Talk it out

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"Why is he alive? The human should have died. We are ment to be alone" The voices whisper.

I am afraid, darkness all around me. "He should have died"

"Who? Who should have died?" I ask.

"Don't listen to them" Two more voices spoke, the same two i heard the first time. "Go, be with him. Find him"

"Please, tell me who"


We were now sat in my flat, me on the sofa and Daniel on the chair opposite me. I had told him everything. From the day we met until the day i heard he was gone.

Daniel was saying nothing, just staring at the table in betwee us. "So that's why they took me away" He finally said, i just nodded. "I guess they believed that it was for the best. I nearly killed you. I guess they didn't want me to succeed" Daniel shook his head "How can you blame yourself? I should have known better. No one can refuse the bond after all that. I should have waited, should have known you were scared"

"Scared? I was terrified. I had just made love to a boy, so yes i was scared. Still am scared" I let out a small huff of a laugh "I mean serious look at you. At least then i was the obvious male in the relationship. And to find it so easy to just switch rolls and become the girl? To find out the one thing i was denying myself was the one thing i was allowed" I shook my head "And Karen? That is so unlike her. She would have told me the truth, she wouldn't have done that to me. So yeah i blame myself. If Karen feels like she has to convince me you were dead then i can only assume that whatever i did to you was seriously bad"

I collapsed back on the sofa finishing my rant. Daniel looked at me warily. "Can i ask you something?" He asked and i nodded.

"When you found out who i was, you took me back. I thought it might take a while but it only took a couple of days. Why?" I didn't say anything, instead i removed the ring that i had worn for the last seven years and passed it to him. I watched as he examined it and read the inscription on the inside.

"I have lived by that every day, i swore nothing would change. Of course i tried to move on, but i couldn't. I knew you were my soulmate even if i didn't know about vampires. When i found out you were alive there were so many emotions running through my head. I was glad that i had the chance to say sorry, i was hurt that we had been apart for seven years, angry at those who came between us and relieved that i had infact kept my promise" I told him. Daniel said nothing as i continued. "The day i came to your office was a nightmare, your voice, your body. Oh god i remember how much i desired you there and then. Every day i was falling for you and every day i hated you a bit more. I belonged only to you and i was determined to remain faithful" I shook my head. "And then to find out that with all of it i really was keeping my promise. I was relieved, i actually remained faithful to you" I trailed off. Daniel stood up and knelt infront of me. "But why?" He asked "At first i tried to move on, i really did. But my heart wouldn't let me. I guess it's a family trait, well so mum told me. When we fall in love, find our soulmate, we can't move on. No matter how much we want to. After a while i realised i didn't want to. I only wanted you back" Daniel had placed his hand on my cheek and i closeed my eyes nuzzling into his palm.

"And then Amber came and you were here" I smiled. "I spent the rest of the week thinking about everything. Then it turns out you still want me. I knew if that was the case i was powerless to refuse you. What would be the point of fighting the inevitable?" I opened my eyes to stare at his silver ones.

"Luke" He breathed. "Everything happens for a reason, what happened between us and the last seven years was supposed to. It's where we go from here that matters" He told me. "How can you forgive me so easily?" I whispered. Daniel sighed and picked me up before sitting down with me on his lap. "Even if i did remember, baby you have suffered for seven years. That in itself shows me how remorseful and honest you are, you have suffered enough. And besides, i've had to go without you too, finding out i already had my mate. Baby i've been looking for you, i've spent five years wishing you were by my side" He laughed "When you came in through that door i was so overcome by your beauty i was actually scared of frightening you. When i made that comment about making you wish you were never born was the hardest thing i had ever done. But when you said 'you already did' my heart nearly died" He shook his head. "And when i realised you had already been claimed, i was so hurt, so angry. I didn't recognise the other scent because it was so old, as if you had been claimed and forgotten" He chuckled "Actually i guess that's exactly what happened. Then your friends told me the truth and i found myself curious, you were mine yet you refused to let go of a dead man. Except you still wore his mark, the mark that should have disappeared when he died. But he was just a child so cutting his wrists would have killed him, he was still human. But then i got confussed again. He was to young to find his mate, i had never heard of an early tranformation so was confussed. But it hurt that you kept pushing me away, rejecting me"

"Issac" I groaned realising i had pushed him into the boys arms. Daniels arms tightened around me. "That was a mistake. I just wanted to get my mind of you, after you kicked me out i went to my parents house. They began to tell me everything, our story. Trust me i felt so bad when i realised there was a chance you heard" "Oh i heard alright" I muttered. "I'm sorry" He appologised and i shook my head.

Something occured to me and i shifted, Daniel watching me as i pulled his arms from me and sat next to him. "I want to see" I told him grabbing his wrists. Daniel looked to me to the leather bands "Luke i've never taken them off, i don't know what it is" He told me quietly.

Without saying another word i started to undo the buckles.



I watched as Luke undone my bands, i had never taken them off since my family told me about my so called accident. I didn't want to see the reminders of that night.

I searched his face as i felt the band fall off my wrist and his eyes widened on a gasp. He quickly undone the other one and held my hands palm up looking at both wrists, his eyes misting with tears before they fell. I turned my attention to my wrists and my own eyes widened as i saw the scars. "You didn't slit your wrist, you were trying to cut your hands off. What were you using? An hacksaw?" He asked. We both stared at the huge scars. I couldn't help a small smile as i looked up at him. "Is it weird to say i'm not that bothered by them?" I asked and he looked at me in confussion. "It just goes to prove, not even death can tear us apart" I whispered. Luke began to laugh and wiped the tears from his face. "Th..that was so corny" He chuckled and i couldn't help but laugh with him. I pulled him back into my arms and took in his scent. My god he was mouth watering, Luke placed his head on my shoulder and gaved me a small kiss on the side of my neck.

I stiffened as an image of a younger Luke sucking on my neck flashed before my eyes. "Daniel?" Luke whispered, concern lacing his voice. I just smiled at him. "I want to try something" I told him as i lifted him up and placed him on my lap facing me. He watched wide eyes as i raised my hand to my neck and his eyes darkened as i used a nail to make a small cut. Without needing instruction Luke swooped down onto my neck latching his lips to my skin.


This bit gets steamy


I cried out the second i felt him suckling my neck, i thought drinking from him was a turn on my god. Lukes fingers tangled in my hair as if trying to pull me closer, his little ass began grinding on my rising erection and my hips bucked causing him to moan. I wrapped my arms around his slender body as our bodies moved in sync.

"Luke" I half moaned, half sighed. He continued sucking and nipping at my neck, draeing out more of my blood. My hands flew to his hips as i grinded his ass on my aching member, making him moan into my neck. Did he even know what he did to me?

He finally released my neck and i knew the cut had healed. Damn he looked so hot. His eyes glazed over with lust, his skin flushed andmy blood on his panting lips. Moaning i pulled him in for a lustful kiss. Both of us lost in a sexual daze. We ended up tearing each others shirts off in a desperate attempt for skin contact. Our hands explored each ohers bodies as or hips continued to gyrate. Luke pulled out of the kiss gasping "Daniel, oh god. Please" I could feel the tension in his body. My fangs grew out and i kissed his neck which he tilted for me as an invitation. Growling i sank them in to hos soft flesh and i felt him stiffen before releasing a small cry as his body jerked releasing his seed. That alon wih his blood flowing over my tongue, umdone as i wrapped my arms around him and cried out my own release, rubbing against his delectable body. I released his neck and licked the wounds before pulling him into my chest.


Steamy bit over


We lay there getting our breaths back as i ran my hand over his back. Lukes arms wrapped around my neck.

Once i had stopped panting i kissed the top of his head. "No matter what happened baby. I love you" I told him. Luke looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes before tightening his grip. "Please" He begged quietly "Stay with me" I smiled and held him tighter "Forever love"

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