The talk

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I didn't go to work for the rest of the week, opting to stay at home and cry.

Daniel, my Daniel was alive and i had no idea how to feel about it.

He had come round a few times to talk to me, but i had refused to answer the door. I had even made sure the windows were securely locked.

The only time i had opened the door is when Dave and Jess came round to introduce me to their kids.

I had to admit the were great kids and helped get me out of my thoughts for awhile. I had told Dave and Jess about Daniel and to say they were shocked would be an understatement. Jess went off about killing Karen for putting me through that and it took Dave ages to calm her down, reminding her of the kids.

Once they had left though i went back to my thoughts, i really didn't know what to make of Daniel. Had he been lying to me? And if not does that mean his family lied to him?

Urgh, i needed to get out.


A couple of hours and a few lagers later i was feeling a bit better. I had come to the mix to get away.

I was now on the floor dancing with another guy who had come up to me. Like me he was here just to relax and have fun. He was a slight thing with bleach blonde hair and blue eyes, a real twink.

We were laughing and dancing and going to the bar now and again to wet our lips nefore returning to the floor.

"Hey how about that one?" I asked him pointing to a guy by the bar, he had short dark hair and was in a dark silver suit. "Ooh, he is a hottie" My new friend agreed looking him over. The guy turned his head and noticed us looking. "Aww he's married" He whined and i then noticed the ring on his finger. "Yeah well he's still looking, maybe you'll get lucky" I winked at him. My friend laughed as i spun him round and had him dancing hos back to my front. The guy licked his lips and stood up. "He's definitely coming over" I whispered in his ear. "Get your booty on babe, he's al yours" I let him go as the guy approached us and watched as they began dancing.

All of a sudden he's eyes widened as he looked behind me and before i could turn round a large pair of hands had grabbed my hips. Smiling at my friend i began to dance with my new partner. The music was upbeat allowing me to grind against the guy behind me as my friend did the same. He pointed behind me then waved his hand in front of himself as if to tell me the guy i had was hot. Wishing to see for myself i turned round and came to a dead stop. It was none other than Daniel. My body froze and i just wanted to get out of there. But my damned body yet again betrayed me.

Taking my hand he led me off the floor and to the back of the club, towards the quiet room. Once inside he dragged me to a corner booth and sat me down. The waitress from last time came up and Daniel ordered water for the boh of us. I just sat there admiring the wooden table.

"Lucas, look at me" I couldn't, to look at him would only hurt. I heard him lean over the table then his hand was under my chin lifting it up. "I didn't know" He told me. "They lied to me too" I frowned. "We need to talk Lucas. We need to sort this out" I knew he was right, but it still hurt. "You were dead" I whispered "For seven years, i thought you were dead" I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"And i have lived a lie for five of them" He told me. This grabbed my attention. Only five years?

"Come, let me take you home. We can discuss it there" He stood up and offered me his hand. I just looked at him, did i really want this? To find out the truth? Yes, yes i did, i needed answers and he seemed to be the only one who had them.

Taking a deep breath i raised my hamd and allowed him to take it.


The walk to mine was quiet as both of us seemed deep in thought. I knew what answers i needed amd decided that it was time they were asked.

When we got inside i showed him the sofa and went into the kitchen and grabbed two glasses and the bottle of whisky. Dropping them onto the table i sat on the sofa and poured them.

Nothing was said for a minute as we just looked at each other.

"What's the truth Daniel?" I finally asked. Daniel sighed. "I wish i knew" he said leaning back.

"All i know is it started before my sixteenth. Do you remember what i told you about born vampires?" I nodded my head. "Apparently some of us transform early, i was one of them. Since you are human i should not have known you were my mate until i had turned eighteen. Amelia knew, she knew it was going to happen. That's why she put us together" I frowned and he noticed "Mrs Lampard" My eyes shot up. "Yeah she's one of us. She saw it happen, all of it." He went quiet. "Everything happened just as it should except for one thing" He continued "I had been keeping a diary, so i have some idea of what happened. The last entry says we had sex" He looked at me and i nodded remembering that night clearly. "Only i bit you and you drank from me. It wasn't just sex, we had mated. We became one that night" He was watching me to judge my reaction "Is that why i couldn't be with someone else?" I asked and he shook his head. "No, according to Leon, my dad, it shouldn't have made a difference. You were able to move on. It would have broken the bond between us" Now i was really confused "Then me and mum remembered something, something you said. Your own mother, how your dad was her soulmate. She never moved on after him" I nodded. "We think that is the reason, like her you believed in soulmates and after losing me you too refused to move on. Belonging only to me. You fought to keep the bond alive"

I couldn't argue that. "As for me, after i tried to do as you asked i went into a kind of coma. I was out for two years, my body turning as i transformed. Once i woke up my entire life was wiped from my memory. My family lied to me, thinking the bond was broken. They didn't want me looking for you. The only thing they told me was that i had dated a guy" "A real dick" I repeated the words he had told me.

"And i was, the best thing that happened to me and i told you to slit your wrists" He looked down at the area i was talking about. He still wore the leather cuffs. "I've never took them off, i was told it was from the accident"

I said nothing, "But i need to know Luke. I need to know what happens now?" I shook my head "I don't know anymore" Daniel just nodded. "I understand" He downed the last of his whisky and stood up.

'I know what i want Luke, you. I've always wanted you. But i understand you need time, and i will allow you that. Just please, all i ask is you think about it" I could only nod my head and he gave me a small smile. "If the spirits bless me then i will see you soon" He said before leaving me to my thoughts.

Once i heard the door close i released a heavy sigh and cried again.

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