First day with Mr Knight

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Urgh, i hate mondays. I dragged myself into the office and made my way to Michelles office. I nearly chocked as i entered. My office is a plain room with a desk, table and computer. This, this was luxurious, a large oak desk and top of the range computer sat on it. Damn the girl got it made. Shaking my head i sat at the desk and fired up the computer ready to start my day. From what i could see Mr Knight had six clients to deal with today and i needed to pull the files. A note by the side of the computer caught my eye, opening it, it was from Michelle telling me about the little details.

Getting up i made coffee per instructions and knocked on the door to Mr Knights office. "Come in" A deep voice called from the other side making me shiver, what the hell? I opened the door and entered only stopping as i took in the figure in front of me. Although he had his back to me i could see the muscles under his white shirt, his short dirty blonde hair looked soft and damn that ass looked fine in his dark grey trousers. And damn, he was definitely taller than me. I swallowed my thoughts "Your coffee sir"

The figure turned round "Who are you?" He demanded, oh god the front was defiantly better. "L..lucas Olivers s.sir i'm replacing Michelle until she g.gets back" I stutter. He had dark silver sunglasses on so i couldn't see his eyes. "Are you experienced?" He asked and i had to mentally shake myself, i could soo answer that wrong. "I've been working under Mr Every for the last two months sir" Despite his glasses i could see him frown. "Not long then, what makes you think you are good enough to fill in for Michelle?" Who the hell does this guy think he is. "Ask Michelle, she seems to think i am" I snapped causing him to raise an eyebrow. Damn i wish i could see his eyes. "Are you forgetting your place Olivers?" He was challenging me. I placed his mug on his desk and smiled. "To fill in for Michelle until she gets back, then continue working under Mr Every sir. That is my place." With that i spun round and went to leave. Just as i opened the door he called my name "Speak to me like that again and i'll make you regret the day you were born" He threatened me, i turned my head to look at him "I already do" I whispered and closed the door behind me

Sitting at my desk i placed my head in my hands. "Daniel forgive me, i belong to you and only you" I sighed.

The day continued peacefully, now and i would get Mr Knight his coffee and inform him of arriving clients. It was nearly one o'clock when i heard the commotion from his office "OLIVERS" Jeez someone's not happy, i jumped out of the chair and entered the office. "Do you have a car?" He asked before i had opened my mouth. "Yes sir" "Good, you drive, one of my clients has decided to be a pain in everyone's ass and i've got to sort it out. I hope you haven't got anything planned it's an hour away" His voice left no room for argument and i shook my head, oh hell, a whole hour in a car with this god? Daniel please help me. I played with the ring on my finger, the tiny diamond glinting in the light."Coming" Mr Knights voice brought me from my thoughts. I looked up to see him eyeing my ring, i nodded and followed him out.

Getting into my old stanza i allowed Mr Knight to enter the address before pulling out of the car park. "You married?" He asked me "No i'm not married, why?" I asked confused. "You're wearing a wedding ring" He replied in a duh tone. I couldn't help it, i burst out laughing. Once i managed to calm myself i answered his question. "No I'm not married, gay marriage isn't legal in england. It's a promise ring, my promise to love him forever.." I trailed off, a sad smile on my face. We drove in silence for a few minutes, only the radio played but it was always turned down low. "So tell me about your boyfriend" He finally broke the silence. I bit my lip and thought about it. "He's great. A really nice guy, funny, crazy. One minute he'll drive you nuts and the next he'll having you cry with laughter" I recalled the times we spent together "But give him sweets and you getma hyperactive tornado" I took a deep breath to stop , yself from crying. "So what about you?" I asked desperate to change the subject. "Anyone special?" He didn't answer straight away "No idea" He finally said "I had an accident years ago and can't remember anything from before i woke up" "That's tough" He shrugged "Apparently i was dating this guy, but i was told he was a right dick" I could relate to that.

Nothing else was said as we continued our journey, i couldn't help but sneak glances at the hunk sat next to me. Sometimes he would frown as if trying to solve a puzzle, sometimes his nostrils would flare and sometimes he would be sneaking a look at me.

Just as we were approaching our destination his eyes widened as if realising something and a scowl appeared on his face. I pulled into a large driveway, damn this was no house, but a mansion.

The walls were white washed, three stories high and wide enough to fit ten of my stanzas end to end. "What the hell do i do now?" Mr Knight grumbled angrily as he got out of the car slamming the door behind him. What the hell was his problem? I sighed and followed him into the house. I couldn't see Mr Knight anywhere, the hallway was huge and very old fashioned. A large staircase started in the middle and curved off towards the two sides of the house. Everything was white and hurt my eyes, i walked past the staircase and into a room behind it. A large empty room was what greeted me, other rooms next to that one was the same. I walked back into the hallway to see Mr Knight stood there next to a middle aged gentleman. He was short, fat with dark curly hair. "I'm telling you Knight this is not the property you promised me" Mr Knight sighed "Mr Hamingway, you asked for a mansion with enough room for large parties" Mr Hamingway turned to look at me "Mr Hamingway this is my temporary secretary Mr Olivers" Mr Knight introduced me. "Tell me Mr Olivers, does this look like i could host parties here?" He questioned me. "Well with a bit of work yes" I replied honestly.

Mr Hamingway looked at me "What do you mean?" He asked curiously. "Well the four rooms back here could be turned into one with a large arched entrance behind the stairs, the french doors could either look out onto the gardens or a large conservatory, so that way when the weather is colder people can still leave the room and enjoy the outside without getting cold" I told him, i could see him picturing it, trying to imagine what it would be like. I looked towards Mr Knight who was watching Mr Hamingway, he turned his head to look at me and scowled. Jeesh what was his problem?

"You're right" Mr Hamingway finally declared. "I could afford the the work and make this place wonderful" I was relieved he liked the idea, somehow i got the feeling Mr Knight wouldn't want to mess about with his client. "Mr Knight you have a wonderful mind working for you, tell me is he always this good?" Mr Knight shrugged "He's temporary until my own secretary returns" He sounded angry. "Ahh, pity. If i had someone with his mind i would use it to the fullest. No sir, let me tell you something. This is one mind you wouldn't want to let go" I tuned the rest of the conversation out, not caring about his opinion. "Mr Knight i will meet you at the car" I decided to leave, his cold shoulder was begining to get on my nerves. "No need, i'm coming now" I watched as he said his goodbyes to Mr Hamingway and we left. "Oh and by the way" He stopped me "If you ever decide to leave your current employment, please call me. Someone who can come up with a design on such short notice would be a real treasure to me" I only gave a small "Thank you" Before leaving. I tossed the card onto the back seat as i entered my card. "So are you going to consider his offer?" Mr Knight asked. Why the hell does he sound so venomous? "No, i'm no designer. And i don't think i could work with some one like Mr Hamingway, he's just to much" I shook my head. "Yes well he seemed impressed with you" I just shrugged "I have a job" 

"And if you want to keep it i suggest you stick to your job description Mr Olivers" My jaw dropped "You are a secretary and nothing more. Make sure it remains that way" His said icily. Jerk i just saved his ass and that's the thanks i get?

"Yes sir" I grounded as i left the driveway "Anything else i should remember?" I couldn't help myself. I heard him move. "Yes, you do your job and your job only. Remember i run this business and can easily replace you" My mood shifted, i hated being threatened. "Then it's a good job someone else wants me isn't it?" Mr Knight just shook his head. "Just remember who's in charge and you'll keep your job" I said nothing else. All i wanted to do was get home and have a very long shower.

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