Telling the humans

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I couldn't take my eyes off him, his long red hair was tied back and his light green eyes. His face was perfectly sculptured as if Michelangelo had carved him himself.

I had barely noticed when the others had left "Well Kellon, it has been awhile. Tell me, what name do you go by?" Lukas asked. Kellon never took his eyes off me as he replied "My human name is Andrew Davidson" He smiled at me, i felt as if my heart knew him. 'We do' A voice whispered in my head. I wanted to cry when he fimally took his eyes off me, but was relieved i could concentrate on what was happening around me.

I couldn't help but notice when we came here how the vampires were being. Amber had stayed close to Yvonne, Karen had stayed close to Lee, the brother and sister stayed with the two boys, I van with Pamela amd Damiel with me.

I had noticed the man next to me as soon as i entered the room and this was the first time i stopped looking at him. He had called me Kara, whoever that was?

"Well we have time i suppose we can tell you our story" I realised Lukas was talking to Lee.

"Along time ago vampires had a king and a council. In those day vampires did not have soulmates, they found their mates by choice, just like humans. Unlike humans they did not choose for love, but for power. Except one" He turned to the man next to me.

"There was a council member called Kellon who could not fimd someone suitable and went traveling to fimd his mate. Alon his journey he met a wealthy vampire called Bonehill. Now Bonehill had a daughter who was imtroduced to Kellon as Kara. It was her fathers hope that Kellon would take her. She refused him, she did not want to be mated to some greedy councillor" I heard him chuckle "Kellon was determimed and began chasing her in earnest. Ti, e and time again Kara refused, but enjoyed his company none the less. For thirty years Kellon tried to persuade her amd even fell in love with her. But after thirty years of refusal Kellon submitted.

He decided her happiness was what mattered the most and arranged to meet wih her. He told her that he was leavimg to continue his search and admitted how he felt. He told her that whoever he chose would never compare to her, but he refused to make her miserable and he would leave her to fimd the love she wanted. Before she could say anything he left. When Kara regained herself she ran home to find he had gone, she quickly packed her things amd followed him.

Five years later Kellon had found no one and decided that he should return home, he council would have to choose his wife. Alomg the way he came acros a carriage that had buckled a wheel and he climbed off his horse to offer his assistance. When he spoke the door flew open and he saw Kara climbing out. He was so happy to se her that without thinking he pulled her into his arms. Kara begged him to say he still loved her as she loved him, she had been foolish to deny him and that she loved him very much. Kellon couldn't have been more thrilled and quickly repairing the broken wheel escorted her to his home"

"Wait so he thinks that i'm Kara" Lukas laughed "Years later the king fell ill and his son was sent to find a mate. The sons name was Anka. He traveled only a few months before returning, to the horror of the council she was human. A food source. They were arrested and the council tried to get Prince Anka to see reason, which he refused. The girl was no human, but a witch. They had never been heard of before so to the vampire race she was just human.

She spoke to the guards everyday and they began to care for her, even allowing her one nigt with Anka. That night he claimed and mated her, now this is where it gets interesting.

You see vampires only mated with vampires so no one knew this would happen. When your mate claims and mates you they inject their venom into you, this shows that you have been claimed. But do it to a human and they turn into a vampire too. The next day they stood trial, but Aomi was turning. She cursed the council, bindimg them to their mates and each other for all eternity. But even she didn't know that durimg the transition her powers would influx and as she was already very powerful she cursed the entire vampire race" Lukas paused there looking at us humans. "You, me, Pam, Yvonne, Dave, Jess and Lee were are the only himan part of the council. Well not me anymore. But everything is tied to Daniel, , yself Lee and Dave only bullied Daniel, Karen turned to him when she found out her past, you were found by him when you were im danger and the boys adopted by those tied to us"

"So we're part of this council?" Dave asked "Yes, apart from the boys we all look exactly like we did when we were last here"

"So we have to become vampires?" That was Jess "Yes" Her shoulders slumped "And our boys?" "I am sorry Jess but they were born vampires. They should not have even been in the orphanage you went to. But they will join us when it is time" Jess said nothing and Dave just held her.

Suddenly Lukas lifted his head towards the door. "It's time" He said before looking at us "Forgive me, we will see you soon" Bfore i could ask what he ment i found myself back in the cell. I ran to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. I looked around to see the other humans with me. "Blast, i am so going to kill them for this" I muttered before sitting down.



The humans disappeared before our very eyes, whoever this Anka was she was powerful. "Now it is time for you all to awaken" Luke turned to us and i frowned. Before i could ask what he ment a blinding pain went through my head bringing me to my knees, a loud moan escaped my lips and i felt like dying. What felt like ages but was mere seconds the pain went. Shakily i began to stand up. "What did you do?" I asked and Luke just smiled. I turned to my mate and gasped Catherines eyes were pitch black. "What have you done?" I demanded through gritted teeth. 'Anka has awoken us' A voice said inside my head making me frown. 'I am Ethos, head councillor and mate of Eara' I turned to Cathrine 'Eara' The voice sighed. I was confussed. 'I am the beast Aomi spoke of, this is the way we are ment to be. Your eyes are black allowing others to see i am in control' I shook my head, no i have control of my own body. 'It is because we have just awoken, i am present in your mind but you are using my strength' Will i get used to this 'Yes' I turned to Lukas to see his eyes were red, but he was looking at Daniel who stepped foward. "Councillors we have traitors in our kingdom, those who would rather us dead then allow us our places" I could hear Ethos grumble, he wanted their blood. "Tonight we shall return to our places, bathed in the blood of these traitors. For to long we have been absent, learning from our mistakes. Tonight the king returns and we shall reign again" I could feel it, everyone was confussed, but something inside us was rilled up by the speech. We found ourselves running to who knows where. 'Trust us' The voice said 'For the good of our race trust us' And for some reason, i did.

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