Waking up old friends

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To say i was pissed would be an understatement, i was furious.

"Amelia" I growled, we had gone to Ivans to plan our attack and found ourselves being attacked instead. "Mr Wade, how nice to see you again" She smirked "And as a vampire, it suits you" I just growled in response.

"Where are they?" I demanded, everyone had gone and we were the only ones left. "Now why do you need to know that?" She asked "You haven't even asked how i escaped" I smiled "You were stronger than the guard and killed him when he came with your blood" Her eyes widened. "You forget Amelia some vampires are gifted" She narrowed her eyes at me "A mind reader" She hissed, i simply shrugged. "So what now Amelia? Did your mate expect you to kill me?"

Amelia laughed "But of course, we can't have your mate taking us over now can we" Now it was my turn to laugh "Oh Amelia" I shook my head "I would have thought as a mate to a councillor you would have known our history" I said smiling "He won't be replacing your mate, he is far superior than that"

"There is no one more superior than the head councillor" She hissed at me. I laughed and extended my hand towards her and watched as she began to rise up in the air.

"Did you know that if mated to a witch a vampire becomes stronger, more powerful?" I asked her. "There was one vampire who mated a witch Amelia. A very powerful vampire mating a very powerful witch. Only their bodies died but their souls lived" I could see the confusion and anger on her face. "Their names were Anka and Aomi" Recognition crossed her face "Oh Amelia it is wonderful to be back i can tell you. But Anka will return to his rightful place" She just hissed at me struggling against the bonds i had created.

"But before i go i must thank you. If you had left alone your mate would still be in power. The spirits saw into your hearts and gave you that vision knowing full well what you would do" Amelias eyes widened and i couldn't help but laugh"Yes Amelia, you caused the downfall of your own mate" With that said i watched as i took her life force, her screams dying out as she began to turn to dust.

I looked down at the remnants of Amelia Lampard. 'You have accepted me' Aomis voice rang out, it wasn't a question. "Yes, i don't understand how i did that, i guess it was you" 'You have witch blood in your veins, remember i had a sister' I smiled "My ancestor" I felt her acknowledgment.

'It is time Luke, merge with me and we will save the new world' I smiled, yes it was time for the king to return.



"Urgh, what happened" I groaned as i began to wake up, my body sore and aching. I went to wipe my hand over my face only to find i couldn't move. Opening my eyes i found myself chained to a wall. I looked round and found the others were the same, but no Luke. "Mum, dad" I called out but got no answer.

"K, over here" I turned my head to the other side of the room "Chelle?" She nodded her head and got up. "Where's Luke?" I asked her Michelle shook her head "He never came in here" She whispered. "Are you alright?" I asked her and she smiled. "Yes the wolves are good to us but the others found out about vampires. God K they are a right mess, they don't understand why this is happening to them" I nodded in understanding.

I heard footsteps running towards us. "Their coming" I told her and she went back to her corner.

The door swung open and a figure in a dark cloak looked around the room until it spotted me, i could feel the anger radiating off it as it made it's way over. "How did he kill my mate?" A male voice asked me. "How did your newborn defeat my mate" It was definitely unhappy "I don't know" I spoke confidently. This earned me a punch to the gut. "How dare he kill a mate of the council" He snapped. "Councilor Lampard" Another male called out calmly. "You cannot kill him" He said waving to me. "You can have your revenge, we are leading the newborn here" This seemed to calm the councilor who nodded. With that i was promptly ignored.

"There are other matters at hand other than the new council taking over, rumours of the kings return have begun to spread. Some vampires have shown signs of remembering, we cannot keep killing them" The angry councilor nodded "They are a bunch of fools, the king and his son died they will never come back. We have no choice but to kill those who remember, if we don't they will rise against us" The calmer councilor nodded. "This is true, but there are so many, Not all vampires could resist the memory block. It just concerns me that it has started to fail"

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation as they had walked away. My mind began to wander, so they had heard the king was back, did they know it was me? I shook my head, if they did i would be dead by now. I sighed and looked at my bindings "Don't bother" A familiar voice spoke up "They're specially made to hold even the strongest vampire" I looked up to see Indo looking at me. I just nodded to show i heard. "They have sent out one of the guards to get your mate" He told me "They can't bring him here" Indo nodded "They have no choice" He said sadly "They'll kill him" I growled, Indo shrugged "They were ordered to bring him back. But nothing was said about not telling him" He smiled and i frowned "They will go to him and tell him everything, give him chance to prepare" I grunted.

Indo started to look around nervously "What is it?" Indo indicated for me to be queit. "Can you feel that?" He asked and i tried to make sense of what he was talking about. Then i felt it, as if a thunderstorm was brewing inside my very being. "It's happening" Indo whispered "A storm is coming" Before i could ask him what he ment the door opened. "What are you doing dog?" A nasally female voice demanded. "Checking the prisoners bonds councilor, just to make sure they are secure" He woman scoffed. "They had better be, if any escape you and your precious mate will suffer" And with that she walked off.

My eyes had widened at the short conversation. "Please" Indo begged "Find Anka within youself, set us free" And with that he left the cell.



'They will be expecting us' Aomi reminded me "No they will be expecting me" I pointed out "They have no idea you exist" 'True' I was back at the office, i knew Daniel hid blood bags here. 'Someone's coming' Aomi warned. I sat at the desk since i hadn't bothered with the lights.

'Listen to their mind' Aomi suggested and i did as instructed. 'Not sure how i'm supposed to do this. I mean seriously? Lead him into a trap. If dads right then it wont be this Aomi in trouble. Though Luna i hope he is right' The ofoce door opened slowly 'To be free like that'

I had heard enough "And exactly who is your dad?" I asked , aking the figure turn round and growl at me.

Well there was my answer "So what's your name, pup of Indo?" He man stared at me. "Are you Luke Wade?" He asked and i raised an eyebrow "Is it me or Aomi you want pup?" This made hi, growl. "I am not a pup my name is Hugh" I nodded "Welcome Hugh, as to your question i am both Luke Wade and Aomi" The poor guy looked confused for a minute before understanding crossed his face. "You're Luke the human and Aomi he vampire spirit" I nodded "Wow dad told me about those days but i never believed him" I just smiled at him. "Now what exactly are the council planning for me?" I asked "Well plans have changed since Councilor Lampard felt his mate die" Ah, i forgot about that bit.

"But i was sent here to give you a sob story, your friends in cells, we want to be free and wantnto help you bring the council down. Pity for them that's true though" "Has it gotten that bad?" Aomi asked through me. Hugh nodded "Dad said the council respected us for the job we did. Now we are treated like animals" He shook his head. "If we disobey or escape our families are punished" I couldn't help but grin "They have no power over you" I realised.

Getting up i grabbed an old ink bottle of the desk, Daniel used it as a paper weight.

I grabbed a knife and cut my hand, i watched as my blood ran into the bottle before healing. I found some plasticine to use as a bung and passed the bottle to Hugh. "Make sure they get a drop of this in their drinks both human and vampire but not the children" I told him. "What is it?" He asked as he slipped it into his pocket.

I smiled "It is time to wake up our old friends" I told him "And this is how we are going to do it"

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