Vampires exist

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I can't believe Jess had told him about Daniel. It was sunday now and i had decided on going for a drink. It was about two when i got here and i had been here for nearly two hours, i wasn't drunk just buzzing. The pub was a small building with cream walls and a miss mash of tables and chairs, the bar was at the end of the room. I was still musing over Jess telling Mr Knight about Daniel.

I knew i wouldn't be angry with her for long, there was nothing i could do about it now anyway. But if he says anything, god knows what i would do. Wasn't it bad enough that he thought i was taken? Now that he knew how would i be able to resist him. I downed the last of my drink and left.

I had already admitted to myself that i was attracted to him, but i belonged to Daniel and not even he could take me away from him. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, i loved Daniel with all my heart and i knew he was my soulmate. So why did Mr Knight affect me so much? I walked with my mind in turmoil, what was happening to me? My hand went to my neck, the two raised marks under my fingers were the only thing i had left.

After the bruising had gone they appeared and i began questioning my dreams, they had felt so real at the time. I mean i know vampires don't exist, but what if they did? What if Daniel was a vampire? I had researched them, but everything i found didn't match. I did find one site that said vampires went through different stages. Is that why i deny myself to love again?

A hope that there is a chance he is alive. I didn't know the answers to all these questions, hell i didn't know if vampires really existed.

I turned down an alley that was a few hundred yards from my place still pondering my dilemma. A noise suddenly brought me out of my thoughts and i turned to see what it was. There was nothing there yet something was telling me it was dangerous to be here right now. I almost chuckled to myself, maybe i would get lucky and join Daniel. I turned round to see a figure now stood in my path and was walking towards me. Doing the same i noticed he had a predatory stride to him, his face hidden by the dark. I knew there and then i was in trouble as he stopped infront of me making me stop also. "Hello" he said in a low voice, I just nodded and tried to step round him. He grabbed my arm "What no hello back?" He asked smirking. "Look pal i'm not in the mood" I told him scowling. "Fair enough" He said shruging before i found myself against the wall, my back screaming from he pain. I tried to struggle against him but he was to strong. "You smell delicious" He said into my ear and i wondered what he ment until he buried his head into my neck and i felt something pierce me. A scream escaped my lips as pain exploded from my neck and he put his hand over my mouth. I could feel my blood leave me as he took hungry gulps from me and i began to feel light headed.

"Let him go" Another voice interrupted him. He released my neck and ran his tongue over my neck "Wouldn't want to waste any" He whispered to me before turning his head. "Get lost this ones mine" He told the other person. "Actually if you care to take any notice he already belongs to someone" My attacker turned round "The claiming is old" He snarled. The other person stepped forward and i bit back the gasp. Mr Knight stood there in a light grey suit. "He also belongs to me" What the hell was he doing here? Didn't he know what was going on?

"He doesn't smell like you" The vampire said confused. Yeah i was admitting i knew. Mr Knight smiled and i noticed the two long fangs dropping from his mouth. "If you let him go i'll let you live" He offered the vampire. Me? I was in shock., my boss was a vampire, a damned bloodsucker. Again i thought of Daniel and wondered if he was alive. Snarling brought me back to the present and i found Mr Knight and the vampire fighting. My god it looked vicious, the vampire had bit into Mr Knights shoulder making him growl before ripping him off and i could see where his shoulder was torn. All sense returned to me and i turned and ran back to my flat.

Once inside i locked the door and ran to the bathroom tearing my clothes off and jumped into the shower not waiting for it to warm up. I scrubbed the blood and dirt from my skin before getting out. Without drying myself properly i threw on some sweatpants and sat in the living room.

Vampires existed, i had just been attacked by one and my boss was one. I wanted to cry, i wanted to scream, but i couldn't. Infact i was surprised at how calm i actually felt. A knock on my door changed that and my heart began to race. What if it was that vampire? Had he killed Mr Knight and come looking for me?

"Lucas open the door" Relief flooded through me, it was Mr Knight, yet i refused to get up. "Lucas damn it open the door, we need to talk" Talk? About what? How he's a vampire and could kill me for finding out? Yet something told me he would never hurt me. The banging continued as i pulled my knees to my chest and curled up into a ball. I didn't want to see him, i couldn't see him. Hopefully i would be better by tomorrow, and if not, well i could ring in sick. He would understand right?

The banging stopped and i held my breath, wondering what was happening, had he left? Or was he just stood outside the door waiting for me. I crawled of the sofa and made my way to the door, looking through the peep hole i saw that he was gone and i released the breath i was holding. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the side and got myself some water.

So many questions were running through my head, my boss was a vampire and that didn't scare me. In fact knowing vampires were real gave me a sense of hope. I fingered the marks on my neck. was Daniel alive somewhere? What if i could find him? I knew there was a chance that he would never forgive me, but if i could just find out. See if he was happy, if he was then i would leave him be. He deserved to be happy, unlike me.

A noise from the living room had me turning my head to the door and i placed the glass in the sink. Slowly making my way to the other room another thought came to me. Mr Knight may have given up, but what about the other guy? Fear had my heart beating as i entered the front room to find nothing. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I turned to go back into the kitchen to turn the light of before going to bed and gasped at the sight infront of me.

Mr Knight was stood there shirtless with a damp rag in his hands, looking at it. it appeared he was cleaning blood of himself. "Wait" His deep voice washed over me as i took a step back and i imeadieatly did as i was told. "I needed to know if you were ok" His voice held concern and i knew i was safe, for now. "What happened to the other guy?" I asked quietly, my voice shaken. He said nothing, but the look on his face said it all. Mr Knight had killed him. "I'm sorry Lucas, but he is one of the few that break our laws, he would have killed you" I frowned. "Laws?" Mr Knight nodded. "We cannot harm humans, we are only allowed to drink from those who know about us and they must remain alive after." I nodded, i guess that is fair enough. "Some of us drink donated blood, we don't touch humans  at all" He continued as if to reassure me. "Like you" I whispered, relief flooded his features as he nodded, knowing that i knew i would be safe from him. I turned and went back to the living room and sat on the sofa, Mr Knight followed and sat in the chair opposite. We stared at each other for a few moments, him not sure of how i was going to react and i felt the same.

"Are you going to tell me what is and isn't true?" I asked after a few minutes, surprising both of us. "What do you want to know?" He asked and i shrugged "Well the daylight myth is wrong" I started. Mr Knight sighed and lent back. "I was born human as is all vampires, we remain human until sixteen, from sixteen till eighteen our senses begin to grow, sight, smell, hearing and even healing to a degree. On our eighteenth birthday we become full vampire, needing blood to survive, we can still eat, sleep and do anything else that humans can do" He gave me a short version. "Does the sunlight hurt your eyes?" I asked and he shook his head. "Then why the shades?" I asked pointing at them, he lifted his hands to touch the sides "My eyes, their different" He almost whispered "For a vampire to have eyes like mine is rare. It makes me stand out, if others saw them, they would know what i am" 

"And what are you?" I asked making him frown "I don't remember" Now i frowned "Because of the accident?" He only nodded, although he always had this Alpha male aura about him i could now sense a vunerability to him. "What will happen to me now?" I had to ask "Now that i know the truth" His head snapped up "Didn't your mate tell you anything?" He asked. Now i frowned. "Your friend told me about him" I realised he was talking about Daniel and my hand again went to my neck, my eyes blurred. "He was your soulmate" He continued "He marked you as his, i can smell it, all vampires can. I was confussed at first as to why it was so faint. But then your friend told me" I made him stop. 

"I was so stupid" I told him "I had made love to him the day before, when he went to sleep i realised what i had done and freaked. I snuck out of the house and ran home. The next day i went to school, i didn't know what to think. I was so messed up in the head, i was angry, disgusted, happy everything. I had tried to avoid him all day and it nearly worked" I gave a humourless chuckle "He literaly bumped into me and i took it out on him. I told him to kill himself, i was so confussed. When i got home i spoke to my mum. I had never seen her so mad before. We shouted and screamed and argued. And when i said i loved him it all changed. We were both shocked at that. Everything fell together, i wasn't confussed or angry. I was for the first time in love. I knew i had done wrong and planned on making things right. I went out the next day and brought him a ring. We were the same size, so it was easy. I was so scared and excited for the weekend to be over so i could see him. I planned on begging him if i had to, just to give me a chance to prove myself" I sighed and took a deep breath "As i was looking for him a friend that we both knew tried to beat me to a pulp. He had actually done as i asked, on his sixteenth birthday he killed himself" I whispered the last part to myself. Again nothing was said for a few minutes "You have to understand, he did it to make you happy. We would do anything to make our mates happy" He said and i looked up at him "Do i look happy to you?" I demanded. "I can't live without him. I can't have a relationship, hell i can't even have a one night stand because i refuse to do that to him" Mr Knight frowned. "But you can move on" He tried and i scoffed "Could you move on if your mate died?" I asked "It's different for us our feelings are ten times stronger, our lives are tied to our mates. If they die, we die" I nodded. "Exactly, i have tried to die. Overdose after overdose, drowning, stangulation. I can't cut because i'm afraid of the pain, but i, have tried everything else. I used to get these dreams, we drank from each other. We did the same again when we made love. Only now i know they wasn't dreams and i can't help but wonder if that's the reason i'm still alive" Mr Knight tilted his head. "Well Jesica did say you were the jock type" He mussed "It would explain why you look so young, so i see no reason why it wouldn't make it harder for you to kill yourself"

I slumped onto the sofa exhausted "And now this" I waved a hand at him "It makes me wonder if there's a chance he is alive" I finally admitted. Mr Knight shook his head "If he wanted to die he would have, he may be super human, but he would still be human. I'm sorry" I just waved my hand. "Look i'm going to bed, stay here if you want to. Tomorrow this never happened as far as i'm concerned" I said and got up. Mr Knight stood up with me "Good night Lucas" He said to my retreating back. I just waved at him before closing the door.


(Mr Knight)

I stood there listening to Lucas breathing, waiting for him to fall asleep. The moment he did i went and looked in on him. He was lay on his side cuddled to a pillow and looked so peaceful. Jelousy rolled over me at his mate as i quietly shut the door behind me. Turning of all the lights i wondered if i should have told him the truth. The fact that he still bears his mates mark would suggest that he is alive, yet from what i have heard he was to young to even find his mate. I exited the flat and made my way down the stairs since the elevator was broken. I wanted to find out what happened to the one who had claimed him, the curiosity was eating me alive. An idea came to mind and i grabbed my phone from my pocket. Finding the name i was looking for i rang. After the third ring he answered. "Dad" I greeted "I need to see you, somethings come up and it's important" "You better come round then" He said "I'll be there in a few" And hung up. I will find out what is going on, and with any luck dad will help.

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