Dead man walking

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I was about ready to bang my head against the nearest brick wall., they had separated me from Michelle. "Look i'm fine honest" I said for the umpteenth time. "Love we know that, it's just this is not normal for a newborn" I frowned "What the fact that i'm not thirsty?" Michelle snorted "Don't forget the freaky eyes"

"WHAT?" Daniel was soon behind me and wrapping his arms around me "Baby your eyes are bright red" Something tugged at the back of my mind and i relaxed "Oh ok" This made them frown again, ok so i have no idea what it was that calmed me down. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths and focused on the colour of my eyes. After a minute i opened them again. "That's so cool" Michelle exclaimed and Daniel spun me round looking at my eyes. Damn did he always look this good and how the hell had i not noticed his smell. I couldn't help it as I pushed myself closer, grabbing his shirt and running my nose up his throat. "Mmm, Daniel i purred. Daniels body stiffened "Baby" He gritted between clenched teeth "Mmm?" "He managed to push me off and i pouted "Later i promise" He said before bundling me back in his arms.

"Our biggest problem at the moment is how the hell we keep Luke safe" Issac decided to speak up. I turned round staying in Daniels arms. "Actually, you'll find your biggest problem is how do we get into the council chamber" All eyes turned to me "What do you mean 'get in?' Are you mad?" Sandra asked. I frowned, what did i mean? "I have to go to the council chamber" I shrugged. "No" Daniel gripped me tighter and i looked up at him "I have to be there" Daniel sighed "Why?" He sounded as of in pain. "I..i can't remember" Hmm, strange, i looked over at Leon who was staring at me curiously. "Look we have a couple of weeks now that Amelia is in our custody" Amelia? "Am i missing something" I asked. Nobody said anything. "Actually" Leon spoke up "I think we all are. You Luke Wade are definitely something else" Huh? "I wonder if we can find records on you" "Say what?" Daniel laughed "Love you do realise it takes months for a newborn to control his hunger, you should be fighting like mad right now to get to Michelle"

I wondered why it was different for me "That plus your eyes, i've never heard of a vampire with red eyes before" Leon continued "I wonder what the records say about that?" "Nothing they were destroyed centuries ago" My eyes widened, where did that come from? "Baby?" Daniel looked down at me "Sorry i have no idea what made me say that" I confessed.

Again something was niggling the back of my mind. Suddenly a scent caught my attention and my head snapped towards the source. Michelle, damn, i pressed my back into Daniel. "Michelle needs to leave" I growled, Michelle opened her mouth to say something "Unless you want me to finish what i started" This made her pale "I'll take her" Sandra said grabbing her arm and leading her out.

Once she was outside my head snapped towards another scent, it was only now i realised Issac had a rucksack in his hands. Chuckling he threw it to me and i deftly caught it "Thanks" I near tore the zipper as i opened the bag and grabbed the first bottle. 'Damn i was thirsty' I thought as i started the second bottle. There was seven bottles and i drank the lot, i hadn't even noticed the others talking. "So how the hell do we find out what is happening?" Daniel growled. I couldn't help but sigh, my head was full of information and i had no idea what it was or what it ment.

"Look there is nothing you guys can do, there is a reason and i wish i could remember what it was. And i wish i knew how i know all this, but something is happening and all we can do is make sure it goes right" Again they all stared at me "Exactly what are you?" Sandra mused out loud. What came out of my mouth was obvious to all not me

"Dead man walking, they should have kill me the first time"

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