called. He was right about to go and help his partner-in-evil when something picked it up.

"You're not going ANYWHERE," a voice told him. He found Luna right in front of his upside-down self and he was being held by a Guzzlord. She then slapped him across the face.

"I have wanted to do that for three years!" Luna exclaimed. "It feels so great to finally do it. Hey Gladion, why don't you try?"

"Okay," Gladion said nervously. When he got up to Jayden, he cocked his arm and punched Jayden like a punching bag.

"You're right," he agreed. "It DOES feel good."

Back with Zaria, she was struggling to keep her cool. Ash and Moon were WAY MORE than ten times stronger than her.

'Fake it until you make it, Zaria' she thought to herself. She then laughed.

"You seriously think that just because you wear some fancy outfits now means that you can beat ME?! Jayden shared his powers with me, so now I'm unstoppable! You try to beat me in this world, I'll just head into another."

"Not on our watch," Moon said. A watch appeared. "Not like that. Time to use the Power of Wishes, Ash."

"Right. I wish that Jayden and Zaria's powers were taken away from them."

"Now, for the final touch," Moon said, approaching Jayden. She then placed her hand in front of his face and said something foreign. She was about to do the same thing to Zaria when Zaria opened a portal.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Zaria informed them.

"Oh no you don't," Luna said under her breath, jumping off the cliff and transforming into a Pikachu. She used Thunderbolt on Zaria, stunning her temporarily. Moon then did the thing she did on Jayden to Zaria and then magic swirled around the two. Luna transformed back into a human and leaned on Gladion, who had magically appeared where Moon and Ash were outta nowhere.

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