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"Hello dear" I turned to see a woman on front of me "I was wondering when i would get to see you again"

"Where am i?" I asked, the woman just smiled at me "This is my home" "And you are?" I didn't mean to be rude.

"Of course you wouldn't remember, i am Diane and this is Luke" She waved to a man that i hadn't noticed until now. "We are Lukes parents" I frowned "Yes we are dead" She said as if reading my mind. "We just needed to talk to you" "About what?" The man spoke up "About what happened to you during your change" I was...confused. Lukes mum sighed "You dream about it now"

Words went flying through my head, things i had thought were just random dreams.

'Why is he alive? The human should have died'

'They will never meet, we are safe'

'He found his mate, it cannot happen. What do we do now? It is time to end this'

'What have you done to me?'

'Go be with him, find him'

'Return to him'

"We tried to warn you, we couldn't tell you exactly" Diane shrugged. "But you told me to find him" Diane smiled shyly "He was hurting without you, he's my son i want him happy" I umderstood that. "Do you know what is happening to him?" I asked curiously "But of course we do" I knew she wasn't going to elaborate, Luke spoke up again "Just trust him, he may not remember, but he knows what must be done" I frowned "All we can tell you is that things are going to change in your world"

I wish i knew what they were talking about. Diane looked towards the window "It's time to wake up, Luke needs you. Keep him and yourself fed well, he will need it"

And with that it went black.


I woke up to find Luke missing, sitting up quick i looked around. A whimper had me turning to the corner of his room and i let out a sigh of relief. Luke was curled up in the corner, his knees tucked under his chin and his head down. He was rocking backwards and forwards. "Baby?" I called as i got out of bed, Luke let out a small whimper. I slowly made my way over so not to frighten him. "Baby, are you ok?" I asked again as i knelt next to him. He muttered something that sounded like 'run' "Baby what? I didn't hear that. "Run" He growled at me. Why would i run? I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, ready to comfort him.

I was not expecting him to grab my wrist in a painful grip. "I warned you" He growled before lifting his head. His eyes were blood red and his face was turned into a sneer. And his fangs, shit i have never seen fangs that long. My thoughts were interupted as i found myself thrown against the bed with Luke hovering over me. "You should have run love" His voice was low and dangerous and damn if it wasn't having an effect on me. A wicked smile crossed his lips before he lowered his head. "You smell soo good love" He whispered as he ran his nose over my neck, i couldn't help but moan then i yelled out as without warning Luke sank those large fangs into my neck.

My head rolled back and my hands flew to his hips, once the initial pain had gone, i felt only bliss. Having Luke drinking from me was out of this world. A low moan dragged me out of my thoughts and i realised it had come from me.

Luke moaned as my blood ran over his tongue and down his throat. I could feel myself getting harder with each draw of blood Luke took from me. With a loud growl i picked him up and lay us on the bed. Settling myself between his legs i began to grind my erection against his causing him to moan.

Damn i wanted to be in him badly. This was made worse when Luke tore at my shirt, tearing it to shreds in his bid to remove it. Finally he removed his fangs and licked the wound closed. "I want you" He whispered huskily. His fangs still dropped amd eyes red with my blood on his lips, shit he was a sight to behold. Our lips smashed together in a hunger i had never felt before and we tore at each others clothing. I realised we needed this.


Pervs, try the restricted chapters


I was woken by someone tracing patterns on my chest, i opened my eyes to see Luke curled up against me. I had one arm under him, holding him close to me and i couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry" I heard Luke whisper "What for baby?" What was he sorry for? "I attacked you" I wanted to laugh, but refrained from doing so. "Baby don't worry, it is to be expected. You need blood amd beimg turned you need your mates blood too. Just promise me next time you will tell me" Luke looked up at me, his brown eyes unsure. "But if that's the result you can jump me more often" I teased wanting to lighten the mood. It worked as he blushed and ducked his head. "What were you thinking about when i woke up?" I asked. Luke looked up at me.

"How strange it all is, you feel warmer now. Things look and sound clearer, like i've spent my life with my head under water" I wished i knew what he ment. "But i was thinking that i'm glad i found you again" Something stirred in my memory and i squirmed. "Luke we need to talk" He looked at me worry creasing his face. I smiled and kissed his forhead "It's nothing bad, promise. Just while i was asleep i dreamt about your parents" Luke nodded "They told you" That surprised me "I don't know what is happening or what it has to do with us. But whatever it is we will get past it and be happy" He sounded so sure that i couldn't help but believe him.

"Tell me about us" I asked "What were we like?" I was always curious about us, Luke had only giving me a vague background. Luke sighed "When i was being an ass we were so miserable, i hated how i treated you, but was more concerned about my rep, and you took it all. You hated me for it" He groaned "I can remember our mums catching us making out in your kitchen" I couldn't help but laugh.

But when we were lost in each other we were so happy, as if nothing else mattered. We got into an argument where you said you hated me and i said i wished i could hate you, then kissed the life out of you"

I had frozen, surely not? "You begged me to kiss you" Lukes eyes widened "Yes"

"My coma, i heard things, voices, they said things. That was one of them" Luke smiled "So somewhere in your mind your memories are locked" I had never thought of it that way "But who locked them away?" He mused to himself "Huh?" "Well you wouldn't be able to so someone got to you. Amelia would know, but i bet she's not going to tell. Somehow i get the feeling it has to do with the fact that you tried to kill yourself. I should have died" His eyes widened. "Damnit that's it. Remove your memories and i either move on or preferably kill myself. But you said we were mated, albeit wrongly done" He sat up smiling "You daft sod, here we are blaming ourselves over the last seven years and in actuality it is what has kept us alive"

"Wait Luke slow down, what are you going on about?" I asked. "Don't you see? If we were together when you turned then one of us would have died. Surviving your suicide attempt changed all that" I was struggling to get my head around all this.

Luke started laughing, "Amelia thought she could change the outcome of her visions when she is the reason they came true" I shook my head smiling "She couldn't change her dreams, so she decided to try. Not realising she was the reason she saw them"

It made sense in a way. Luke jumped out of bed. "What are you doing babe?" I asked smiling. "I know you, you would want to tell he others"

I lent over and grabbed him by the arm, pullimg him back onto the bed "That can wait until morning, right now i just want you in my arms" Luke nodded smiling before wrapping himself around me. "I love you baby" I whispered into his hair. Luke gave me a quick squeeze "I love you too"

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