A second chance?

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Monday, urgh i hate mondays. I had spent the entire weekend thinking about what Daniel had said.

Man this was hard, how many times had i wished i could see him again? To tell him i loved him. And now that i could i was lost.

I sighed, everything had changed, that much was obvious. Daniel was no longer the cute little thing that i had, had under me. He was now a fine male who i knew would definitely be the Alpha male in any relationship we might take.

I got up and jumped in the shower, my mind was racing. Despite everything i still loved Daniel, did it really matter that ge gad changed? That the last few weeks had been hell for me?

Well yes, but i couldn't help but find some satisfaction at the thought that i had kept my promise. Even if i was fighting against him, i still belonged to Daniel.

Making up my mind i got out of the shower and got dressed.


To say i was nervous would be an understatement, i was terrified. No i hadn't decided if i wanted to be with Daniel or not. I was doing the only thing i was good at, burying it.

I entered the office and knocked on his door "Come in" This time i understood the shiver that ran down my spine at the sound of his voice.

"Lucas" He greeted as i entered the room, i could see the smile he was trying to hide. I sat on the chair opposite him. "How are you?" He asked, concern lacing his voice. I just shrugged, how could i answer that when i didn't know that myself?

Daniel stood up and slowly came around the desk. "I am so sorry Lucas, if i could take it back, i would have stayed with you.." I stopped him there. "Daniel, what happened was my fault, the last seven years was the fault and misunderstanding of others" I told him. "I don't know what happens now. But i need to work this out. As far as i'm concerned everything will go back to the way it was when we first met. No vampires, no soulmates. You are my boss and i am the secretary" Daniel looked at me and again i wished he wasn't wearing those damn sunglasses. "If you think that's best" He conceded. I nodded, what more could i do? He gave me a smile "Then i have some bad news" he told me and i frowned, his features became serious. "There was eight properties in portugal, yet according to Michelle, Every has purchased another property that she didn't know about. Told her that i had called him to look at it" I nodded and looked at the paper on the desk. "How did he expect you not to notice this?" I asked, the property was twenty eight thousand quid. "He must assume that because i haven't noticed anything before that i wouldn't notice this" He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "And he would be right. This is the lower market, his department" I could see the toll this was taking on him. "But still there would be a record of it right?" I asked, "With Michelle there he would have to put it on record" Daniel nodded "I suppose, but what would his reason be for buying the property? He could easily say he made a last minute decision and only told Michelle i called him so that he could get it before it was of the market" I nodded and smiled, getting up I picked up the phone and called him.

'Every here'

"Mr Every, it's Lucas Olivers"

'What do you want Olivers?'

"Mr Knight asked me to call you to see how it was going sir"

It was quiet for a few seconds 'And why is that?' He asked suspiciously

"He just wanted an update on the properties sir, he also wondered if there were any other proprties that might be of interest"

Again silence 'If Mr Knight wishes i look at other properties then he should have said'

I nodded "Yes sir, but Mr Knight said he trusted your judgement, and knew you would be able to spot a profitable site if seen" Ok so now i was bluffing.

'Well if i do i assure you i will call and talk to him about it'

"That's fine sir and i will pass that on to him as soon as he gets in"

'Good, well i have to go now. There are only two left to look at and i want to get it over with'

"Very well sir, thank you for your time and have a safe trip"

With that he hung up.

"Well there's your answer" I said looking up at Daniel smiling. "He had his chance to tell us about the property, even if the excuse is he would rather tell you and not me. He has to call you, if he doesn't then i guess he has just committed another swindle"

Daniel just looked at me and shook his head.

"You know there is a position going as head of marketing in the lower rental properties. Interested?" He smiled at me. "What?" Daniel sighed "Every will lose his job when he gets back, i need someone i can trust to take over" Now i frowned "But i'm not experienced"

"Lucas" Daniel sighed "You've more than proved you are capable of the job on the high end market. So why not take over?"

I didn't want this, not at all i was happy in my job.

"Look just think it over, i believe you could do it" I nodded, seem to be doing it alot today.

"Now" He said clapping his hands together "On to other things. The letters to the tenants at the flats has been sent out. Hopefully we'll get their replies by the end of next week"

"That's good, how are the houses going? Any problems since the last time we were there? "

"They're coming along great, your idea to add an en suite was brilliant" He gave me a heart stopping smile. "Good, maybe next time you might want to think about how you can salvage a problem before ripping into someone" I joked. Before he could reply the phone went off, Daniel picked up the phone with a greeting. I watched as his face became serious. "So you'll be back by tonight?" He said to the person on the other end. "That's fine, i'll sort everything out this end" He listened for a bit longer "Lucas is fine, you made a good choice in asking him to cover for you" Ah, it was Michelle, he laughed "No chelle, you still have your job, i will tell him" She said something that made him laugh. "You'll have to wait" He told her before looking at me. "Do me a favour, tell Every that Lucas won't be in tomorrow, he'll be on a job for me. Thanks girl, bye" He hung up and turned to face me "So what's the favour?" I asked raising an eyebrow "There is no favour really, but would you mind working from home tomorrow? I want to call Every into the ofice, see what he tells me. If he lies about that anonymous property he brought then it will be added onto the list we compiled. It also gives him a chance to do his financial report. At the end of the day i'm going to collect the evidence and go to the police" He told me "I just don't want you in the line of fire" Seemed fair to me. "Ok" I told him, i needed a coffee. "I better get back to work then" I said making my way to the door. Just as i had opened it Daniel caled my name and i turned to look at him. "I still want you Luke, don't expect me to give up on that" I gave him a genuine smile. "Then don't, i never expected you to" And with that i left.

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