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Why the hell did everyone always end at mine? Once again we were all in my living room. After this was over i'm moving into Daniels.

Issac and Sandra wasn't looking to good, they were torn between fear for their mates and anger at those who took them.

It was driving me crazy, why would they take them? Pamela and Michelle i could understand, even Yvonne if she was with her mother at the time. But Dave, Lee, Jess and the boys? It didn't make sense to me.

'Does anything anymore?' Ahh, i wondered how long it would be before Aomi came back. 'Even my host needs time to himself'

I didn't get to think about it as everyone was looking at me. "So what do we do now?" Amber asked. "We have to save them somehow" Issac said.

"Yeah like that will be easy, we don't even know where they are" Amber pointed out. "Well we have to do something, three of them are our mates" Issac hissed,

'Enough of this, my turn' I didn't have time to question the statement before i felt myself being pushed back into the recess of my mind.



Everyone was worried, what was going to happen to the humans? I could understand that it was hard for Ivor and Sandra. The council had killed their last mates and i had no idea how they survived it. I knew if i lost Luke it would kill me.

"Well we have to do something, three of them are our mates" Issac hissed. "Like what? We have no idea where they are or if they are alive" "AMBER" I shouted, did she really have to say that? "They are alive, they are our weakness at the moment and would be useless if dead" I said not really convinced myself, but it was better than having three vampires going on a rampage, i went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

A knock on the door ended the conversation and Luke went to answer it. "Excuse me" An unfamiliar voice spoke "But i am looking for a Miss Aomi" My head snapped up at the name.

"Indo, is that you?" I heard Luke ask and i headed back to the living room. "My goddess Indo, you have hardly changed" I saw Luke looking up at a man about my height with short black hair and dark brown eyes, which were looking at my mate wide open. "Aomi?" He asked and Luke nodded. "It has been so long gaurd" He giggled and this Indo narrowed his eyes. "What has happened to you?" He demanded. "I had to, my host needed the rest" I frowned at what he was saying.

"It is strange to see the old ways" The man confessed "But with you i do not understand, did you to turn?" Luke nodded "What happened that night?" Indo asked "Never mind that, we need to know a few things" Luke said "Of course Aomi, seeing you i nearly forgot. The human sent me here, she had heard you talking and said that the time had come" He frowned at the last bit. "What time?" Leon, always asking questions. Indos eyes widened "c.councilor Demos?" Huh? Indo looked round "My Luna, i thought, i mean" He shook his head and looked at Luke "Even the humans, they look like them" Luke laughed "It is time my friend, the true council have returned" This was too much "What are you talking about?" I asked from the kitchen door and for the first time the man looked at me then snapped his head back. "Aomi?" He asked "You did not expect me to return without my mate" Indo gasped "You never found out who he was" It was not a question "Aomi, Anka was the next in line for the throne, his father was dying when you were taken to court. He was, is the prince"

Was it any surprise that everyone went quiet?


Indo had been placed on a the chair as we all stood or sat infront of him. "Indo, you need to explain this" Luke said, his eyes were red again.

Indo nodded.

"Centuries ago vampires were not what they are today, they were much like werewolves. They had their own beast and like wolves their beast could take over their human forms"

"What happened?" Leon asked, Indo continued as if he never heard. "They had royalty, born from the first vampire, though then we mated to our own kind. Just after the birth of Jesus Christ the king was taken wih an unknown illness. As he was dying his eldest son was sent to find a mate. In those days you mated like humans, not so much falling in love for that would come later, but finding the one right for you. Prince Anka found his match only she was no vampire, she was human. Witches were unheard of in those days and it was discovered later that the kings illness was due to witchcraft after he killed a witches son. Anyway the council were informed of the match and wanted the prince to denounce his mate. The prince refused and the council ordered his arrest and the arrest of his mate. Understand if he renounced his mate she would have been killed. For days they tried to get him to denounce her and he refused. I was the guard to the human and we would talk when she was locked up. She was a good woman, she explained about witches and what they were. Not once did she blame me for the things that happened to her. I began to care for her, so much so that we allowed her one night with the prince. The next day they were both summoned to the council chambers, they tried to convince the prince and he tried to save Aomi. Only it didn't work and the council had decided they should be killed. With this Aomi cursed the councilors their souls forever eternal and bound to their mates as well as the council. Only it didn't happen the way it was supposed to" This time Luke interrupted "What do you mean? The spell was correct"

"Prehaps, but remember i just said that you mated just like humans, after that night the beast became nothing more than a conscience, you began to find mates like us wolves. Soulmates, there was no more choice. Human mates began to appear more often and after a while it was deemed legal to take a human mate after it was dicovered they turned after mating. And killing humans when feeding was banned. By then all the councilers had died to a mystery illness" He finished.

"So what you are saying is Aomi cursed the entire vampire population?" Leon asked, Indo nodded. "But how?" Indo smiled and looked at me and Luke "I suspect they mated the night we gave them" Luke nodded "When a witch turns their power strengthens but there is a point as they turn that there is an influx. It was during this influx that Aomi made the curse"

"How come no one has ever heard of this?" I asked "After the death of Anka the council destroyed all evidence, including the royal line and all records"

How the hell had they pulled that off? "If that wasn't bad enough a mass killing was ordered as wolves we had no choice. All evidence had to be removed" It took me a minute to realise what he ment. "They murdered thousands of vampires?" Indo nodded and Luke/Aomi spoke up "The wolves obey their masters, with the royals gone the council take their place"

"Yet only the council know this, we obey them. Well until now that is" He said looking at me.

"Why now?" Indo looked at Luke then back to me. "When the council found it was dying they suspected it had something to do with Aomi. They took action, they decided to make sure they were never bound to each other. They called upon a witch to make sure their bloodline was no longer able to replace them" The new born council?" Issac jumped in.

"Yes, but over the centuries the bloodlines weaken, Aomi had a sister, a rumour about the kings illegitimate child. Vampires with human mates, maybe their childrens mates were human"

"So all this because of Aomi?" He shook his head "Aomi has been forgotten now it is about power. They stil want to remain in control, that is why they have the humans. But i will admit they do fear one thing" "And what's that?" "Why the return of the king of course. The new council will replace them but the king will rule all. If so wished they could be put to death, after all they do break their own laws"

Luke laughed "Of course, they still think me human. Even if i had been a witch i died human, they didn't figure out about the mating. A witch is nothing compared to them" "Actually a witch is nothing compared to a vampire king that shares her power. A human mate will develop some of the vampires gifts. But i watched and learned and noticed a witch will share their powers with their mates. It was something we didn't want the council to know so we asked them to keep it secret. If they had found out we believe their fate would have been as yours was or worse. They would take witches as mates, it has only been lunas will that none of the councilors have had witch mates"

Got to give this guy credit, he wasn't stupid and i guess he wasn't completely in the councils control.

"Wait, you said the humans looked like the council, you mean all of them?" Luke asked, Indo nodded "The two children looked like Emos and Erron only younger" "So that is why he came back" He muttered and i looked down at him "The boy Lee that Lukes friends had found and taken in. Don't you find it strange that he was here now?" He asked "From what i can see everything started when you were younger. When Amelia pushed you together, she couldn't have known what would happen. Your mother meeting Leon, Karen finding out the truth. And your awakening or attempted suicide whichever you want to call it. All because of the dream she had. If she had left it alone the council would remain in power, the new council would have been none the wiser as to who they are. We would have just been normal everyday vampires" He was confussing me "But your suicide gave Anka the opening he needed to awaken. He took control and completed your turning, that's why you are stronger and more powerful. The turning was done by your beast, just like it used to be" Luke was near bouncing by this time.

Indo nodded and smiled "Vampires today go through three stages, children, fledgling and final transition. This is because your own beast is no longer seperate from you. As was the tradition your own transition was as it used to be. Your human death for the birth of your beast"

This was crazy "Though i must admit the new way is better, less bloody. If the timing was wrong the vampire would just die, it had to be done at the right time" Indo stiffened his eyes flashed. I must return now, the council are making plans for you" He told us standing up before looking at me and smiling "It will be good to have you back" He said before bowing.

I only stood and watched as Luke showed him out, all i could think of was a) I was some sort of prince and, b) i was so confused.

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