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To say the last few days had been strange would be an understatement. The working relationship between Mr Knight and myself had relaxed, yet i would see him looking at me as if i was a puzzle to solve.

My biggest problem was staying away from him, this attraction i had to him was getting way out of control and my dreams were defiantly not helping. I had stuck to my work and carried on as if sunday night never happened, yet couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have him drink from me.

My mind wandered back to Daniel and i couldn't help but wonder what he would make of all this. I was promised to him and only him.

Mr Knight was out this morning so i had decided to go through the Mr Everys accounts even though he insisted on doing them himself the report was due in soon and thought it would be easier to do now.

As i went through them i noticed a slight difference and went over them again to check i hadn't got it wrong. Shaking my head i turned onto the computer and checked them against Mr Knights accounts.

"Son of a bitch" I muttered to myself, the accounts didn't match. The properties Mr Avery was buying had an indescresion of between one to eight thousand pounds. Getting out of my chair i pulled the files from the last three years. My god this man had taken thousands, adding onto whatever he was paying. I remembered a conversation between him and Mr Knight and had an idea. Picking up my phone i rang the person i needed. "Lucas, you do realise this is really long distance" The voice said after picking up. I just smiled "Michelle i need a favour are you alone?" I asked "Yeah i'm in my room. Why what's wrong?" She asked. "Can you tell me how much the last villa you went to cost?" I asked, i heard the opening of a case and rustling of paper. "Ah here it is. Yeah it was a hundred and thirty five thousand" I smiled "What's going on?" I explained to her what i had found "According to our records it was a hundred and sixty five" I told her "Son of a bitch" She hissed down the phone "Look don't let him know that i told you. Keep things the way they are, i'm going to tell Mr Knight when he gets in. But it does explain why he never let anyone handle his accounts" Michelle was quiet for a minute "Ok i promise. How are you getting on over there?" She asked "Ok i guess" I heard her chuckle "Getting on with Knight ok?" I sighed "As long as i remember my place yeah. He can be a bit of an ass but.." Now Michelle really laughed. "He's a good man Lucas, remember that. Whatever else he might be he is a good man" I frowned at what she said, did she know? "Listen we're heading out in a bit to  the next property, i'll let you know what we got it for so you can see what he's adding on" I nodded "Thanks girl you're the best" And with that we hung up. 

My mind wandered to what she said about Mr Knight and 'whatever else he might be' Not so much the words, but the way she said it. Did she know? I shook my head and began typing up the account details and discrepancies. As i had hit the print button the door slammed open and i spun round to face a furious looking Knight. Delicious looking but still furious, my heart went to my mouth and not in a bad way either. He was wearing a dark blue suit and tie with a white shirt and Damn did he look yummy. "Is everything alright sir?" I asked nervously, Mr Knight turned his attention to me and his face softened slightly causing butterflies to explode in my stomach "Yeah fine" He shook his head "Just the tenants up London left and decided to leave a bare shell, it's going to cost thousands to repair" He came in and slumped on the chair the other side of my desk. "It's going to take months to fix it" I couldn't help but feel for him "How bad?" I asked He reached into his briefcase and pulled some papers out and threw them onto the desk. I went over and looked, they were pictures of the property and damn if world war six hadn't broke out "Is that needles?" I asked looking at one picture. Mr Knight nodded "It's also the damn bathroom" I frowned and looked closer. You could actually see the pipe work and i realised he wasn't joking when he said stripped bare. "Please Lucas tell me some good news" I bit my lip knowing i had none. He looked at me and groaned "You have bad news don't you" It wasn't actually a question as such but i still nodded slowly. "Is it repairable?" I shrugged. "Wait here a sec i'll be back" I told him and dashed into the kitchenette to make him a coffee. Partly to help him calm down and partly to give me time to think how i could tell him.

Bluntly, that was all i came up with as i re-entered the office and placed his mug down. "I was working on the accounts while you were out, i know Mr Every does them but with the report due soon i thought i would make a start" Mr Knight just nodded as if agreeing with me and again i sighed as i took them from the printer and placed them in front of him. I sat and watched as he went through them his face twisting in anger the more he went through them. When he finished i continued "I rang Michelle and asked her how much the property in portugal was and she told me it had been brought for the original one hundred and thirty five. Mr Every claimed one hundred and sixty five, i've told Michelle not to do anything but she said she will ring me when they have brought the next villa" 

Throughout this Mr Knight was silent and when i finished he looked up at me "He's been here seven years" He told me "In the same damn position" I frowned "Pull up all his accounts i'll go and get his from the office" I told him, Mr Knight stood up and downed his coffee before turning to his office and i turned to mine knowing it was going to be along day. 

We had been in the office know for three hours and was finally adding up the differences. "So basically he has had  over seven hundred thousand over the years" I told Mr Knight. He sighed and slumped back. "How the hell did we miss this?" He asked "Well if you look at his reports the property owners have signed them at the price he told you, but if you look closer these are just photocopies. It seems he gets them to sign the documents and then alters them and copies them. Though damned if i know where, because if i wasn't looking for it then i wouldn't notice. Where ever he gets them copied prints them out well" I said studying the copy i had in my hand.

Leaning back in his chair Mr Knight ran a hand over his face. "I don't get it" He muttered before smiling at me. "If someone like you can see it how come i couldn't?" I frowned "Human Lucas, if a human can spot this how can a vampire miss it" Urgh did he have to remind me? I just shrugged "I guess i just got lucky and like i said, why would you look for it, i mean you trust your staff, you have to. It's just that someone took advantage of that trust" He looked at me for a minute "Do you trust me?" He asked "What do you mean?" I wasn't sure where he was going with this "Knowing what i am, you still came to work. You don't treat me any differently, anyone else would have run away" I shrugged again "I guess having a mate makes me immune" 

"But you didn't know what he was" I shook my head "No, but the marks on my neck and the, well i used to think they were dreams. But i know differently now, i guess after what happened sunday only confirmed what i knew" "Do you miss him?" He asked "Yeah i miss him, i can't describe it. My mum always said that without your soulmate you wasn't living. Like a zombie really, the only thing that kept her alive was me. But even then i would find here sometimes just..not..there if you know what i mean? It could be something silly from a face i pull to a song, she would be pulled out of reality" I stopped not knowing what i was saying. "You're mother had a mate?" I nodded and smiled "Human, they both were. But yeah, they were soulmates" "That makes them the luckiest humans out there then. Humans never find their true soulmate if their both human. It is the rarest thing for them" I nodded "Where is your mother?" He asked "Dead" He looked at me "I'm sorry" I just waved him off "She died two years ago" I gave a small humourless laugh "We were at a shopping center on the escalator going to the first floor. It was the first time we had seen each other in months and i was getting better. Some punk decided it would be a good idea to skate board that day and as we were getting off he ran right into her. It was a weekday so no one else was there to stop her. She went all the way back down" A tear escaped at the memory. "I remember her body being pulled back up, her neck at the wrong angle. It took me a while to move and i met her half way. She died on the way down, snapped her neck. They said she would have never known" My mood turned to anger "He had run off, not wanting to get into trouble. When they found him he kept saying it was an accident, he thought she would be alright. They gave him nothing but community service for a year. I lost my mum and he got away with it" I looked back up at him "The only good i could make of it all wa at least she was with dad again. But still i wish he had been punished" Mr Knight just sat there saying nothing. 

I sat there and took a few calming breaths, why the hell do i find myself telling him everything? "I'm sorry, i shouldn't have done that" I said getting up to leave. "Lucas wait" I stopped and turned to look at him. He had already got up. "I understand that you needed someone to talk to. Sometimes someone who doesn't know you can be helpful. I never knew your mate or your mother, yet can you deny you feel better for telling me?" I shook my head "Why does it feel like i can?" I whispered. 

Mr Knight came and stood in front of me and i kept my eyes down, i could see his fingers flexing and clenching as i looked up i could see indecision written on his face. "I need to know" He muttered, more to himself than me "I need to know" He spoke louder "May i..can i try something?" I frowned but nodded. His left hand came up and hid head lowered "Do you trust me?" He asked, i couldn't help but nod. We stood there for a second, neither of us breathing before i saw a look of determination on his face and at the same time cupped my face and brought his lips to mine and i gasped.

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