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"He found his mate"

"It cannot happen"

"What do we do now?"

"It's time to end this"




Luke has been amazing, he has remained faithful to me all these years and accepted me after finding out the truth. He really is a strong person and i love him for it.

I got a phone call from Mrs Every two days after speaking to her and she had agreed to come work for me. For which i was pleased and found she really did have an exceptional eye.

Right now we were at Mr Hamingways. "So Mr Knight, you said this would be to my benefit?" He enquired. "Yes Mr Knight. This is Mrs Every our recently acquired interior designer. She will be helping with the decoration of the ball room"

Pamela, as she told me was in awe of the large room and i couldn't help but smile at her wide eyes.

"Is she any good?" He asked and i had to stifle a sigh. The trouble with Hamingway was that he too was a vampire and a very fussy one at that. So getting this right ws important. "Why not ask her" I told him. As we entered the new ball room.

Luke had done wonders on this place. The walls had been removed and a small section in the middle had been extended for a band to play comfortably. The conservatory went the length of the entire room except for where it met the extension.

"Wow" Pamela exclaimed turning to us. "Talk about potential" I just smiled as she turned her attention to Hamingway "Please tell me you want victorian in here" She practically begged. Hamingway tilted his head. "Victorian?" Pamela noded here head "The things they can do these days. I can see chandeliers on the ceiling that look like candles. Dark wooden flooring and the light coloured walls. The chandeliers could have dimmer switches to set the right ambience" Hamingways laughter cut her off. "My dear you are a delight, and yes i too can see it. It would be perfect for what i have in mind" Pamela gave him a wide smile, making her look younger than her forty two years. "When can you start?" He asked making Pamela lok to me. "How about she calls you once she has an idea of how it should look. Then you can arrange a meeting?" I suggested. Pamela nodded in agreement.

"Excellent, i will be eagerly waiting" He said taking her hand and bringing it to his lips making her blush. My phone went off and i dug it out of my pocket, ignoring Hamingways flirting. It was a text message from Luke, making me smile before i opened it. 'The past cannot be repaired, but our future is ours. I agree with you' My smile widened, he was agreeing to be turned and spend forever with me. I put my phone away and turned to the other two. "Is everything alright Mr Knight?" Pamela asked "Yes fine, just Lukas telling me he made arrangements for when i get back" She nodded. "Your mate, he has accepted you" Hamingways voice called through my mind "You are very lucky indeed" I just nodded and turned to leave with Pamela.


Getting home felt like an eternity and i was glad when i dropped Pamela home. I pulled my phone out and made a call.

"Hello?" I smiled at the voice "Baby, do you know how happy you have made me?" I asked. It went very quiet, then in a small voice he spoke. "I decided that if you can give me a chance then i had no reason not to. I love you Daniel, i want to spend forever loving you and making you happy" If it could i'm sure my heart would have exploded. "Baby, you already make me happy. You accepted me so quickly and gave me another chance, knowing that i left you once" Luke inhaled quickly "I pushed you away" He whispered and i knew, although i spoke the truth, it was the wrong thing to say. "Baby, it doesn't matter. We are together now, that is all that matters. Now open the door for me please" I smiled as he giggled and hung up.

Stepping out of the elevator i couldn't wait to see my baby, i had become so happy since i found out he was mine. I couldn't believe the one person i hated was myself, imagine that.

Luke agreeing to be turned ment so much to me, the thought of him dying one day frightened me. Though those thoughts flew out of my mind when he opened the door. He stood there with a huge smile on his face, his eyes lit up. He was wearing just his sleeping sweats and his hair was damp. My trousers tightened immediately and a low growl escaped my lips. Before either of us knew it i had grabbed him and pushed him inside spinning him round and pinning him to the wall. "God baby, you look so mouthwatering" I growled running my nose up his throat. He let out a small whimper that had me tightening further, i nipped at his neck making him arch his sweet little body. I felt his hands run up my body and tug on my tie, i released him to see what he was doing. He undone my tie and threw it on the floor, then he slowly undone my shirt buttons. Damn who knew being undressed could be so hot, my breathing picked up as he lifted my hands up and removed the cufflinks. His eyes never left my body as he slowly pushed the shirt off me. "My god" He whispered running his hands over me making me shiver, his eyes wide. I locked all my muscles as he began to circle me, his hands never leaving my skin.

He touched every ridge and dip he found, exploring me completely. "You were always beautiful" He whispered as he came infront of me again "But now you are perfection" Air filled my lungs as i took in his words. His hands ran over my pecs then around my back, before placing a kiss on my jaw. "I want to be with you" I growled ripping off my damn sunglasses.

"Be sure baby, once this is done there is no going back" Luke just smiled at me "Daniel, i have been yours since the first day. It's time everyone knew, it's time to be yours in every way"

All rational thought left me as i attacked his mouth, he quickly submitted, and damn those little whimpers made me hard. I picked him up and he wrapped his legs around me. "Baby, i need to be inside you" I murmured as i placed kisses on his throat. "Lets make this unforgettable" Luke pulled his head away from me smiling. "As you say"

With that i stormed towards the bedroom.

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