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Things have been getting weirder with Luke and i am worried for him. From what he can tell me vampires have these souls, like an inner beast, they are apart of and seperate of us.

Centuries ago we coexisted with these beasts, they guided us, made us what we are.

Then a human came along and a vampire called Anka found his mate in her. Only she was no human but what we would call a witch, the other vampires found out and put them both to trial. There was something important about Anka and this Aomi cursed our race until he could return. But who was he? I assume that i am this Anka and Luke is Aomi, though why would his beast be female? Unless they don't care about gender, after all some women are the dominant entity in the relationship. But none of it explains why his eyes go red or why he can control his hunger, well one of them anyway. His appetite for sex is phenomenal and keeping up with him has me drinking more blood than normal.

It has been a week since Jessica was here and i know they were talking about someone called Lee, who i understand was the worst of my bullies. Luke was a good man and i knew he was worried about him.

Right now though he was sat on his sofa staring at nothing, his eyes had gone red again and nothing i did could gain his attention. So I sat opposite him, waiting thinking over what has been said. I had even tried to find this Anka in myself but come up with nothing. Why had this happened to Daniel? Why us, and what did it mean for our kind? And what the hell had this Aomi planned?

Daniels breathing changed and my head snapped up to see his eyes had returned to there usual colour. "They've come to england, all of them" He said frowning. "You seem confused" He nodded "There is supposed to be sixteen councillors yet there is only five" He murmured. "How is that possible?" Luke shook his head "Aomi said that some were sleeping, maybe what she ment was that when the transfer took place that instead of moving to their replacements they died and have been waiting to come back. But how did she do that? The only way would be for the councilor to die before the replacement was ready. It would have had to have been the same councilors that sentenced us to death. The ones that didn't agree she seperated their souls, she knew, she knew something would happen before she came back"

I was confused "I just wish i knew what Anka was to vampires" He muttered before looking at me "Do we have a king or anything?" He asked and i shook my head "No there has always been the council" Luke hummed "The head councilor then, must be. Maybe back then it was passed down the family instead of the way it is now" He mused. I said nothing, what could i say? Instead i got up and went and sat next to him. "Baby, you need to stop for a bit. You have done nothing much apart from thinking about it. I know it is important, but you need to take a break. Sometimes not thinking about it can bring the answers easier" Luke looked at me thoughtfully before sighing and nodding. I smiled and opened my arms, sighing as he climbed into my lap and my arms wrapped around his frame.

"I'm sorry" He said to me "I guess i just want this to be over so we can be a normal couple" He sighed. "I honestly thought that after i turned we would be happy forever, i never expected this. I don't know what to do, while i was turning something happened but i can't remember what. I know everything yet i am learning as i go along" My poor baby, my heart broke for him.

Luke sighed and turned round straddling me "I wish it would stop, but Aomi seems to think it's time to finish this. He keeps pushing me" He admitted and i frowned "I thought Aomi was female?" "No the human was female, the vampire have no gender. Now enough, he has agreed to give me a break" He smiled at me seductively "And it has been a while" He ran his nose over my throat and i couldn't help but lean my head back. "I never imagined it would be like this" He moaned "You said the sparks would come back, but i never expected them to be so strong. Everything about you drives me crazy" He moaned before crashing his lips to mine. I would never tire of this, his mouth, his body, the way he moved against and under me. A growl escaped me as he  opened his mouth in invitation and i thrust my tongue into his mouth. Gods he was more than i had ever hoped for, his body began moving over me and his hands were tugging at my shirt. I moaned when i heard a tearing noise and the buttons flying everywhere, damn that was a turn on. I returned the favour in ripping his T-shirt off him and our bodies melded together as our kiss deepened. I was always told how you would feel with your mate, but i never expected it to be like this. Lukes lips left mine and trailed down my throat leaving small soft kisses in his wake, i felt his fangs extend against my skin and my head rolled back in offering. His lips moved again until his they were by my ear. "You marked me" He moaned "I want to mark you"

I froze as an image flashed through my mind of me saying the same thing to Luke. We were in his bedroom and he looked as if in a daze. Luke felt me stiffen and leaned back, his eyes red and his fangs lowered "Daniel?" I shook my head. "I think..i'm not sure" He frowned "What is it?" He asked concerned. I took a deep breath "I saw you, i think it was your room, i said the same" My voice lowered. Luke looked at me for a second then realisation hit him. "You did, i remember. I got carried away at school and dragged you into a closet, i gave you a love bite. That night i had what i thought was a dream. I had marked you so you wanted to mark me. Damn it had been erotic, i woke up the next day with a small bruise on my neck" I smiled at him sadly. His eyes widened and a huge grin broke out on his face "I was wrong it wasn't the council who blocked your memories" He laughed "It wasn't?" I was confused "No, now i get it, they are coming back, Anka saved your life. He took over to keep you alive. It blocked your memories, he blocked them to heal you."

"I don't understand" Luke shook his head "Anka had to live, therefore you had to live. Cutting your wrists would have killed you, somehow Anka pushed through your human to keep you alive. That's what the coma was, Anka healing you. Your memory lose is just a side effect, once you and Anka are one then you'll get them back" He explained before his face fell. "What is it love?" I asked, he looked up at me with sad eyes. "You'll remember everything" He whispered "I'm scared you'll leave. The things i did, the way i treated you" A tear fell from him and it tore at my heart. "Luke listen to me" I said gently, raising his chin with my hand to make him look at me. "Even if i do remember, even if it is as bad as you say. Don't you think i know how you have felt, you have spent the last seven years paying for that. You have remained faithful to me even though you thought i was dead. Not once did you try to find happiness or love without me. You believed that it was a small price to pay for the mistakes made" I told him wiping away the tear with my thumb. "If i remember i will also remember that you have felt guilty for it, you have attoned for it. And you have sacrificed everything you were for it. Your debt has been paid you are no longer a prisoner of it but a free man to live and love again" I told him. Luke said nothing. "I'm afraid" He finally whispered. I lent down and gave him a quick peck "Baby, don't you trust me?" I asked, Luke nodded "Then trust i have seen how you have suffered for what happened and that is what will never make me change my mind" Luke just stared at me before giving me one of those beautiful smiles. "I love you" He said and i felt relief flood me. "I love you too baby"


"So what are we going to do?" Luke asked me. We had just held each other for a while and it was now getting late. "I have no idea babe, to be honest i'm still not happy about going to the council chambers but you keep saying we have to. I guess it would be easier if we knew why" Luke shrugged his shoulders, Aomi had left him alone for a while which suited me. "I just know it has to be there" I was getting way to used to this. "Won't Aomi tell you?" He shook his head "If i know they know. They know we are coming, just not why. I have a feeling Aomi is somehow manipulating them, hiding the truth from us all" I had to admit i was glad that he still had his own thoughts and wasn't being controlled by this Aomi. I went to open my mouth to say something but was disturbed by someone knocking on the door, at the same time my phone began to ring. Luke laughed and got off me "I'll get the door" He said giving me a quick kiss. I grabbed my phone and answered it "Knight we have a problem" Ivans panick voice shouted at me "Ivan calm down, what is it?" "Pamela went to get Yvonne from the airport this morning and hasn't come home. I went to the airport but when i got there their scents were mixed with other vampires. They've been taken" "DANIEL" Lukes voice interupted and i ran to the door where he stood, if he could i think he would be pale. He looked up at me with unshed tears and handed me a peice of paper. "Oh god" I whispered.



I went and answered the door while Daniel answered his phone. God i love that man, i had a smile on my face when i opened it to find an averege size man stood there. "Yes?" I asked "Are You Mr Luke Wade?" The man asked and i frowned, i haven't used that name in two years "Yes i am" I replied, he handed me a clipboard "Sign here please" A delivery man, i nodded and did as i was asked. He handed me a large brown envelope as i gave him back the board. I closed the door softly as i stared at the package. Shaking my head i tore it open and pulled out a large photo. "No" I whispered. It was a picture of eight people. Michelle, Dave, Jess' the boys, Pam and her daughter and another man i recoginsed immeadiatly as Lee all of them in a cramped dirty cell. "DANIEL" i screamed and he came over quickly i looked up at him as i handed the picture over "Oh god" He whispered before putting the phone to his ear "Ivan we know where they are, contact the rest and get over here" He ordered before hanging up. "Who was at the door?" He demanded "A human, a delivery guy" I could barely whisper. "Damn it, so we can't ask where it came from. I'll see if Issac can track it" I just nodded, i gasped as Daniel picked me up and took me towards the sofa and sat us down. "Baby it's going to be alright" He cooed "But.." He silenced me  "No but's, we will find them i promise" I just nodded.

"Trust me baby, i we won't let them get hurt" I just buried myself into his chest and sighed, how did they get involved in this?, they had nothing to do with it.



Urgh this sucked, why was i even here? I looked around at the others, i knew Pam and Yvonne but not the others. "Hey" I spoke to a woman with short brown hair "What's going on?" I asked she lifted her head up to look at me and i realised then that she had a small boy in her arms "I..i don't know, we were on our way to visit Luke when they showed up. They kept saying we smelt like him, we tried to get away but they were too strong. We asked them to let the boys go but they wouldn't listen. Their teeth, they had long teeth" She shuddered. "Wait Luke Olivers?" I asked the woman frowned and nodded. "Sons of bitches" I growled "Kids? that's low, you had nothing to do with this" The woman shuffled "Why are we here? Do you know?" she asked and i sighed "Yeah i know but you wouldn't believe me" Any questions she had was cut off by the sound of a door opening.

"Poor things they don't deserve this" A young male voice spoke "What choice do we have this is our purpose" A deeper voice rang out. "I know" The other one sighed "But isn't there anything we could do. I mean i know we serve them and all, but this just isn't right. Four of them have no idea about any of this and two of them are just kids" The other man sighed "I just wish Anka was here. It was alot better then" This peeked my interest "And his mate Aomi, god she was something else. Only meet her once, but damn she would have been a good adition to our world" I couldn't help the smile on my face "Oi you two" I called out "Get over here" I heard movement until two men stood infront of me, damn they were fine. THe one looked about early twenties with short black hair and brown eyes, the other one was similar only he looked a bit older. "Are you two brothers?" I asked without thinking. The younger one laughed "No love, this is my dad" I frowned. "Listen girl you obviously know about vampires" I nodded "Did you know about werewolves?" Ok, so they exist too? "Well i do now" This made them both chuckle "Listen not the time for this. I need your help" The men shook their heads "We can't help you" The older one said "Are you allowed out?" I asked "Yeah" "Are we still in England?" "Yeah" I smiled and clapped my hands. "You can help. I over heard you talking and i think we can help each other" The two men looked at each other then back to me. "How can a human help us?" He asked suspiciously and i rolled my eyes. "The time has come for Anka to return" I repeated what i heard. "What do you know about Anka?" The elder wolf growled and i smiled "Their here" I whispered conspiritoraly "I know where Aomi lives, though she is a he now" The two men studied me "How do we know you are telling the truth?" My smile grew wider, yep earwigging really did pay off "They thought she was human, turns out she was a witch. But even now no one believes that they thought she was just a mad human. She and Anka were brought to the council to be killed" Their eyes were blown wide. "They have returned? Truely?" He whispered and i nodded. He looked at the younger one. "Want his address?" I asked "If they ask your mother is having complications and i had to go help, i will find Aomi" The younger one nodded "The address" He demanded and i smiled knowing that we would be ok.

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