Time to meet the council

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Something was coming, this i knew. The wolves have been acting differently lately and i had noticed.

I sighed running a hand through my red hair, i missed my mate. The councilors told me things had changed, how now they no longer chose their own mates, but like wolves they were chosen for them.

Maybe i should explain something. I am different from the others, my vampire conscious was separate yet a part of me. I have never told anyone this as Kellon as he likes to be called, told me not to.

You see thousands of years ago Kellon was his own vampire, a part of the council when we were ruled by a king. Their prince chose a human woman as his mate. Except Kellon could tell she was no normal human. The council had sentenced her and the prince to death, something Kellon didn't want. He was willing to allow the mating but was out voted. After their deaths the council found out they too were dying and went to a witch to protect them.

Ha, fools. I returned to the witch to discover she was Aomis mother. I told her everything and all she did was smile. "My dear man" She spoke to me "I already know this, my daughter is very powerful. The council is not dying, just your bodies. What ever curse she has placed will turn your world on its head. No longer will you and your vampire be seperate. It will become your subconscious. Never to be heard again" This shocked me "But when your prince and my daughter return so will your beast. From now on the only way to find your mate will be through a bond, exactly like the wolves who cared for her" I said nothing only listened. "But you have shown great courage by coming here alone. For you i cannot save your life but i can save you" She passed me a small leather bag. "This is dead mans ash. When you are to weak to even to lift your hand you must drink it. You will return to every council, become another part of a new host. But remember, when you turn to the looking glass and see your own true face. That is when my daughter returns"

I had done as the woman told me, Kara my mate had helped me with the drink. I soon discovered it was also poisonous to a vampire. I lay with my head on my lap, Kara stroking my hair, and died a peaceful death. When Kellon got his new body he returned to his home only to find Kara gone. A witch was now there and she had been expecting us. She had in her possession two letters. One from the witch and one from Kara.

I had sat there and read them both, Kara apologising that she was not with me, explaining that the witch had come to see her the day i died. She told Kara that until it was time we could never be together. That i must face this journey alone that if she lived i would fail.

Kara agreed to return with the council knowing that i would be waiting for her and remain true.

That was the thing about Kellon, he had chosen her not because she would futher his position but because he fell in love wih her. It was rare to mate with someone you loved. But her fiery temper and quick tongue and easy rejection of him had him hooked.

So now we waited, for two thosand years i have looked at Kellon on the mirror and we are both happy.

"Councilor davidson" A voice brought me out of my musings and i looked up to see councilor evans stood at the door. God i hated that woman, she truly thought she was above everyone just because she was a vampire and the way she treated the wolves, urgh.

"Councilor Lampard has told us to go to the chamber. We are going to finish this once and for all. He has found a witch that will help break this ridiculous cycle" I frowned at this "Meaning?" I asked, she just laughed "After tonight we will be the council, there will be no more born" I had to fight back the bile in my throat. "Then we better go then" I told her and watched as she left. Damn now what? 'She is right, there will be no more born. I can feel it, Kara is near. Andrew, i think this is it. The prince is coming' My eyes widened, i would finally get to meet Kara and the prince. I quickly left the room, i had to protect the prisoners somehow until then.



Well this is easy, i thought to myself 'It took me six years to do this' Aomi chided and i couldn't help smile. 'It seems unfair that you had to pratice yet i benefit from it' I heard Aomi chuckle 'not really, i chose this, i chose you' Huh, had to give her that. At the moment we were hidden in a corner of the chamber room. I had hidden my scent to avoid detection.

I watched as the councilors sat at the large wooden table in their throne like chairs, hell, they must have felt like royalty, putting themselves above all others. I noticed one of them was different, he didn't seem to fit in with the whole 'we are the rulers' fiasco.

'Kellon' Aomi whispered 'That is the councilor we need. Once he sees Michelle he will recognise her as Kara his own mate' I frowned at this 'Look at him, see how he looks deep in thought. As if talking to someone, breath, you can smell his vampire' I did as i was told and realised she was right. As well as his own unique scent there was something else, something i had only noticed on Daniel and the others when i was in the cell.

'Each species has a distinct scent only to that race. Wolves always have an earthy scent and we have the scent of death, cold and rotten. But it is not strong enough to overpower us. Just enough for us to tell who is what. Like humans and witches, warm, rich scent and witches also have a scent like the purest air' She explained. 'But why did i not notice it before?' I felt her smile 'Because the vampires have not been the same for so long. Kellon is the only one to keep his beast seperate' I wasn't sure if i understood or not, but i didn't have time to dwell on it.

I watched as the wolves led in the prisoners, now it was time to meet the council

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