Finding out the truth

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I walked into my flat grateful that the week was over. one down three to go.

Mr Knight was as real pain in the ass to work under and after yesterday he was worse. I was sorely tempted to tell him today where to shove his job.

I thought back to earlier and what happened,

"Hey" A voice called out making me look up. A small guy about nineteen twenty stood in front of me. "Is Knight in?" He asked. I looked the kid over, he had bright green skinnies on and a white T-shirt from what i could see from my side of the desk. His blonde hair was quite long for a guy reaching his shoulders. "Um may i ask who is enquiring?" I asked "Ooh tell him Issac is here" He smiled. He was cute, but nowhere near as cute as Daniel. I buzzed through "An Issac is here to see you" I informed Mr Knight.

The next thing i knew his door flew open, "What are you doing here Issac?" He demanded, Issac just skipped up to him "I missed you" He pouted "You haven't been round in days" He put his hands on his chest. I noticed Mr Knight eyes quickly look at me before returning to Issac. "And what makes you think i haven't found who i'm looking for?" His voice teased. "Aww, don't be like that. If you have i can leave" Mr Knight chuckled and grabbed Issacs hands. "I'm joking, come in here" He became serious. "Olivers hold my calls" He said dragging Issac into his office and slamming the door shut.

I continued to stare at the door wondering what that was all about. I had never seen Mr Knight smile never mind laugh. A feeling of jealousy hit me, hard. And i stamped it down 'I am Daniels' I had to remind myself. A noise suddenly broke through my ears and i turned to the doors again, trying to work out what it was. "Ohh, urgh" I whined, getting up and going to the small kitchenette. Serious? Sex in the office? He could have told me to take a walk. Again that feeling of jealousy rolled over me. God i can't wait for Michelle to get back and get away from him.

That had been the hardest part of my week for sure. I shouldn't be getting feelings for anyone, especially him. Even if Daniel wasn't involved i wouldn't touch him. But Daniel was involved and i could never date again. Not that i minded, it was just with what happened this week, it was making it difficult to keep my promise.

I jumped out of the shower and wondered what i was going to do with myself, just as a banging started on my door. I quickly pulled some sweat pants on and rushed to the door.

"Hey man" My friend Dave greeted me as i opened the door. Dave and his wife Jessica had been friends with me since school, they were the only ones to stand by me after Daniel.

They had everything they wanted except for one, Jessica was barren. That news had nearly torn them apart, they had both wanted kids desperately. But in the end their relationship became stronger.

I eyed them wearily, Dave was wearing black dress trousers with a white T-shirt and black denim jacket, Jessica was wearing a short dark blue dress with black heeled boots.

"Ok so what's the occasion?" I asked waving at them. "We are going out" Jessica told me and i knew by the tone of her voice that we included me.

"But Jess" I whined "Don't Jess me mister, it's been weeks since you last went out. And you really look like you could do with a drink" I guess she was right about that. "And i promise not to interfere like last time" I sighed and turned to Dave "I don't have a choice do i?" Dave just smiled at me. "Fine give me five minutes" I surrendered, walking to my room.

I threw on an all black outfit, jeans, T-shirt, leather jacket and Doc Martin boots. Grabbing some gel i messed up my short brown hair.

"Come on cinderella, the balls about to start" Jessica yelled and i laughed leaving the room.


The mix was a gay friendly club, though most of the the people were straight no one batted an eyelid when same sex couples where getting it on.

Jessica had got us dancing and me and Dave had gotten tired so we left her to sit down. "So how's it going? " I asked him. Dave smiled "We've been discussing adopting" He told me. "We had thought about getting someone to carry my kid, but then there are so many kids out there that don't have parents. A win win for all. We can't have a family, they don't have one. It feels right" I could see his point and nodded my head in agreement. Jessica was still dancing and guys were getting close to her. "How do you put up with that?"I asked nodding in her direction. Dave shrugged "She comes home with me" Was his answer. We sat drinking in quiet for a minute. "What the hell?" I heard Dave growl and i turned to see what he was looking at. Jessica was dancing closely with a guy, something she had never done before. But what got my attention was who she was dancing with. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a T-shirt that really showed off his muscles making my mouth water, i noticed he had a dark brown leather wrist band on each arm. Dave stood up and i did the same grabbing his arm. "Dude relax, he's gay" I told him making him frown. "It's my boss" "You sure he's gay?" I remembered earlier and i felt the anger roll over me "Oh yeah, I'm sure" We made our way over, knowing Dave he just wanted to stake his claim. Jessica saw us and smiled and Mr Knight turned to see what she was looking at, he never even reacted to seeing me. "Hey baby" Dave said putting his arms around her. "Hey Jess, Mr Knight" I greeted making Jess laugh. He was still wearing those damned sunglasses."Lucas, what a surprise" His deep voice washed over me.

"Mr Knight" I greeted back. He turned his attention to all three of us. "Would you care to join me for a drink. I'm sitting in the quiet room and it would be nice to meet friends of Lucas" The quiet room was a room reserved for those with the money. Out here they could dance and be like everyone else. In there you're treated like royalty. "That would be nice thank you" I said seeing Jessicas excited face. We followed him towards the back, the room was large with dark red walls, circular tables were sat around the room. Mr Knight led us to one of the booths that were either side. Black leather chairs sat around the dark wood table. "Well this is different" Jessica mussed. "Are you talking about the room or me?" Mr Knight asked her. Jessica smiled "Both i guess. So How do you know Lucas?" They never called me Luke around other people, for which i was grateful. Mr Knight smiled "He works for me" "This is the owner of Knights properties" we both said at the same time. Dave and Jessica just looked at us "So where is your boyfriend tonight?" Mr Knight asked making the other two turn to me. "Unavailable" Is all i said turning my head away. Thankfully a woman in a short black dress came over to take our orders for drinks. She had short red spiky hair and could be considered beautiful if it wasn't for the thick layer of makeup she had caked on her face. Dave and I had lager, Jessica had sex on the beach and Mr Knight had a whisky. "I'm beginning to doubt the is a boyfriend" He said to me "You hardly speak about him, there is no secretive calls at the office or your mobile. Which suggests either you don't talk to each other unless your at home, you tie him to the bed or he doesn't exist" My eyes widened as i turned to face him and i felt my anger rise. "Just because he doesn't come round to the office for a quick fuck doesn't mean he doesn't exist" I hissed at him. Mr Knight just shrugged "I can tell things you know" He carried on "I know you haven't seen him in ages" I could feel my eyes tear up and i quickly got up. "I have to go" I knew Dave and Jessica wouldn't follow me, they knew me too well. I got out of there and went home.


(Mr Knight)

I watched as Lucas left, i knew he was trying not to cry. "I'll be back" Dave said thumbing towards the toilets. Once he was gone Jessica turned to face me and she looked pissed. "When Lucas told me you were a jerk he wasn't joking" She spat at me and i frowned "I only say it as i see it" I told her.

"But do you realise the consequences of your words?" She asked me. "Consequences?" I had to admit, i was interested in the young man that was covering my usual secretary. "I'll be honest with you" Jessica spoke "You and Lucas seem interested in each other. You're the first person to spark a reaction from him" For some reason this pleased me. "Do you have an interest in him?" She asked and i decided to be honest "Yes, yes i do. But as you know he has someone" Jessica shook her head "Lucas has been with no one since he was sixteen" I frowned and Jessica leaned back on her chair. "Lucas used to be the good looking boy at school and a bully. One day his teacher gave the class a project and he was partnered with the kid he picked on. Now i don't know the exact details, but what i do know is the girl Lucas was dating broke up with him and he developed feelings for this boy. They got together in secret. Lucas was happy but scared, his feelings confused him. He told me once that every time they touched he felt these sparks, he felt alive. But something happened and Lucas freaked, he took it out on this boy and told him to kill himself. That weekend Lucas sorted himself out and decided what he really wanted. The monday was what done him in, he had brought a ring, the same ring he wears now. He was going to ask him to be his, giving him the ring to show everyone how much they belonged to each other. It was also the day we found out the boy had killed himself" She finished. My eyes were wide open. Shocked, that was the only way i felt. "So why does he say their still together?" I asked and Jessica sighed "He believes that they really did belong together, soulmates, Lucas believes that he can't be with anyone else because he already belongs to someone" She whispered the last part as Dave came back. I didn't say anything, confused. If Lucas was single then i could make a move on him and i wanted him, more than i had wanted anyone. But i was a vampire, one who obeyed the laws. I knew he had a mate, i could smell it on him and see his mark. But the scent was faint, years old and the fact that he was still human. "So Jessica told you" Dave brought me out of my thoughts. "About what happened" I nodded my head. "How old was he when he died?" I asked and Jessica replied "He killed himself on his sixteenth birthday" I nodded he would still die considering he was human, we might be stronger at that age but still human. But that would mean he was to young to find his mate. It seems Mr Olivers had become a very interesting person.

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