About the council

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"Every one thousand years a new group of vampires are born, unlike any normal vampire. They go through the transition early, their eyes become silver in colour. Though they are usually their natural colour when in public due to secrecy. A way to hide their identity.

Two thousand years ago the council changed hands, it was a bad time then. Humans were being slaughtered left and right. The council somehow had controlled the situation and became the strongest council known to our kind. A thousand years later the new council was born. But the old ones were power hungry, they didn't want to give up their positions.

They set out to find their replacements and either had them or their mates killed"

It was silent as Issac spoke "For the past one thousand years those of us who have survived found a new goal. To protect the new council, we refused to ler them suffer. I was lucky, not only did i survive but i haven't found my mate yet. I was assigned to you until your mate had been found. We knew everything about you and Luke Wade. But i had no idea that it was this Lukas Olivers. Though the name should have given it away" He chuckled. "Thankfully a friend of mine works with the council and was there when Amber turned up. They told me what had happened. When i went to see Lucas he was already turning and i knew they were close. I carried him out and put him in the car just as they arrived" He finished.

I couldn't believe what i was hearing, the council was here for our protection.

"But how come i have never heard of the council changing?" Dad finally asked. Issac smiled "Because it is so secret. If things had gone the way they were supposed to then you stil wouldn't know. Not even our families can know. Only our mates and that is because they are part of it"

That made sense. "Wait a minute, you were part of the new council?" Issac nodded "The head councilor was my is my sister. She entrusted you to my care" "Why would she do that?" Mum asked "Because Lukas is the first person they would go for, failing that they would target Knight" He reverted back to my used name. "But why us?" I asked, Issac just looked at me "Because without the leader the new council will fall"

Me? I'm supposed to lead the new council?

Before i could voice my thoughts Issac shot upand disappeared, at the same time the door bell rung. Mum and answered it.

"Amelia?" My mum questioned the woman at the door. "I'm sorry" She said lookin towards me "I just woke up, i saw him taken. I know where Luke is" She said to me. This grabbed my attention "I'll take you there" As long as i found him, clapping appeared from behind me. "Nice, i have to admit. You lost the first target so you go for the second one" Issac spoke coldly. "What?" Amelia looked confused"Oh honey i'm heartbroken. You forgot me" He faked "And after the fun we had that night, tell me how's his eye?" Recognition flared in her eyes and she paled. "Oh no you don't" Issac growled, his eyea swirling. Amelias face was panicked. "Amelia Lampard. Head councilor Lampards mate" He told us and our eyes turned to her. "Did you honestly think we wouldn't find out what you did?" He asked her. "You knew Knight would become a councilor so you forced him onto Luke. You knew it would kill one of them. But when it failed you wasn't too concerned, the bond would be broken. He would never have a mate" Issac smiled "But you didn't expect Luke to hold onto to it. And i'm guessing it shook the council to find out about them"

I didn't understand, Amelia was our friend. Another memory came to mind 'I cannot change my dreams Daniel' "That was the dream. You couldn't change your dream, but you could change what you saw" Amelia just growled. "What do we do about her now?" Mum asked. "Don't worry someone is coming to collect her" Issac told her.

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Special delivery for rebel central?" A feminine voice rang out, Issac laughed and went to the door. "Sandra, i didn't know you would come" He said hugging the girl. This was obviously his sister, they looked exactly alike. "Hey camp. I only came because of who it was" She said before turning to me "So you're my replacement huh" I only nodded. "Well you have a problem" She told me. "Your co workers are with your mate and he's about to wake up. I've left him some blood" "Why are they with him?" I asked confussed. "Because Luke isn't your only weakness. They will go after everyone" Damn.

It was then i noticed Amelia was gone "Don't worry she won't be bohering you anymore, we have her" I nodded. "Now let's go meet this mate of yours" And with that we all left the house.

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