Waking the others

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Indo had left us to fetch the food. Michelle made her way over to me "K i'm worried about the others, they don't seem to be doing so well" I sighed knowing this was going to be hard for them, especially Lee. "Have you told them about us?" I asked her, Michelle nodded. "Bring them over" I told her. I watched as she did as i asked, the only ones not nervous was her and Pamela. "Hey" I greeted them noticing the man i didn't remember. "How you holding up?" I asked. "Yvonne was the one to answer "Not to good since we just found out about you monsters" She spat. "Yvonne" Her moother admonished. "Pamela it's fine. Considering what she has seen of us so far" I turned my attention to her. "But not the good in us. Do you know vampires can drink donated blood from bottles? That some of us do not kill our feeds? Or howabout the fact that we can love stronger than any human?" I asked her ccausing her to frown.

"What you have seen is the corupted of our kind. There are others, rogues, who wil kill their feeds, that like to cause pain. The council was made to deal with this but over time they became corrupt" "Like the humans only worse" Michelle finished and i nodded before turning my attention to Lee who was staring at me. "Are you really Daniel Olivers?" He asked and i smiled "I would say nice to see you again Lee, but since i can't remember you" "Yeah Jess told me. So you and Luke?" I raised my eyebrow and he put up his hands "Yeah i was a dick, but i had to be. If you had met my parents, that's how i ended up in this mess. I got fed up of lying, when i said i didn't hate gays i ended up near dead" Say what? "So you gave me a beating for being gay because of your dad?" Lee bowed his head in shame. I couldn't help but laugh "Well on the bright side Luke is still out there" We heard the door open and Indos son came in and shut the door. He had a large tray with hi, and i could smell food water and blood. He looked nervous. "Good everyone is awake" He said placing the tray on the floor. He passed everyone their food and water before helping us vampires with our blood bags. "Luke is on his way" He told us as he gave Karen her bag. "They'll kill him" I hissed making the man smile "Do you honestly think they can kill your mate? I would say queen but i don't think he would like that" He smiled and i frowned. "It seems Luke has learnt how to merge with Aomi, he has remembered the old ways" He explained. "So what's the plan?" I asked as he gave me my blood. "Don't worry about it, we know what to do. The wolves are ready and awaiting the return of the king" I frowned and said nothing since i was drinking. The man frowned and pulled the empty bag from my lips. "Your mate really is powerful, i wonder how powerful you will become" He said pulling something from his pocket.

"What is that?" I asked eyeing the familiar looking bottle. The guy smiled "Magic, do you trust your mate?" "Of course i do" He nodded "Then say nothing" I recognised the scent of Lukes blood as soon as he took the lid off. Winking he walked over to the others. "Hey" He said to the humans "We are goimg to get you out of here but i need you to trust me" He told them.

They all nodded "Good now i need to give you a drop of this" He said holding the bottle up "What is it?" Jessica asked "Just a potion, it is to protect you when you leave the cell" Lee scoffed "Why should we trust you?" The guy just smiled "It's not me you are trusting but your friend Luke" Jess slapped Lee on the shoulder. "Lee these people have done nothing wrong Michelle has already explained everything. And besides, what choice do we have" The guy smiled "You have two choices, take it or i force you to" Lees eye widened before he nodded.

I watched as he gave them each a drop of the blood. Hen he stood up and did the same for the others before coming to me. He gave me the last drop. "Why did you give it to us? We can protect ourselves" The man smiled sadly "Orders" He said before closing his eyes "SLEEP" He shouted and everything went black.



This felt so weird, i was myself yet i knew my eyes were red and i could feel Aomi with me. 'This is how a vampire and their host should be, seperate yet the same. Working together' I just nodded "How does it work now then?"I asked 'The vampire soul is nothing more than what you humans call a sub conscious' I just nodded. 'There' Aomi said pointing my attention to a door hidden "Are you sure that it leads to the cells?" I asked 'Yes, this was the way i was brought in' I couldn't argue with that. I concentrated onthe door forcing it to open, i still found the power cool. 'Do not let it go to your head' Aomi warned "It won't, but be fair it is cool. But all i can think about is how i can save our race" I told her 'Vanity?' She asked and i shook my head "Not me, Daniel. As our king he can do more than we can. Pride. I am proud that i have a mate that can save our race" Aomi laughed 'Yes pride, us more submissive vampires want strong mates. Ours will be the strongest, we wil be envied and we are so lucky' It wasn't said to be nasty but a truth. Daniel will be the strongest, he will be king. Many would kill to be his mate. Fated or not.

Neither of us spoke as i silently made my way down the steps, although it was dark i could still see. 'You could create light' Aomi offered "No we can see fine, i wil not use it umless nessesary" I felt her smile at my reply. I finally reached another door and reached out with my mind, another trick Aomi taught me. "Hugh open up i'm here" A minute later the door open "You made it" I smiled "Are they ready?" I asked "Yes, but why did you change your mind about the children?" He asked clearly confussed. "They to are council, or will be when they are of age. All mates will be together. Are they still sleeping?" I asked. Hugh nodded "Good let's go see them" As we walked Hugh explained that Lampard had the key for the chains. Wolves were never trusted and Aomi felt bad for them 'The work they do for us should be respected. They protect us from harm' I agreed "But why?" I wondered. 'We helped them they protect us. We do not rule them, they were a dying race once and came to us for help. After some experimenting we found giving the wolves some of our blood stopped what ever was killing them. But the side effects were immortality, not just for them but their pups. This is how they repay us' Wow i wondered if this was known. 'It is not something many vampires know, those who do were alive when it happened. But werewolves hand down the tale to their children. Simply for them to see why they do this' I couldn't reply to that.

My thoughts stopped when we reached the cells "Now what?" Hugh asked "Go see if the others are ready" I told him "Tell them that the king and his council will be returning soon" Hugh nodded and i watched as he walked away.

'Are you ready?' Aomi asked and i nodded walking into the room. The sight i was greeted with nearly brought tears to my eyes. The humans were huddled in the corner the vampires were hung on the walls. I concentrated on the vampires first removing their bonds and gently placing them on the ground. "How could they?" I asked angrily 'Concentrate Luke. 'For tonight Anka takes his rightful place' I nodded Aomi was right. I looked around me and spoke "Awake" I watched as they all began to stir and i allowed Aomi to take control, although i had been me this was Aomis time.



Luke was still with me and i couldn't help but relish the freedom. "Aomi?" I smiled "Anka my love" I smiled at him laying on the floor. I watched as he looked around. "Why am i here?" H3 asked. "Anka we died my love and we have returned. You, i and the council. They have lernt now and we all need to work together" Anka nodded as he stood up "As always i will trust you my love" I couldn't resist any longer and i wrapped my arms around my love. I sighed as soon as his lips touched mine. Our kiss became passionate quickly and we held each other tightly, i couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. "Spirits Aomi" Anka gasped when we seperated our lips "What is this feeling?" Of course it never felt like this in our day.

A small cough caught our attention and Anka pushed me behind him growling at the others. "Your highness" They all bowed to him 'Wow that's freaky' Luke said makimg me smile. They turned to me "Queen Aomi forgive our past. We have seen what our decision has caused and regret our actions. We can only hope to prove our loyalty" Councilor Demos spoke I stepped from nehind Anka who grabbed me. "Anka love it is alright" I cooed. "Their time asleep has taught them a lesson they needed" Anka looked at me before nodding.

"Head councilor Demos, It is finally time for us all to return, all but one of you have your mates here. Enjoy them" I turned to councilor Kara, Michelle "Your mate is in the council now. A traitor to others. You will see him soon" Kara nodded "Thank you my queen" She said. And with that the rest of us spent some ti, e with our mates.

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