Hamingways second mate

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"We don't know"

"Find her"

"Sir forgive us but your mate may have been discovered"

"Oh, by who? No one knows about us. If they do then we will loose what we have fought for. They will take our positions and our world will suffer, if they take over. We are the most powerful, only one can stop us and he is not here"



"How Amelia hid the fact that she was over two thousand years old is what's bugging me" Leon said.

"Well it's not like you can check up on these things" Issac shrugged looking at me. They were driving me insane, just because i was different.

"My concern is what is happening with Luke, how does a turned vampire take to the transformation better than a fledgling?" I sighed amd rolled my eyes.

"If you want the answer to that then you better find a way into the council chamber" I said, again.

"Why do you want to go there?" Daniel asked concerned "If you do they will kill you"

"Daniel they won't, i have told you this before. Their time is over, the new council will be held"

"How do you know all this?" Sandra asked and i just shrugged.

"I wish i knew" I sighed "I just do, Daniel has explained to me that some vampires have gifts. Maybe knowledge is mine" I guessed. To be honest i was getting a headache. "You ok love?" Daniel asked coming behind me and wrapping his arms around me "Yeah, think i'm getting thirsty or hungry not sure which" I sighed leaning in to him. Amber came out with a bottle of blood. "Try this if it doesn't work then we'll get you fed" Got to give it to her, she is trying.

Catherine spoke up then "Can we get back to the original conversation please" She sounded as fed up as me. Yeah we were talking about my epiphany last night.

"You said you believed everything happened the way it was suppose to?" She asked me and i shook my head. "Daniel should have not found out, i think because i bullied him but never touched him he would never have known. We were ment to meet again later in life" My eyes widened and i smiled "Actually thinking about it we would have left school gone to seperate colleges and i would have still ended up at Knights properties. But stick a child going through an early transformation with his mate and when the transition happens i'm betting the mate is killed. Amelia was banking on that. But it went wrong we ended up mating even if it was hashed. Then Daniel tried to kill himself, putting him in a coma during his transformation and keeping me safe. Somehow the council found out and locked his memories, after all a human mate will move on and break the bond and he wouldn't come back to claim me" I chuckled "They didn't expect me to remain faithful or believe in soulmates" I finished.

"Dare i ask how you know that?" Sandra asked "Just guessing really, but think about it, if she saw something that threatened her mate and his position then she would do anything to stop it. Problem is she had no idea that she caused it" I explained. "Yeah problem with that" Sandra said "If she had done nothing then you would still be a threat to them" I smiled and shook my head "No because Daniel would never have been strong enough. I was the dominant entity in our relationship, i believe that his transformation would have followed the natural path and he would still be that cute boy i first fell for. Instead while Daniel was in his coma transforming i had gone into depression, i became weak and submissive so he became stronger. Giving him what he needs to become head councilor"

"You've really given this a lot of thought haven't you?" I smiled at Daniel and nodded "Ever since i woke up it's like i can't stop thinking. I have that many things going through my head, things i have no idea how i know it. I need a plan of the council hall because mt mind keeps trying to lock onto that as well as how we ended up here thanks to Amelia, how to unlock your memories and how it was done in the first place and to top it off, who the hell is this dead man walking and who should have killed him the first time round" I huffed the last part.

"Have you heard that voice before or since?" Leon asked and i shook my head "I don't know, something about it is important. Not just to me but to everyone" I sighed, i was definitely hungry now. "Can we just forget that i seem to know everything yet know nothing and just accept that it just is?" I asked making the others chuckle. I groaned and broke away from Daniel going into the kitchen, right now a cheese and onion sandwich sounded good.

"You know something?" Daniel asked coming into the kitchen as I had just finished grating the cheese "We haven't been on a date yet" I couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Is that your way of ask......" My words stalled as imaged flashed before my eyes, so quock i was surprised i caught them. "Luke? Luke?"

I dropped the grater and ran into the living room "You should have mentioned Hamingway was one of you" I growled at Sandra and Issac "God help us if we're too late" I was rushing to put my shoes on "What is it?" Issac asked "They attacked Hamimgway at his home his second mate was with him" Daniel grabbed me just as i was about to open the door. "His second mate?" "Pamela, she's his second mate. All betrayed councillors will meet theirs, we need them. But if we don't hurry they will die" And with that i opened the door and ran.


Arriving at the large mansion it was more than obvious something had happened, something bad.

"Ivan, Pamela" I called out, not caring right now how the hell i knew his name as i ran inside. I stopped at the sight in front of me. Pamela lay at the bottom of the stairs pale and unmoving. "Shit" I ran over to her.

Nothing, she was gone, yet i couldn't see how she died. "Urgh damn it, could you be any later?" Hamingways voice made me turn my head and my jaw dropped. What the hell happened to the short round fella i had met before? He looked at Pamela and smiled. "Hide no more" He commanded and i watched as her colour returned and she began to breath.

"The hell?" I muttered before turning my glare to him "An illusionist?" The taller, more well built man smiled at me. "Of course, though at the moment i am not strong enough to cover both of us" I looked at Pamela again "You convinced them she was dead" Hamingway said nothing "Did she see anything" His face fell "Yes, i don't know what her reaction will be" We were disturbed by Pamela stirring. "Luke?" She asked her voice croaky. "Hey" I smiled down at her. She sat up slowly and looked around, her eyes widened when then landed on Hamingway.

"Hey" I drew back her attention to me "It's ok, he won't hurt you" I cooed. "He..they.." She was shaking, i put my arms around her. "Can you leave us for a minute?" I asked the others. Daniel and Hamingway seemed reluctant. "We will be right here" They just nodded and followed the others. I helped her up and sat on the stairs. "Pamela, listen to me ok?" Pamela nodded, not letting go of my hands. "As you have seen vampires are real" She shook her head no "Yes Pamela, they are. You were not supposed to know, humans are not supposed to know about them" Her eyes were wide open afraid. "You know" She whispered. I smiled "Did you ever read vampire stories or werewolf?" I asked and she nodded "Then you would know that they have soulmates. The one person destined to be with them, to love them" She just nodded again. "Well i am a soulmate, Daniels actually" "Mr Knight is one?" She shrieked. "Yeah. Don't worry he would never hurt us. Everyone here is one, they are the vampires that follow the law. They do not feed of humans without permission. Actually they drink bottled blood." Her body seemed to relax abit at this. "But earlier?" I knew what she wanted to know. "The people who hold the laws of vampires are power hungry people. Every one thousand years they are replaced by new blood. They do not want to give up the power they have, one thousand years ago Mr Hamingway and a few others were supposed to be the new council, but they prevented this. Now the new council has been born and ready to take their place, but again the council refuse to stand down" What does this have to do with Ivan?" She asked. "He's helping the new council to take it's place. To them he is a threat, believe me if he knew you would get involved he would have done everything he could to keep you away. In fact he kept you safe, the council left thinking you were dead" Pamela was quiet and i let her think about it. "What happens to me now?" She asked, i smiled "You will be safe. Though i'm afraid you will have to stay with Ivan. He will be your best protection" "Yvonne?" "She is safe, we will send someone to protect her. Infact i bet someone is already there at her college, we will contact them" She let out a sigh of relief. "So why must Ivan protect me, why not someone else?" She asked and i frowned. What the hell do i tell her. 'The truth' That voice spoke to me, wow had been wondering where it had gone. "Ivan will not let anyone else do it. You see you are his soulmate" I sighed. "What?" She breathed "Pamela, listen. He will protect you with his life, he will do anything in his power to make you happy and god help anyone who hurts you or makes you sad" I told her. Pamela bit her lip. "What makes you think i'm his soulmate? You could be wrong" I shook my head "The way he looks at you, the way he protects you. Pamela if you were just a regular human he would not be like this trust me. He is pacing around in the other room worrying that he has lost you before he even had you. He would have told you himself, he wanted to woo you, court you, love you even. Before he told you the truth" Again i sat there letting it all sink in and i realised that Pamela was one of hose women that just went along with what ever was happening. "Can i ask you something?" Pamela nodded. "Did you ever do anything for yourself? I mean your wedding, your life, the way you were?" Pamela shook her head "Only the divorce" I nodded "Wouldn't you want a life where a man thought you were his whole world, love you for who you are not what you can give him. A man devoted to just you?" A small smile graced her lips. "A man who, whenever he looked at you, touched you, kissed you, made you feel like a teenager on her first love? Who made you feel loved, special and as if nothing else mattered? Knowing in fact that how he makes you feel is exactly how he sees you" Pamela sighed "You make it sound so wonderful" I smiled "Trust me it is, knowing that Daniel will never leave me, hurt me or have me sad. Knowing that even a minute together is a treasured moment" Now i sighed "What you had with your husband was nothing compared to what you will have with Ivan if you give him a chance"

Footsteps pulled us out of our thoughts to see Ivan stood infront of us. "Forgive me" He said nervously "I had to see if you were alright?" He spoke to Pamela who just nodded. A small relieved smile crept onto his face. "Ivan?" Pamela called out as he went to turn. "Thank you" Ivan smile grew. "For you my dear, anything" I watched as they just stared at each other. "You need to talk, i will leave you to it. Don't worry, just call out my name if you need me" I whispered to Pamela who just nodded without taking her eyes off Ivan. And with that i left them.

'I remember' The voice spoke up as i headed to the room where Daniel was. 'I have been to the council chambers before, i remember' I frowned, what does that mean. 'The eclipse, we will be inside the chamber on the luna eclipse' My eyes widened. It looks like we better get planning

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