Rental homes

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What was i doing here? I wondered looking around the familiar room, Daniel's room to be exact. I was sat on the bed taking in my surroundings, everything was as i remembered it.

My attention went to the door as i heard it open, my breath caught in my throat as Daniel entered. "Luke" He breathed "D..daniel?" Tears formed in my eyes. Daniel walked over to me "I've missed you" He told me, i didn't say anything, i grabbed him and pulled him onto my lap. Daniel gave out a throaty laugh. "I've missed you so much" I sobbed. Daniel placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me up to look at me. "I'm so sorry" I blubbered "I never ment it. I never wanted you to d..leave me" I rushed. "Shh, i'm here now" He smiled at me, drying my tears. The tears slowed but didn't stop "I wish this was real" I mumbled "Why do you say that?" Daniel asked me "I would wake up to you, instead of the loneliness" Daniel frowned "Why are you alone?" He whispered "Because i killed you" His eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something.



Damn alarm clock.

I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, looking at the mirror i realised i had been crying. The dream came back to me and the tears began to flow again, it had been a while since i last had a dream about Daniel and thought i had got over them. But then again, it was coming up to the seventh anniversary of my loneliness. Maybe that's why the dreams have started again. I sighed and turned to the shower, no that wasn't it. Chucking my boxers in the laundry basket i jumped in the shower.

I wasn't sure how to feel about the dream, happy that i got to see Daniel again, lighter that i got to tell him how sorry i was, sad because it was only a dream. Getting out the shower and wrapping a towel around my waist and went back into the bedroom. Looking around i realised it was exactly like Daniels room, did i do it like this on purpose? I don't remember thinking about it at the time, i frowned, maybe i did.

I went to my wardrobe and got my suit for the day, black trousers, dark blue shirt and tie.

Quickly leaving my flat i made my way to my car and to work. The traffic was light so i got to work a few minutes early. Mr Knights car was already in the lot so i grabbed my case and made my way to the kitchenette to make him his coffee. Thank god it was thursday, Mr Knight has been a real pain in the ass, how the hell Michelle works with him i have no idea. He was on the phone when i entered his office and placed the mug infront of him, he held his hand up telling me to wait.

"What do you mean problems?" He demanded, i couldn't hear the other person "So the price was raised, so what? You have the details" "That's fine pay it, Damn it Mike i pay you to do a job so do it" He slammed the phone down before looking at me. "We're going out" Is all he said before geting up. "The new project has hit a problem and i need to fix it"

"As you say" I replied turning round and getting my keys and jacket. 'Lazy git, has a car and uses me as a damn chauffeur' I thought to myself. I knew of the project he was talking about, ten new houses were being built because Mr Knight wanted to get into rental on a high end scale. I got in the car and waited for Mr Knight to get in, grumbling to myself as i watched him walk to the car, once he was in i took off.

As i drove Mr Knight pulled a file from his dark brown leather briefcase and began reading. I had no idea what happened monday and i was thanking god it was thursday, only one more day left and i would have the weekend away from him. That thought not only made me happy but the thought of not seeing him for two days hurt. Everyday i had prayed to Daniel at least a hundred times, i belonged to him and no one else. But this man had my emotions all over the place.

"So what is the problem with the site?" I asked, Mr Knight looked through the paper work "Three of the houses have been built wrong, the designs have been mixed up somewhere and now we have to see what the hell has gone wrong" And that ladys and gentlemen was the end of the conversation.

Thankfully it was only a forty minute drive to the site, pulling up on a dirt road i parked near the tin office. "What is going on?" Mr Knight demanded of the supervisor who was a short middle aged man with greasy black hair and a gut that hung over his trousers. "I have no idea Mr Knight they should have been given the same plans" He said getting up from his chair, puffing from the exertion. Mr Knight turned to me "The houses are supposed to have four bedrooms" He pointed to the house nearest us "That is one of the ones built wrong wrong, go in and report back to me" I grabbed a hard hat and turned to them "As you say" I said as i left towards the building" Walking towards the house i spotted another worker, younger and fitter than the supervisor but looked similar, i was guessing either his son or a relative. "Excuse me, do you have the plans for this building?" I asked "Yeah sure" He handded me a large roll, i thanked him and wandered round the house. I looked at the plans compared to the ones Mr Knight had given me. Ok so the houses seemed smaller than the original ones but the worst of it would be upstairs, walking up i entered the first room, if you can call it that. It was quite small, i frowned and moved to the next room which was definatly larger. Again i turned to the plans and realised their was two other rooms on the other side of the hallway. They both seemed reasonably sized and at the end of the hallway was a bathroom. I went to the first large room and looked at the wall that was between me and the small room and smiled, it could be fixed easily. How could he not see that himself? I sat on the floor and pulled out the plans pulling out the pencil in my shirt pocket and began drawing on the plans. "Three damn houses is not an accident. I want to know who the hell messed with the plans" I heard Mr Knight walking up the stairs and is prone to happen my heart beat fastened, damn him to hell. I stood up intime to see him and thesite manager walk through the door. "How bad is it?" He demanded. "The two rooms on the other side are smaller than wanted but still a decent size, the bathroom is correct as is this room. However the room next door is considerably smaller" Mr knight just sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "However" I continued "If you brick up the door leading to the hallway and made a doorway into this room you could sell it as a master bedroom with an en suite" I showed him the plans i had drawn on.

He stood there staring at me and i found myself shifting under his gaze "Are you sure you shouldn't be a designer?" He asked and my head snapped up "I was only looking at how to salvage this mess, how you decorate your homes is up to you" I snapped. I noticed the site manager backing up to the door before turning around and leaving. Mr Knight raised an eyebrow and i wished again that he wasn't wearing those damn sunglasses. "Tell me" he said crosimg his arms over his chest "Do you believe that is any way to talk to your boss?" Refusing to back down "Since Mr Every isn't here that question is moot" I replied Mr Knight let his hands drop to his side and took a step forward. "Bit considering i am his boss the question still stands" My patience with his attitude had finally snapped "As you only seem to want to be his boss and not mine except when it suits you I see no reason to answer" I seemed to be taking a step back for each one he took forward. "Even so i can still fire you" My back hit the wall "Do it, i would love to see who you would get to replace Michelle until she gets back. Considering i am the only one who knows her job" I smirked, but that smirk was soon wiped of my face when he placed his hands on the wall near my head. "Do you honestly believe i need you that much?" He asked, his breath fanning my face "I can easily train someone to meet my requirements" My eyes flickered to his lips and i ended up licking my own.

His head lowered slightly and i bit my lip to hold back the whimper that threatened to escape. A dark smirk graced his lips "Then again maybe you could service my requirements" The images that flooded my mind had me hard instantly. His head came closer his lips a hair breath from my own. "Would you please me or would i regret it?" An image of Daniel sprung to mind and i pushed him from me, caught umawares he stumbled backwards. "The only service i provide for you is as a secretary. Or are you just a regular dick that feels the need to hit on other peoples partners. Understand this, i have a lover and i am not on the market or for sale. I am his and his alone, not some slut you can play with as you please" And with that i stomped out of the room and headed for my car.

Climbing into my seat and rested my head on the steering wheel. "Daniel please give me strength, why does he affect me so?" I only hoped he could hear me. After what i had done to him i didn't deserve his help. But then again i didn't deserve to be happy either. I could never be happy. Not without Daniel.

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