I love him

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I can't believe he bailed again. Though i had to admit i could understand, i guess what happened freaked him out.
Damn it i should have tried harder to stop him, but having him touch me like that, the things we done. Damn it i couldn't help myself, and now we were mated. I had wanted to tell him about me first, what i was.

I was really nervous about going to school, how would he react to me? I don't think i could take it if he was mad. I shook my head. He wouldn't be mad, confused and upset maybe, but not mad. I sighed and got dressed at least after today we would have the weekend. Plenty of time to calm down and see what happens next.


Walking to school was like walking to my death. The closer i got the more nervous i became, i didn't see Luke anywhere of which i was grateful. I don't think i could have faced him today after last night, all i could think about was what happened and i found myself more than once becoming uncomfortable.

During lunch i decided to hide in Lampards room just to avoid Luke.

"Oh hello Daniel" She greeted me as i walked in. I only nodded and sat at a desk in the front. "Is everything alright?" She asked. I looked at her for a moment before answering. "I did something bad" I told her, she frowned and nodded for me to continue. I took a deep breath "I mated Luke" Her eyes flew open. "I didn't mean to, i mean he followed me home and practically jumped me as soon as i opened the door. I knew what was happening, i tried to stop it...but..." My shoulders fell and my head dropped. A hand rested on my shoulder and i looked back up "He came to me, he felt the bond. I don't know, it's like we had to finish it and he was the one that it affected" "Oh Daniel" Lampard sighed "I can't feel him yet, i can't feel his emotions. I thought i would but i'm not sure considering i'm not of age and i'm scared" I finally admitted. A look flashed over her face before disappearing and she knelt down to my level.

"Daniel, do you trust me?" She asked and i frowned before nodding "Then understand this. Whatever happens, happens for a reason ok? I promise everything will work out" I tilted my head and looked at her. "You know what's going to happen" It wasn't a question. She stood up "Daniel, i wish i could tell you, i really do. But this has to happen, everything has to happen. I wish to god it didn't" 

She knew, she knew and i had a feeling it wasn't good. Scared out of my mind i got up and ran out of the class. I decided to go to the field where i could be alone. So lost in my thoughts i wasn't watching where i was going until i hit something hard and ended up on the ground. I looked up to see Luke staring at me. His arms crossed over his chest. "Watch where your going faggot" He spat at me. I stared at him wide eyed, why did he say that? "S..sorry" I stuttered. "Jesus Luke you might wanna burn them clothes, you don't want to catch the gay disease" Lee said making them both laugh. I didn't understand, why was he being like this?

I stood up and dusted myself down before turning to Luke "Being an ass again i see" I spat at him. What he did next shocked and hurt me. I ended up on the ground as my face throbbed from the punch. Luke towered over me his hands clenched by his side. "Look faggot, no one wants you here understand. Why not do us a favour and slit your wrists or something" I could feel it, his anger, disgust and worst of all his hatred. This time i got up and looked straight at him. "As you wish" I whispered before turning around and leaving.



"So what are you going to do?" My mum asked me.

I couldn't believe what i had done to Daniel last friday, to say i was ashamed of myself would be an understatement. Karen had told me that he was going to his mums for the weekend, seeing sunday was his birthday.

I had told my mum everything, after Daniel walked away i was so angry with myself. I had freaked when i had woke up at his the day before and ran out on him again. I was still freaked when i saw him friday and had taken it out on him.

"I don't know mum" I told her honestly "Hope that he forgives me?" Mum patted my shoulder. We had talked all friday night about it. And yeah i finally admitted i loved him. Saturday i had decided i didn't care anymore. I wanted him, i was going to apologise to him and tell him how i feel, i had decided to ask him to be my boyfriend and damn the consequences.

"Are you sure about this honey?" She asked. I fingered the small box in my pocket that i had brought for his birthday and smiled. "I'm sure mum, he's my soulmate" I told her. Mum smiled at me "I am happy for you" She told me honestly.


I walked to school feeling the happiest i had been in a long time. I couldn't wait to see Daniel, the only thing that dampened my mood was if he turned me down. But i had made up my mind, i knew he felt something for me. He had to right? Else he wouldn't have let me near him.

I entered the gates and started looking around for him. "Hey Luke" Dave called out to me and i turned to face him. Jessica was with him smiling. "Hey Dave, have you seen Daniel?" I asked "Why are you looking for him?" Lee asked coming up next to me. "Have to talk to him is all" Lee just grunted. "I'll catch you later, got to see a teacher about homework" And with that he walked off.

"So why are you looking for him?" Dave asked, i eyed Dave warily and sighed "I'm going to ask him out" I admitted. Dave stared at me open mouthed "I thought you wasn't gay" Jessica spoke up. "I'm not gay exactly. But i don't know how to explain it. There's something about him that pulls me in. I mean, we been messing for a while now, i thought i was just going through that phase you know? Getting curious. But i realised i'm not, i actually fell for him" Dave continued to stare at me. "Wow dude" He said shaking his head. "So you actually found someone, though i gotta admit i never thought it would be a guy" He laughed and i looked at him. "You not mad at me right?" Dave laughed "Dude you forget? Stevens gay and he's actually a cool guy" Steven was Jessicas brother "Actually i think i'm pansexual" I frowned "That is so cute" Jessica squealed making me and Dave stare at her. "Well it is" She pouted. 

I pulled out the box from my pocket "I got him this for his birthday" I opened the box for them to see. Inside was a gold ring with a single diamond embedded. "A promise ring since we can never get married" I had even got it engraved on the inside.

"You are my life, my love, my best friend and may this ring be a reminder of my love and the commitment i make to you" Jessica read out. "Damn you are serious" Dave replied and i nodded my head.

Next thing i know i'm on the floor with someone punching you. "You bastard" Karen screeched at me slapping me hard. "It's all your fault" "Woah, woah, woah" Dave pulled her off me and Jessica helped me up before handing me the box back. "I'm going to kill you" Karen ranted. "What the hell Karen?" Man i had never seen her this angry before. "It's your fault, you did this" I frowned "Did what? For gods sake woman what the hell am i supposed to have done." I demanded. She shook Dave of her and glared at me. "Daniel. He did as you asked" I frowned "He slit his wrists you bastard, he's gone" The colour drained from my face "W..what?" I asked shakily "You heard me. He left a note telling us. Remember the last thing he said" My knees went weak "As you wish" I whispered. Karen nodded. I grabbed her arms "Your lying" She had to be "Tell me your lying" She never spoke "TELL ME" I yelled at her, shaking her arms. "No. I'm not lying. He's gone never to return" I colapsed there and then. "You stupid bitch" I heard Jessica spit at her. "Can't you see what you've done?" 

I tuned them out, the tears running down my face. Dead? My Daniel was dead. I pulled the ring out of my pocket. I had noticed we were the same size, which is how i got the right fit. Never again would i see those grey eyes, the breath taking smile. Never again would i hear him laugh or hold him as we slept. 

I slipped the ring on my finger "My love for you is eternal" I whispered around my clogged throat. Never again would i love another.




That's the end guys.

There will be a sequel, 

As you say.

It will be about Luke when he is older and trying to survive his loss.

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