Don't think, Feel

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Warning, part of this chapter gets steamy.


So dark, why is it so dark? "Hello child" Voices call to me, i try to see where they are coming from. "Who's there? I shout out.

"Why? " They ask me, why what? "He needs you, he loves you. Yet you abandoned him"

"WHO? WHO HAVE I ABANDONED? " I demand. "Return to him"

Nothing, there is nothing.


I didn't want to go in today, my heart pounded as i drove to work. Yeah Mr Knight was kind enough to drop it off for me.

I pulled up at my spot outside the offices and killed the engine, my knuckles went white as i gripped the steering wheel tightly.

How was i supposed to do this? I knew i only had two weeks before Michelle came back. But damn it was going to be a long two weeks. I had decided to hand in my notice and leave. Yeah jobs were hard to come by, but i had enough money to last a couple of months. I sighed and climbed out of the car, making my way to the building.

As i entered the office and noticed Mr Knights blinds up on his door. It was a little quirk of his, if they were closed he was either out or did not want to be disturbed.

I sighed and went into the kitchenette to make his coffee, i was hoping he wasn't in yet, giving me time to prepare myself.

Taking a few calming breaths i turned to go to his offfice, without knocking i walked inside only to find the guy who had been here before inside. "Oh, i'm sorry Mr Knight" I appologised "I didn't realise you were busy" I placed the mug on his desk and turned to his visitor "May i get you something to drink?" I went for profesional when inside it felt like i had been stabbed repeatedly. "It's ok Lukas, Issac was just leaving" Mr Knight answered for him. Issac nodded before turning to him. I just nodded and left the office returning to my desk.

A few more minutes and Issac left the office, i watched as he made his way to the door before changing his mind and making his way over to me. I looked up as he sat on the edge of the desk "You know, you interest me" He said in his over the top voice. "I know we can have more than one mate, but i never thought i would see it happen with a human" I frowned, lookling at him confussed. Issac smiled "It has been known when a vampire losses their mate that another one comes along. Very rare, but usually for a reason. Looks like you have another chance at being happy" He turned to look at Mr Knights office "I don't know what happened to your mate, but don't let it destroy what happiness you could have" He turned back to me "Even Knight deserves someone. Are you willing to let him suffer for your past?" 

Before i could even think of an answer he got up and left. I sat there unmoving, my mind in turmoil. A second mate? Why would i have another one? I sure as hell didn't deserve it after what i had done. I shook my head, hell i didn't deserve to exsist.

How the hell could i keep my promise to Daniel if i had another mate? I sighed and looked towards the office. The only person i could talk to about this is the one that's causing all of it. 

"Lucas could you come in here please" Mr Knights voice came through the intercom. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Pushing myself from the desk i got up and went to see what he wanted.

Mr Knight was stood over his desk looking at something, his looked up at me when i entered. "I could use your head here, i know it's not what you do, but we have to get the flat in london repaired. You've had some pretty good ideas on designs and i wondered if you would take a look?" I frowned and made my way over, staying my side of the desk. The blue prints for the flat were on the desk as well as the photos he had taken. I looked down to see that it was basically a square with a large enterance and three rooms leading from each wall. The living room was on the right of the enterance, the kitchen was next to it and a bedroom with an ensuite was to the left. i turned the drawing round. "What exactly are you planning?" I asked looking down. "Complete remodeling, the walls to the rooms can be removed if we wish. I was thinking about another room, the ones they already have are too large" He said pointing to the dimensions and i nodded grabbing a pencil. I noted that the door was next to the wall by bedroom. "What about plumbing and electrics?"  "Ground floor so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. The contactors said they could move it if need be, though it may cause some problems with other tenants" I nodded "Is it just the flat or the building you own?" I asked, ideas running through my head. Mr Knight frowned "The whole building, why?" I gave a small smile. "Then offer the tenants another place to stay while we do the work, that will solve the problems of disturbance and you can work whenever you want without complaints" Mr Knight looked thoughtful before smiling. "The new flats are ready" He murmured "We could move them there i suppose" I nodded "Once the work is done then offer them the choice of either moving back or staying. I know they are cheaper than these ones so some might take that offer, it will give you the chance to find higher payers for these ones" Mr Knight nodded. "As for this, who the hell designed it?" I asked, he just shrugged.

I shook my head "I could easily rip this apart, if i had my way the whole lot would go" I told him honestly. "So tell me" I took the pencil and began drawing over the blue prints. "The bedroom and ensuite would be gone, i would turn it into a kitchen with a small dining area" I told him drawing it in. "A door to the kitchen would be here, by the front door, and one here by the old kitchen. That room would be a master bedroom with a small ensuite, nothing big. The corner of the old bathroom and living room here could be a bathroom and the room here could be a smaller bedroom or large study room, depending on the tenant" I spoke quickly as i drew, the hallway was now an L shape affair with the rooms leading off. Mr Knight looked on as i finished and i stood back feeling to close to the man. I waited as he looked over what i had done and i could almost see his mind working. "I like it" He said finally, looking up at me. "Mr Olivers i think you are doing the wrong position in the right job. I'm going to need to take advantage of that briliant mind more often" He smiled at me making me duck my head to hide the blush creeping up on me. 

"Thank you" I mumbled "If that's all" I turned to leave the room. "Lucas wait" I turned to see him stood closer to me. "I heard what Issac said to you" My face went beet red "I wanted to appologise, he had no right in saying what he did" I agreed, but curiosity decided to bite me hard. "Is it true?" My voice was barely a whisper as i looked at him. Mr Knight sighed and took a step towards me. "I think so. Everything tells me you're mine, but the mark you wear says different. It can happen" I nodded. "I love him, i will always love him"

"I don't want to replace him" He told me honestly "I have heard how this works. You will always love your mate, no matter what. All i ask is that some small part of your heart could love me as well. The part of heart that belongs to him is his and his alone. I would never take that from you" I frowned "Yet you make it feel better and worse" My filter decided to break. "When i'm around you it's as if i had never fallen in love before, you make me feel again. Then suddenly it comes back and the hurt and guilt consumes me so much" I shook my head. Mr Knight came closer again. "It's because you didn't know, you don't understand. You feel something for me, yet you wish to remain his" I only nodded, no point in lying now. "Lucas, let me in. I can make you feel again, maybe not as much as he did. But enough to help you" He was stood infront of me now and my heartbeat was out of control. "Try something for me" His voice whispered making me shiver "Listen to your body and not your mind. Feel instead of think" Oh god i knew exactly what my body wanted. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, i could feel the tears begin to form.

My eyes snapped open when i felt his large hand cup my face. "Tell me what i need to do" He almost begged. The tears began to fall softly "I can't" I whispered turning my head, but his grip tightened, refusing me to look away. Our eyes remained on each other as i felt my heart beating through my chest. My fingers began to flex as my body tried to take over my mind. "Just feel" He breathed and my mind snapped.

Saucy scene

I lept at him wrapping my legs around his powerful frame and he wrapped his arms around me. My fingers dug into his scalp as i crashed my lips to his. Oh god, he felt good. Our kiss was hungry, every emotion i had was poured into it. Desire, need, anger, sadness all of it went into that kiss. I felt my back hit a wall as our kiss deepened, his tongue ran over my lip begging for enterance and i willing submited it. We both moaned as his tongue entered my mouth and our tongues danced. I could feel his fingers flex on my ass making me moan into his mouth, his arousal digging into my own. My fingers left his hair and ran down his arms, oh god i wanted to touch him. I tore my mouth from his, gasping for air as his mouth attacked my jaw, my throat, wherever he could. My hand wandered down his chest and grabbed his shirt, pulling it from his trousers. he grunted as my hands found their way under his shirt and his hips bucked. So hard, his stomach, his chest. Ripped and tight, felt so good under my wandering fingers. I felt him move, heard the blue prints being swept off the table before i was placed onto it. Mr Knight let go of me causing a whimper to escape my lips. But it didn't last long as i watched him tear his shirt from his body before removing mine and capturing my lips. Sweet jesus, another moan escaped us as our naked chests came into contact. His was slightly cooler than mine, but he had already told me that vampires were naturally colder than us. 

I felt myself being pushed back down as he lent over me, our hands wandering over each other. "Lucas" He breathed as i arched my back. His lips left mine and i whimpered but he kissed my jaw then my neck, his lips trailed kisses to my shoulder. I moaned as his lips made there way down and damn near screamed when he gave a small yet shattering kiss to my nipple. He then attacked it making me squirm, sucking and licking it as i began to lose my mind. His fingers began to tease the other one and i began moaning and grinding like a whore on heat. I couldn't take it, he was driving me insane. I pulled him up by his hair and captured his lips, i wanted more, much much more. "Please" I begged, wrapping my legs around him. Though by this point i have no idea what i was begging for. 

"I want you" He growled in response "God i want to bury myself deep inside you, make you scream for me" "Yes" I couldn't help the images in my mind and they wer driving me crazy. He went to pull away from me "I need to get you to a bed" I shook my head as i pulled him back "No, please. I want you, need you now" I panted, i couldn't stop. 

His body tightened and a growl came from his chest as he claimed me in anouther soul shattering kiss. I was now grinding on him, the friction against him driving me insane. 

A loud bang made us both jump and Mr Knight let out  low growl.

"Hey little brother we... Oh, Oh i.err" That voice, i knew that voice. I pushed him up and sat up to look at two faces i never thought i would see again. 

"No" I whispered before everthing went dark.

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