Finally mated

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Mum had gone back to work and Amber was coming back tomorrow, i lay on my bed reflecting on things. Well Luke. It had been two days since i had found myself at his and i couldn't get the image out of my head. I had found him in the shower, the water cascading down his perfect body. I had to touch him, taste him, his body, his blood.

Oh god i was driving myself crazy, i looked at the diary in my hands. Somehow i had catalouged and dated everything that had happened since the first day. Even my thoughts, which is what i was trying to do now.

'After our sexual contact and our blood sharing the next morning Luke seemed ok. I think he believes that what ever happens at his home is unreal. After all if he truly believed it surly he would say or do something to let me know he realises what i am. Yet still he denies it, he denies the bond. His human mind refuses to accept it even if his body recognises it. As for me, i want him to accept me, not just Daniel the person but Daniel the vampire his mate. I love him so much i am scared. No terrified, what if he rejects me? Fears me? These things kill me. I don't think i would survive. God help those who suffer this'

I sighed and put down the diary, i had to go to school. Thank god it was thursday, Amber was taking me away for the weekend to see mum and Leon. I was excited to spend time with them, Leon would never replace dad, but to have another male figure in the family felt nice.

My phone rang pullin me out of my thoughts "Hey Amber" I greeted "Hey kid" She sounded well. "How it go?" I asked, she had just had her birthday and had finally turned "Urgh it sucked, i really don't want to see that much blood ever again" She whined making me smile. "But apart from that ok" "Good" I looked at the clock noticing i had a few minutes before school. "So how's lover boy?" I smiled before frowning "I did something bad" I admitted "Uh oh, what did you do?" She asked teasingly I bit my lip "We blood shared" My voice was barely a whisper but she still heard me. "Oh Daniel, how did he take it?" I thought about it for a minute, the way he lapped at it, biting me to draw more from me. "I guess he thought it was a dream, he hasn't said anything and he seems calm" I told her.

We chatted more and i told her what happened with our mums catching us makimg her laugh, Amber told me about her change, lucky her it was painless. She felt itchy as her body changed and thirsty. She had drunk nearly all the blood that had been provided for her. "Though i hate to think how much blood you will need. We don't even know when your change will happen" I could only agree with her.

We said our goodbyes and hung up as i got ready for school, i knew one day i would have to tell Luke the truth. But how and when was the question.



To say i was in a bad mood would be an understatement. I had woke up this morning to find my body burning and my friend hard. Nothing i did helped and it was driving me insane.

If that wasn't bad enough then the fact that my mind kept wandering to Daniel didn't help. And believe me, there was nothing pg about my thougts.

I kept picturing his naked body under mine, sweat coating his skin, moans coming from his lips as i pleasured him from the inside.

Once again i was pulled from my thougts "Hey man you ok? Your still spacing out" Lee called me. I mentally shook my head "Yeah i'm fine" I lied "Just didn't sleep to good" Lee nodded and comtinued what he was saying.

At lunch we sat in the canteen with Jessica, turns out Dave was off sick and Lee had skipped school that one day. "Hey you alright?" Jessica asked after noticing i wasn't really eating. I just nodded my head, my mind wandering back to the boy that wouldn't leave my thoughts. I stood up and looked at them both "I'll catch you later, i ain't feeling so hot" I told them.

Truth was, i was burning. My hands flexed and gripped into balls as i stormed into the toilets, locking myself in a stall. I sat down and released my aching erection, i didn't try to relieve myself as i had already tried twice. I lent back and allowed my mind to wander, images of Daniel flooded me. Him on his knees with me in his mouth, pushed against a wall as i devour him. On his back moaning and screaming as i do all kinds of things to him.

I groaned as i heard the bell ring declaring lunch over. I zipped myself up and left.

Classes dragged so slow, my body was shaking now, the burning now relt like a raging fire and my thoughts were no where near the school.

Finally the last bell rang and i could have easily sobbed with relief, i just wanted to get home.

Something outside caught my attention and i turned to look outside. Daniel. I watched as he left the grounds, the fact that i was one floor up made it easier to see him. It was his fault i was like this. I wasn't a queer like him, yet he made me want him.

"Hey, what you looking at" I turned to face Lee "Nothing much" Lee just looked at me "So you want to come round?" "Sorry mate, got plans" I hadn't really but i decided to see Daniel, this was his fault and killing him sounded like a good idea right now. "Well catch you tomorrow then" I nodded since we had already made plans.

I watched as he got into his mums car before turning towards Daniels. The closer I got the more heated i became, i felt like i was going crazy. A little voice rang in my head telling me he was mine, make him mine. Telling me to take him, my breathing became jard and ragged and by the time i got to his i was full out panting. I banged on the door determined to see him.

When he finally opened the damn door his eyes were full blown wide "Luke what are you doing here?" He squeaked.



Luke stood imfront of me panting "Luke what are you doing here?" My voice squeaked. Luke growled pushing me into the house slamming the door shut behind him. His eyes were unfocused and wild and i hate to admit it, but it was hot as hell. I damn well got a boner right there. He stalked towards me slowly as if i was his prey and it frightened me. Without thinking i turned and ran upstairs to my room, hoping to get away from him.

Just as i reached my door i was pulled against him, his erection diging into my back and i shivered. Luke bent his head inhaling my scent.

"I want you" He growled before bitting me. My head rolled to the side and i released a small moan. I felt him push me into my room where he closed the door and pushed me against it facing him. His eyes looked at me hungrily as if devouring me and i felt myself blush. I gasped as he grabbed my shirt and tore the buttons in his haste to remove it. I could only stand there as he bent down and ran his tongue over a beaded nipple gasping for the breath that escaped me. He tore of his shirt and spun me round pressing against my back. He bent down and i damn near screamed as he ran his tongue from my trousers to my neck before bitting it.

"I want you" He growled in my ear "I want you so bad. I'm going to pound you so hard Daniel, make you scream for me. Make you mine" Jesus what was with him? As he gridded against my ass i decided i didn't care.

He spun me round to face him and his hand rubbed me through my trousers making my thrust myself into him as my hands gripped his shoulders.

"Tell me i can have you. Tell me you want me inside of you" That was it, all rational thought had finally left me.

His hand squeezed me hard "YES" I screamed "Please Luke, oh god, i want you. I want you in me" That was all he needed to hear as he growled and pulled me to the bed.



Missing chapters for those who need to know



I lay here on my bed, Luke was on his back and had pulled me to him. I couldn't get his words out of my head 'I love you'

He had only whispered it, but it made my heart soar, finally he loved me, nothing could take away my happiness. I looked up at his sleeping form, so perfect. I lay my head on his chest and closed my eyes. We were mated now and there was nothing anyone could do about it. With a smile on my face and his words circling my mind, i fell into a dreamless sleep.

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