Court date

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Today was the day of Everys hearing, i was nervous as hell. I had to give my findings to the courts and i couldn't help but shake.

"Hey sweetie relax will you. You're making me nervous" Michelle said grabbing my hands.

"Sorry" I gave a weak smile "I don't know what's wrong with me" I could feel him before i heard him, Daniels voice carried over the others as he spoke to his lawyer. "So it seems he has been embezzling money from his previous two employers as well" He said as i turned to look at him. My god, in his signature dark grey suit and silver tie he was too much to look at. I sank to the bench behind me and watched as he made his way over.

"Ahh, Luke, Michelle, are you ready?" He asked, i could only nod my head. Daniel turned to Michelle and his lawyer "May you give us a moment?" He asked and they both moved away. I watched as he came infront of me and knelt to my level "What is wrong baby? I can feel your scattered emotions" I couldn't say anything or tear my eyes from him, i was practically panting. He placed his hands on my shoulders, kneading them "I feel it to baby" He whispered. His hands went to my legs rubbing them and a small moan escaped me. Daniel lent closer. "Let's get this over with baby. I need to get you home." My eyes widened as i looked at him and he gave me that sexy smile "I need you baby, i want to touch you, taste you" Now i couldn't breath "So the sooner we get this done the sooner i can be inside you" That was it, i took a deep breath and got up before i begged him to take me now. I can't believe he would talk to me like that, here of all places.


Two hours, that's how long it took to go over the evidence. Daniel nearly lost it when Every used my sexuality as defence. Apparently because he was uncomfortable with it i had decided to get him fired. Pity his wife stood up in our case, explaining about how he was the only one to pay the bills and how he paid for their daughters college, and how he told her he was buying a holiday home in portugal. It was deemed that Daniel would never see the money again and that the sale of his properties is the only refund he would get. Daniel asked that the house not to be sold as he understood that Mrs Every couldn't afford to find another home and that other means be found. Lest to say Every got twenty eight months imprisonment.

Leaving the building we spotted Mrs Every and her daughter. "Mrs Every" Daniel called out stopping her. "May we have a word please?" We had been discussing Mrs Every and her daughter for the past couple of days now and we had come up with an idea. "Mr Knight" She greeted "This is my daughter Yvonne" She introduced. Mrs Every was a beautiful woman in her forties with light brown hair that was shaped into a bob. Slim and well dressed in a dark blue skirt and jacket with a white blouse. Her daughter obviously took after her mother only with long hair that was up in a messy bun with a cream trouser suit. Daniel nodded to her daughter. "Please if we could talk" He pushed, Mrs Every looked at her daughter and nodded.

Daniel led us to a small cafe just over the road and ordered the drinks. "Forgive me for prying, but i was wondering what you intend to do now" Daniel asked bluntly. This time the daughter spoke up. "Mr Knight, we are grateful that you have not forced us out of our home but understand we will still be selling it and handing the money to you. We cannot afford the bills as it is" Daniel nodded "And your doctorate?" He asked "We cannot afford it and i have to leave" Even i could hear the pain in her voice and i felt sorry for the two women. Daniel nodded. "But what if there was a solution that would satisfy all of us?" He asked sitting back in his chair. Both women frowned "What has happened has not been your fault and you had no hand in it, yet you are the ones that suffer for it" He continued. "I have an idea and i mean no disrespect or to insult you, but i do hope you will at least think about it" He two women looked at it before Yvonne again spoke up. "What idea?" She asked, Daniel gave a small but quick smile before looking at Mrs Every. "I have been to your house before and was impressed with what i saw. Your husband told me you were the designer. Now Lucas here can design buildings, but having an interior designer would be beneficial to me. I would like to offer you the position, in return i would help you in return" Mrs Every spoke up. "I am afraid offering me a job would help, but i would still struggle" I liked this woman already. "Not exactly, the benefits i offer may seem extreme to you but if you accept them i promise you satisfaction" The two woman said nothing as we let them digest this. "What benifits?" Mrs Every asked "I will help you out until your financial situation is under control and you are able to stand on your own two feet. I am also willing to give your daughter a loan to help her complete her course" "Beg your pardon?" Yvonne interrupted "Why would you do that?" Daniel smiled "Your father told me you were an excellent student and believed you would be an excellent doctor. I see no reason for that to end because of his greed. Also i hope to gain an excellent designer. If not i am sure that we can come to some agreement. Before you ask, i understand that you are confused as to why i would help his family after what he did. But i see it as a woman with an excellent eye and talent that i could use and her daughter that has a future that should not be denied. By not offering my services the people you will one day help may not survive, i would not live with that on my mind" He turned to Mrs Every "And i sit here not as a saint or saviour. I am offering your daughter a loan, just as she would have to get anyway if she wished to continue her course and i wish to take advantage of you and your eye for detail" He finished his coffee.

"Here is my card, we will leave yo to think about it" We stood up and left the two women to talk.


"Do you think they will accept your offer?" I asked as we entered my flat. "I hope so" Daniel sighed. He led me to the sofa and sat me down, i frowned when he sat in the chair opposite me. "Luke we need to talk" He said seriously and i began to panic. "It's about our mating" Now i was confused. "As my soulmate, i need to claim your properly. This will include turning you" "Turning me?" Daniel nodded "Luke, humans have such a short lifespan. We vampires want to spend eternity with our mates" My eyes widened, i had never thought about that part of it. "I have decided i don't care about the past Luke. It has gone, our future is what is important" I bit my lip "What if you remember?" I asked, if he remembered i knew he would leave me. "Tell me, was it all bad? Did we not have good times too?" He asked. I couldn't help it when one memory popped to mind. "What is it?" He asked and i had to tell him. "Our first school project, we ended up admitting we watched chick flicks" Daniel blinked and a bark of laughter escaped him "We watched chick flicks?" He asked disbelieving. I nodded "Amber forced you to watch them when you were younger and i watched them with mum" My smile faded. "It was the first time i kissed you" I whispered. Daniel smiled "Was i good?" He teased and i laughed. "I remember feeling like a firework factory, god if the damn door hadn't been open" I shook my head "Amber must have had a good laugh after catching us" "She saw?" He asked and i nodded "Yeah, told us to shut the door next time" I looked at him "You were so much smaller then. Cute, adorable. Now look at you" I sighed and grabbed his hands frowning "I wonder why i can't get that feeling now. When we touched it was like being electrocuted only not in a bad way. I don't know how to describe it" Daniel just smiled "We think it's the time we have spent apart. They will come back, i promise" I just nodded, god i could only hope. I looked up at him "Daniel?" I smiled "I'm hungry" I told him making him laugh.

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