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I assumed we were at the entrance. The sight before me almost shocked me, the councillors were stood there with hundreds of wolves in front of them.

"Get out of our way"The one hissed at them, the voice in my head chuckled. It felt weird knowing that there was another presence inside me, yet i trusted it fully as it guided me.

The wolves bowed their heads and made a pathway for them and we watched as they left.

"Thank you my friends" Daniels voice boomed out "You have shown your loyalty to me over these many years and shall be rewarded" Their growls echoed through the halls. Lucas turned to him "Shall we my love?" Daniel smiled and took his hand, my feet were itching to move and my mouth was watering 'We live for the hunt' I will never get used to that voice.

We followed Daniel and Lucas outside and what we saw shocked me again. Miles of nothing but land around us, i could just make out the outline of trees in the distance. But what got me was the people. Thousands of vampires with black eyes surrounded us. The councilors were in the middle looking around. "They came" Lucas exclaimed happily making the rest of us frown. I turned to Catherine to see how she was faring 'Our beautiful Eara, she is strong' I couldn't disagree with that. "What is this?" One of the councilors demanded 'Councilor no more, we are the council, they are traitors' I agreed with that. My eyes went up to the sky to see a red moon 'The luna eclipse' Lucas had said something about that. My eyes once again traveled to the traitors and i noticed one was missing. "Good evening my friends, i see you made it" Lucas called out "You have gathered here today to witness the return of our king and the end of the councils rule. Many of you have lost loved ones because of these people, knowing full well that they are innocent of the crimes of which they have been accused. The truth is they have been sentenced for crimes that the council has committed knowingly. Their greed for power has consumed them and now they have forgotten their vows. Today is their trial and sentencing" Lucas spoke softly yet i knew that all had heard them.

The traitors looked around, shock and fear radiating from them. "They are guilty, the sentence is death" I felt myself smile and my feet moved, as did the others, towards the small group. All eyes watched as we pounced on the group. They fought back as we tore them apart, our vampire beings relishing the screams and blood.

When we had finished we turned to Daniel and Lucas who had stayed behind, a hunger so deep inside me. Lucas just smiled at us. "Let us return to our friends" He said and we followed him willingly.



After watching the end of the councilors Luke led us back to the basement. Worry came to me when we saw the door ripped of it's hinges. We ran inside to find the humans tucked into one corner. Our heads snapped to the other side of the room where we found Lampard and in his hands was Dave. "Now Mr Lampard, what do you think you are doing?" Luke asked. "What have you done with the others?" He demanded. "Have you been feeding from him?" Luke asked, ignoring the question and looking at Daves bloody body. "Daft question i can see his blood on your lips. Oh and they were killed" He added the last part as an afterthought.

Lampard snarled at him. "Oh dear, you drained him" Luke continued. Lampard dropped the now dead body and stepped over it. "Then i guess your council is incomplete" He smirked. I could hear Jess crying behind me, screaming for Dave. "Oh Lampard, you will never learn" Luke shook his head. "You do not kill a human, and you certainly do not drain a human who has just tasted the blood of a turned witch" His eyes flickered behind Lampard. "Isn't that correct councilor Brock" We all gasped as Daves figure rose from behind Lampard. Lampard turned round to find himself staring into a pair of black eyes. Dave hissed and lunged at him, knocking Lampard down and before he could fight back his fangs sunk into his neck.

Lampard screamed and struggled as we watched Dave drink hungrily and his screams turned to whimpers, until finally nothing.

Luke tore a piece of his shirt and handed it to Dave. "Welcome councilor Brock" He greeted him as Dave wiped the blood of his face. "Aiomi, a pleasure as always" He turned to me and bowed. "Your highness"

"David?" A timid voice called out and Dave/Brock turned to the voice. "Burns" His face lit up and he took a step towards her. I quickly grabbed hold of him and he began to struggle. "Let me go" He hissed, his eyes remaining on Jess. "Love it's ok" My head snapped to Luke. "He.. Well he's like i was" Luke frowned. I released Dave and he stormed over to Jess gathering her in his arms and pulling her to him. "I have missed you so much" He whispered in her ear. Jess whimpered, unmoving and not knowing what to do. "Brock please be careful she is only human" Luke laughed and Dave pulled his head back to look at her. "Jessica and my human name is David" Jess nodded and sighed. "I am sorry my love, it has been so long, and i wasn't exactly woken up nicely" This made some of us chuckle. "Forgive me for what you have witnessed love. I do not want you afraid of me" Jess just looked confussed. "Will you be like them?" She asked and he nodded. "When Dave has rested he will be in control and i will be in his mind" "And i will be this Burns?" She asked "Yes and like me she too will be in your mind, but she will not hurt you. She will just want to be with us" Jess looked at the floor and sighed, before looking up and smiling. "I love you both" Daves eyes widened "Are you sure?" I felt confussed. 'To love both human and vampire nature is a big thing. She has accepted his entire being' Anka informed me. Jess nodded. "Then we shall love you both if you agree to join us" He informed her. Jess frowned. "My dear Jess, we are vampires. I only hope one day you will agree to become one too" Jess looked at the ground and Dave used a finger to lift her chin. "Do not think about it now, i will happily wait for you" Jess nodded and buried her face into his chest.

I couldn't stop the smile on my face as i looked around the room, all these people were now my family.

And with that thought my world turned black.



We all watched as Daniel slumped to the floor "Danny" I cried out running to him. I fell to the floor and craddled his head checking for any injuries, but he had none.

"What's happening to him?" I cried "He is remembering, Anka is returning his memories" I looked up at Lucas who was crying, a broken look on his face. "He will remember everything"

My eyes widened in realisation, he was afraid. Afraid Danny would leave him.

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