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Kicking the door closed behind me i placed Luke onto his feet and pulled him to the bed. "Be sure baby" I whispered running my thumb over his lower lip, Lukes only response was to push me down so i sat on the edge of his bed and kneel in front of me. I watched as he undone my shoes and placed them by the bed, then my socks, which he put in my shoes. My breathing hitched when his hands ran up my legs. "I want this, us. I belong to you, body, mind and soul. I always have and i always will, i want to be your mate in everyway" As he said this he had undone my belt and trousers. He tugged at me and i stood up, the reverence in his eyes as he lowered my trousers made my heart swell. I stepped out my trousers and Luke stood up removing his sweats. He pushed his soft naked frame against my larger body, his arms sliding up my back. "Let me love you forever" He whispered looking me in my eyes.

All control i had left me as my sight heightened and my fangs dropped, with a growl i picked him up and threw him on the bed.


It's in missing chapters



I woke up to groaning, turning my head i saw Luke lay on his back sweat coating his skin and his face frowning as if in pain, the turning had begun.

I quickly got up and threw my trousers on and went into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl of cold water and a cloth i went back into the room.

"Daniel" He moaned as i entered the room, i quickly made my way over to the bed. "Shh baby, you need to sleep" I told him. "Daniel, i'm so hot" "It's ok baby' i'll take care of you" I told him running my fingers through his damp hair. His eyes closed and i began to dab his skin with the cool cloth making him sigh.

I watched him for the rest of the night as he fitfully slept. Just after dawn he wpke up again. "Hi" I smiled at him. He gave me a weak smile back. "You look awful" He told me "I'm thirsty" I admitted. Luke frowned "You need to drink" I shook my head "Yes Daniel, when this is over i will need you. What good are you going to be like this?" I frowned not wanting to admit he was right.

"How long will it take to change?" He asked me "A few more hours" I told him confussed and he smiled. "I'm going to be in and out of it, just go, grab a drink and come back. I'll still be here" 

I had some blood at the office which was only two minutes if i ran. I nodded and stood up "Ok, i'll only be five minutes ok?" Luke smiled and nodded weakly before his eyes closed again, i bent down and kissed his forhead. "I love you" I whispered before opening his window and jumping out.


I had been longer than i thought, i hadn't realised how thirsty i had been. I ended up drinking three pints before i could stop. I was glad i had thought to make a spare key to Lukes flat, though maybe i should have told him. I was anxious to get back to him, i didn't want to leave him alone.

I frowned as i came up to the door, finding it open. I ran into the flat calling out for him. He wasn't here, i began to panick. What happened? did he wake up? Something didn't feel right. I ran out of there and grabbed my phone.

"Dad" I spoke once he answered "I got a problem" I told him what had happened as i quickly made my way to theirs. 

Mum and dad were waiting for me as was Amber, i was still mad at her.

"What happened?" Mum asked as i barged through the door. I slumped onto a chair "I don't know, he convinced me to go get a drink. When i got back he was gone" "Is it possible he awoke while you were out?" Dad asked "I don't think so, but i'm not sure" I looked up at them "I have to find him" 

"Why Danny?" Amber spoke up "Shut it, he's my mate" I growled at her "He told me everything Amber and i still love him" Amber said nothing. "Look it's done now, we have to find him. He's a newborn and we can't have him running around alone" Mum said glaring at Amber. 

Amber just huffed and turned her head "But where do we start?" I asked. No one said anything for a minute. "We'll just have to split up and hope for the best" Dad said eventually placing a hand on my shoulder. "He's young and won't go to far, we'll find him" I went to say something when the door burst open and we all spun round to see who it was. 

I gasped as Issac stood there breathing heavy, his eyes, instead of the usual icy blue that i was used to. His eyes were exactly like mine. "Issac?" I finally found my voice. Issac ignored me and turned his gaze to Amder. "You stupid girl" He hissed stalking towards her. "Have you any idea what you have done" He was growling. I frowned. Next thing we knew he had her by the throat. and threw her against the wall. "If i hadn't have found him first they would have killed him" What the hell was he talking about "Didn't you think of that when you went to them?" He demanded. I went over and pulled him of her, which turned out harder than i thought. I placed Amber behind me "Issac" I warned him and he turned his glare to me. "Your dumb sister went to the council to get your bond brokedn" He said calmly, i turned to Amber. "Amber?" "I was just thinking of you" She whispered making me growl. "Think about this girl, if i hadn't taken Luke away your precious coucil would have killed him. I got to him first" This got my attention. "WHERE IS HE?" Issac just smiled "Safe, i will take you to him" I just growled. "Your biggest problem is keeping him alive" 

I shook my head "Why do the council want him dead?" I asked "Because the council change ever one thousand years, these basterds refuse to hand over. And no vampire can function without their mate. No mate equals no one to take over" I rubbed my face.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked. Issac sat down "We have time, let me tell you a story" He said.

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