The truth comes out

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"What is he...."

"Don't care...."

"Just take the car..."

"..plain later"

I woke up staring at a familiar ceiling. Damn my head hurt, i sat up groggily and realised i was at mine. What the hell happened?

"How are you feeling?" Mr Knights voice grabbed my attention and i turned to look at him. "What happened?" I asked slightly confused "You fainted at the office" I frowned, my mimd slightly foggy.

"Hardly surprising" Another voice spoke up. My head snapped round to the two women stood by the kitchen door.

That's when it all came back, me and Mr Knight in his office, the door opening. Their faces. I could feel myself shaking.

"Little brother?" I questioned, my eyes returned to Mr Knight, who only frowned at me. "Her brother" I gritted through clenched teeth. Mr Knight nodded. I turned to the brunette who hadn't said anything yet.

"Seven years" I sneered at her "Seven years i thought he was dead, you lied to me" She just looked at me. "I didn't lie, i told you he was gone" I finally snapped "Get out all of you"

"Lucas, what is going on?" Mr Knight asked confused. "OUT, GET OUT OF MY HOME" I screamed at them. Mr Knight sighed and got up, he two women left. "Lucas.." he began but i stopped him "Please just leave" He nodded his head and turned to go. "I'll see you tomorrow" i shook my head"No, i won't be in" He gave no indication that he heard.

Once the door was shut i sank onto the sofa and cried.


(Mr Knight)


We drove home in silence, we were going to my parents home. Once inside we all sat down.

"Will someone tell me what the hell happened?" I asked looking at my sister. "What happened love?" Mum asked "Luke Wade" My sister asked and mum paled.

I frowned, who?

"Wait wasn't he the one..?" Dad started, "Yeah" Amber butted in. "Well that explains everything" He mumbled.

"Well would someone like to explain it to me?" I asked annoyed. "You know i said you could be his second mate?" Dad asked and i nodded. "I was wrong, you are his mate. His only mate"

Now i was really confused. "But his mate committed suicide" I frowned.

"No you tried" My mum finally spoke up. "What really happened to me?" I asked looking at them.

Amber sighed and sat down. "When you were fifteen i decided to go to your school with you. There were three kids that bullied you. One of them Luke Wade was assigned to do a school project with you. Turns out he was your mate" I stopped her there. "I found my mate at fifteen?" Amber just nodded "Everything seemed wrong, you were blood sharing with him, you even claimed him. We found out that a very small few were either going or had gone through the same thing" I couldn't believe what i was hearing. "On the weekend of your sixteenth birthday you came over to us as i had moved out due to my transformation. You were depressed, nothing i said cheered you up" She gave a sad smile "I even fed you sweets to get something, but nothing" I remember Lucas saying something. "Sweets sent me hyperactive" Amber nodded "Your birthday was Sunday and you went home on the afternoon. I was worried and called Karen to check up on you" Here she stopped and Karen took over. "The front door was open and i just walked in, i called out your name but you never answered. Thankfully my sense of smell had gotten really good and i could smell blood" She stopped and took a deep breath "I found you on your bed, you had slit your wrists. Your heart was barely beating. I ran downstairs and grabbed a knife from the kitchen and cut my hand. I had to force you to drink my blood. I knew your transformation was accelerated and i was hoping it would work. While you were drinking i called your family, thankfully it worked" Mum took over then "You slipped into a coma and we decided it was best to take you away till you recovered. Only you were out for two years until your eighteenth birthday. We decided it was best that we kept you away from Luke" "Best?" Karen sighed "As a human he would get over it and move on breaking the bond and you would be free to find another mate" I turned to her "But finding a second mate is rare" I pointed out. "But i know what you mean. Lucas should have moved on, our bond should have broken. So how come it didn't?" I asked. "Because he fought to keep it" Dad piped in. "Remember you told me he refused to be with anyone because he belonged to his mate?" I nodded "Most humans would take the natural path, grieve and move on. Luke had decided that as your soulmate that he could be wih no one else" "Like his mother" I whispered "His father was her soulmate. She never moved on" I remembered him telling me that. Mum smiled "Yes, you told me about that then. He died the day Luke was born. It took her sixteen years before she could grieve him" I wished i could remember.

Suddenly i felt angry. "So each of you knew i had a soulmate and decided that i shouldn't see him?" Then i groaned "He was there when Issac came to see me at the office. Fuck he probably heard" Dad had left the room and had come back in carrying something. "Is there anything else you lied to me about?" I demanded. "Read this, it will tell you about Luke" I sat there reading it quickly. "Have you read this?" I asked, both parents shook their heads. "I didn't mark him" They all frowned at me. "Yeah you did Amber and i saw the mark" Karen said. I shook my head. And pushed the book open towards my parents pointing out the page. "We're mated" I told them.




Yeah, yeah. It was soo obvious.

So the ending of the last book was rubbish.

That was Daniels story, this is Lukes story.

Can a vampire commit suicide by slitting their wrists? YES

Children (under 16) are human

Fledglings (16-18) still human only stronger.

After their transition then yes it is difficult damn near impossiblebut suicide can be done.

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