We belong together

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Daniel had given me the plans to the flats in London to look over and i was doing a bad job of it.

My mind had been wandering ever since this morning, things like what really happened to Daniel all those years ago? Why did he forget everything?

Though i had to admit it was no surprise that he forgot me, after what i did, i would want to forget me.

I looked at the clock and sighed, it had just gone four and i knew Every wouldn't be finished until around five. I just wanted to know what was happening.

A knock on the door distracted me from my thoughts "Amber? What are you doing here?" I asked confussed as i opened the door. "I've come to ask you something" She said walking in. I shut the door behind me "Is everything alright?" I asked. Amber just looked at me "I want you to leave" She finally said, i just stared at her. "I beg your pardon?" I was sure i heard wrong. "I want you to leave. We think it would be best if you left and allowed the bond to break" Who the hell does she think she is? "And why would i do that?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "Look, after what happened to Daniel we don't want it to happen again. You coming into his life is going to screw him up. We don't think he would survive a second time"

"So you think me leaving would solve everything?" Amber nodded. "Have you thought of the consequences of me leaving?" I asked frustrated and angry. "Consequences? He would be better off without you" She scoffed. "And what does the rest of the family think?" "They agree" I nodded "And Daniel?" Amber didn't say anything. "I see, so you and your family have come to me to try and control his life?" "It's not like that" Amber started. "Listen Amber, what happens between us is between us. If we decide to be together or not. Truthfully after the last seven years there is alot to be considered. For seven years your family decided to have me believe i was a murderer, for five years you decided to allow Daniel to believe he had no mate. So excuse me if i think your ideas are full of crap. We have been hurting all this time and now you want us to continue to hurt?" I asked my teeth gritting at the end. "Now i ask that you leave and never bother me again. And next time talk to Daniel about this, i'm sure he'd love to hear it" I told her walking to the door and opening it.

Amber walked towards me and turned just as she was leaving "We only want what's best for Daniel" She said her voice softening "Yeah and i ain't it, got it" I said before shutting the door on her.

Who the hell do they think they are? Demanding that i leave like that? Did they really believe i would? I sighed and went into the kitchen in desperate need of a drink. Could i do it though? Leave Daniel like he left me? My heart hurt just at the thought. I might not be ready for a relationship with him but i don't want to lose him again. And break the bond? They must be mad, it's all that's kept me going the last seven years.

But what if they were right? What if this was bad for Daniel? I really didn't want to hurt him again, and the thought of me being the reason he died? Well that was bad enough the last time, i don't think i could take it if he succeeded.

A knock on the door dragged me out of my morbid thoughts. Opening the door i found Daniel stood there in his signature dark silver trousers and a pale blue shirt.

"Is everything alright?" I asked taking in his tensed stance "I've just come from the station" He told me. I ushered him in and grabbed the glasses and whisky offering him one, he took it graciously and downed it in one. "So what's going to happen?" I asked, Daniel sighed "They are going to arrest him today" He said "But i'm concerned about his wife and daughter" I frowned "His daughter is at medical school, his wife was a housewife. Every was the only money earner, once he is arrested they have no income" I understood his concern. "But they'll be able to get help right?" I asked "Yes but they loose everything, the daughter won't be able to afford college, the house will be repossessed, all their assets will be frozen" My eyes widened "Don't worry, nothing is set until the hearing, which i will be pushing forward" He said as i poured him another drink. I had to take his mind of it all and i only had one thing to talk to him about.

"You just missed Amber" I told him and he looked up at me frowning. "What did she want?" He asked curiously. "To tell me something" I wasn't sure i wanted to tell him now, what if they were right?

"Tell you what?" I sighed, it was better to get it out of the way. "Would it be better for you if i leave?" I asked, Daniels frown deepened "Pardon?" I bit my lip. "Would it be better for you if i left town and never saw you again?" Daniel face changed from confusion to anger "Are you thinking of leaving me?" He asked, his voice icy. "I just want to know if it was the right thing to do" Daniel stood up. "You think my soulmate leaving me is right? What the hell brought this on?"I shrugged "I hurt you once before, what happens if i do it again?"

Daniel grabbed me by my arms and stood me up. "You are my soulmate, you belong to me. I will not let you leave me. Understood?" He said shaking me slightly. "But what if..?"

"YOU WILL NOT LEAVE ME" He roared making me jump. My eyes widened. His chest heaved. "I just found you, i will not let you go. So what if we have history? Isn't now important?" He asked. He was right, only now mattered.

"Luke" His voice softened and i looked up at him "I'm going to show you just how perfect you are for me"

Before i could ask what he ment his lips crashed onto mine causing me to gasp.

This kiss was gentle, unlike before. But that didn't last long as he licked my lip and i opened up to him, allowing him dominance. He released my arms and they snaked their way up his body and my fingers tangled into his dirty blonde hair. A moan escaped me as his hands were placed on my bottom and the kiss became hungrier. It was of someone had set me alight and my body burned. My fingers pulled at his hair as he picked me up and placed me onto the sofa following me down, our lips never leaving each other.

A whimper escaped me as Daniel knelt up and i watched open mouthed as he ripped his shirt of his body before doing the same to my T-shirt. Damn that was hot.

Daniel was back over me, both of us moaning as our skin came into contact. His lips left mine and he began trailing kisses, first down my jaw then my neck, my body. My back arched as he gave my nipple a small flick of his tongue. I felt him smile against my skin before attacking the pebbled bead making me squirm before moving onto the other one. "D..daniel" I moaned. My body was ablaze and my erection was hard and damn near painful. I felt him tugging at my sweat pants and i willingly lifted my hips allowing him to remove them. His made his way back up my body. I was literally panting by now, i wanted him. Desperately.

"I will never let you leave me" He whispered huskily into my ear. No one will make you feel like i do. No one can ever satisfy you like me" Oh god, he was driving me crazy, his hand slid down my boxers and gave me a squeeze. "I have loved you since the day you walked into my office and i will not allow you to leave. You. Are. Mine"

Yes, yes i was. I untangled my fingers from his hair. "Let me see you" I half moaned, half begged. A small frown appeared on his face. I raised my hand and grabbed his sunglasses. His hand quickly grabbed my wrist stopping me."I don't want to scare you" He whispered. I only smiled and continued to pull the glasses off.

I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips, instead of the metal grey eyes i was expecting, they were silver, more like molten metal. Burning and swirling with emotion.

"Perfection" I whispered "You.. they don't frighten you?" He asked and i shook my head. "They make me want you more" I told him honestly, before blushing. Daniel gave me a heart stopping smile. "I'm going to take you to bed, and i am going to make love to you" He told me. My only answer was to lift my head and kiss him with everything i had.

I felt myself being lifted and knew exactly where we were going. I felt him shift to open the door and he shut it by pushing me against it.

"Luke" He gasped pulling away from me "I need to know, if you don't want this.." I silenced him by placing my lips on his. I was literally dry humping him now. "Please" I begged him "I want you, i want you"

I watched as something flashed in his eyes and before i knew it i was thrown onto the bed.


Go to missing chapters


We both looked at each other, my heart swelling at the emotions in his eyes.

God i love this man.

My eyes widened at the thought and Daniel noticed. "Lucas?" He asked concerned and i couldn't help but smile. "I love you Daniel" I whispered "I always did" Daniels face was blank, i couldn't see what he was thinking.

"I wish i could remember" he whispered "But i don't care what happened. We're togther now. We belong together" He said pulling me closer to him.

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