You're going to be an uncle

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If you asked me to describe how i felt right at that moment, i would have only one word. Alive.

My mind had gone as i lifted my hands and balled them into his shirt, his free hand wrapped around me pulling me closer. I gasped at the contact and he used this to slip his tongue into my mouth. My body hummed like it hadn't done in years as i allowed him to devour me. He lowered his other hand pulling me closer still and mine went around his neck. I let out a small squeak as i felt myself lifted from the ground and i wrapped my legs around his powerful waist. God this man was driving me crazy, i was vaguely aware of us moving before being set down on something hard. Mr Knight leaning over me as our kiss became desperate, our movements more needy. His lips left mine as he trailed kisses down my throat and i threw my head back wantonly. My breathing was rough and i was almost gasping at the burn of his lips. My body was pratically humping his as he slowly nibbled his way down my throat. A low rumble came from his throat as my fingers tangled in his hair pulling his head closer. I wanted him, badly. Images of him taking me flew through my mind making me whimper. I felt his sharp teeth scrap along my neck and it was if i was doused with cold water. I pulled back and pushed him away, my breathing hard as i stared at him. His face remained the same except for the two long fangs dropping from his mouth. A growl escaped his lips as he went to step towards me. "Stop" It was barely just above a whisper, yet he did exactly as i said.

Horror and guilt washed over me as i slid off his desk, my eyes never leaving his as i moved towards the door. "Lucas" His deep voice washed over me and i had to fight the urge to go to him. I shook my head and grabbed the handle. "I can't..i..i'm sorry" I whispered as i turned the handle and bolted.

I ran straight out of the offices and into the fresh air, my mind spinning. How could i let that happen? I was so damn close to letting him do whatever he wanted with me. I felt something on my face and lifted my hand. My face was wet and it took me a second to realise i was crying. I turned and made my way home since my keys were in my jacket which was at that moment inside, and i couldn't make myself go back. Luckily i had my phone and Jess had a spare to my place.


"So what happened?" Jessica asked as she handed over the spare key. I just sighed and opened the door.

"He kissed me" I confessed, my voice barely a whisper. Jessica said nothing as we sat down "And i kissed him back" I looked up at her. Her face was blank, telling me nothing.

"How do yo feel?" She asked, i thoght abot it and bit my lip. "I felt alive" I admitted "Jess it was wonderful, i haven't felt like it since Daniel" I shook my head. "Then i freaked" I admitted. "Yo know me Jess, i've always been faithful to Daniel. But this guy, he does things to me" Jess smiled "Maybe this is your chance to be happy" She said and i shook my head "Daniel is my soulmate, you know that" Jess shrugged "Maybe it's his way of telling yo to move on?" It was more a question.

"Look Luke. It's been seven years, i understand how you feel about Daniel i really do. I couldn't imagine what would happen if i lost Dave" I nodded "But what if you're wrong?" My head snapped up. "Don't get me wrong" She said quickly "There was something with Daniel, something strong. But what if it was lifes way of preparing you for someone else?" I frowned "What happened with Daniel happened for a reason. What if that reason was this guy?" 

I shook my head "Solmates are two halves of a whole, not three thirds" I pointed out "And Daniel was definatly my solmate" I knew he was.

Jess sighed and came over and sat next to me "Alright so Daniel was your soulmate. But think of it this way. Maybe Daniel sent you this guy to make you happy. From what you told me Daniel did love you" 

"Why would he do that after the way i treated him? Yes he loved me, but he would know i only belong to him" Jess shook her head sadly.

"Look, i don't know ok. I'm just throwing ideas out there" She gave up "Personaly i think you shold jst give the guy a chance" Something flashed in my mind and i laughed "Even if i wanted to i couldn't" I shook my head. "I don't think his boyfriend wold like it" 

"Boyfriend?" I told her about Issac. "Eww, talk about disturbing" She shivered. "Yeah" I sighed. "Look Luke i have no idea how to help you" Jess finally admited "But i do know how to take your mind off, of it" She smiled "How" Her smile brightened "How would you like to be an uncle?" She asked and i smiled "We finally got the go ahead with adoption. Luke we're getting two boys" I smiled at her beaming face. "Ok tell me" She laughed. "They actually look a bit like Dave, ones three the other four. Oh Luke, they've been through so much. Taken from their mother who was a druggie and an abusive father. They've had their names changed to protect them it's that bad. But god are they cute" I smiled and patted her shoulder "You'll make a great mum" I told her honestly "And you'll be a great uncle" I laughed "Might have some competion with Steve over that" I told her reminding her of her brother "Eh, he'll deal" She shrugged making me laugh.

"Anyway i better get back. We're going over to the agency tomorrow to meet them" She said getting up. I stood up and walked her to the door "You better tell me how it goes" I threatened her, making her nod her head. Jess opened the door and stopped. "Um Luke" She said raising her hand and removing somwthing from the door. She turned to show me the single white rose in her hand along with a small envelope.

With shaky hands i opened it 'We need to talk, i'm sorry. K' "It's from him" I frowned, Jess took the note from my hand "Persistant" She said after reading it. "Look all i'm going to say is follow your heart. Who knows where it will lead you" She said kissing my cheek "I'll speak to you tomorrow" I said my goodbye and closed the door behind me. 

Going back to the sofa i placed the rose on the table next to me, the note still in my hand. "What to do, what to do" I muttered to myself.

I already knew the answer to that. Tomorrow i was going to go in and talk to him. From now on this ends. I belong to only Daniel, no matter how much the thought hurt. Once Michelle was back i was leaving.

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