The new hottie and her brother

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I stood talking with a few of my friends, laughing at some lame joke. "Hey guys" My best friend Dave called walking towards us. Dave was a bit shorter than me with baby blue eyes and a shaved head. He seemed excited. "Have you seen the new hottie yet?" He asked us, and that had our attention. "What new hottie?" I asked.

Dave had a smug smile on his face. "The blonde haired, blue eyed beach model. With lush pale skin and a body to die for" We laughed at him. "Jesus Dave, how romantic" Lee, a right bruiser looking guy said. No he's not fat, he just loves body building way to much. Another one for shaving his head with brown eyes so dark they look almost black.

"Hey looky here guys" someone else said. We all turned to see the loner kid walking towards us, his head down and dressed in black skinnies and black hoodie.

As he went to walk past Lee put his foot out, tripping the kid over. Everyone laughed as he fell to the ground. "Hey faggot" Lee spat. It wasn't actually known if he was gay or not.

The kid said nothing as he gathered up the things that fell out of his bag. "Hey i'm talking to you" Lee snapped, bringing his foot down on the kids hand.

The kid jumped back and pulled his hand to his chest. "Leave me alone" He spoke quietly. We all laughed. "Excuse me? Did you just tell me what to do?" Lee snarled. The kid shook his head no. "Teach him a lesson" Someone yelled out. Lee smirked and bent down grabbing the kids top and yanking him up. "How about that?" Lee laughed at him "Shall i teach you a lesson?" The kid shook his head. "Please don't" He begged. This made Lee laugh right before he brought up his hand and punched the kid in the face.

He yelped as Lee dropped him to the floor. Everyone began to circle around them but i decided to stand back. No doubt I'd hear about it later. "Excuse me" A seductive voice pulled me away from the crowd. A blonde girl stood in front of me. Damn she was hot, i quickly wondered if this was the girl Dave was on about. I put on my best smile "Hi can i help" I asked her. She smiled up at me "Do you know "Daniel Olivers?" Ah hell she already met someone? "He's my brother you see and he said he would meet me here"

"No i'm sorry i don't, but if you like i will help you" Her smile grew. "Oh would you? That's very kind" I went to take her hand a scream interrupted us. Her eyes went wide and she ran into the crowd. By the time i got to her she was stood between Lee and the kid. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She yelled at him, before turning to the kid. "Are you ok?" The kid just nodded. "Bunch of immature cowards" She spat at us. "Aww come on" I laughed "They were just messing about. It happens at school" She turned her gaze to me and i flinched "Let me guess"She spat "It was a joke. There was no harm meant in it" A few of us nodded our heads. Her sneer turned into a smile. "Bull, but thanks for helping me find my brother" Huh? "Come on Dan let's get you fixed up" Oh shit, that was her brother? We watched as they walked away. "Well" Dave piped up "I guess none of us is tapping that" He said sighing. We just shook our heads and headed into school.


I was late getting to where i said i would meet my sister. She was going to kill me.

As i hurried, i wasn't watching where i was going and tripped over something. Oh damn. I quickly began to gather whatever had fallen out of my bag.

"Hey faggot" Damn, Lee Johnson, this could hurt. I tried to ignore him as i continued to gather my things. "Hey I'm talking to you" He snapped before stomping on my hand. Ok so it didn't hurt too bad but i still felt it.

"Leave me alone" I begged. Everyone laughed "Excuse me? Did you just tell me what to do?" He snarled. My eyes widened and i shook my head. Everything went blurry after that. I heard someone shout and i said something right before Lee punched me. I was used to these beatings. But not right now.

Before i knew it my sister was over me. "Are you ok?" I just nodded my head. My ears were ringing and i could just make out her shouting. She grabbed my arm and helped me up "Come on Dan, let's get you cleaned up" I just nodded and let her lead me inside. "What was that all about?" She demanded, dragging me into the nearest toilets. Thank god no one was in here.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it" She frowned at me. "Amber, seriously it's not as bad as they think" Amber huffed.

"Damn it Dan. Why do you let them do it?" I pulled my hoodie of my face smiling. "Look do i look that bad?" Apart from a bit of blood, my face was flawless. Ok so i wasn't sexy or anything. But neither did i look like someone who had been beaten up. "So your healings kicking in then?" She smiled "And it wasn't so painful either" Amber laughed. "God help them when you turn sixteen"

"Or eighteen, that would frighten them for sure" Amber shook her head. "Any other symptoms?" I nodded "Sight, i can see better"

Now if you're confused then let me explain. You see i'm a vampire. Yep a blood sucker, creature of the night whatever.

Our first sixteen years we are completely human than just before your birthday you experience changes. Sight, smell hearing. From sixteen to eighteen you're like a super human. Then eighteen you turn into a full fledged vampire. Sound crazy? Yeah well that's how it is.

"So do you think your mate is here?" She asked. "God i hope not have you seen the guys here?" Yeah another thing, because i'm small and skinny means my mate is a guy. And guess who gets to be the girl in the relationship. Yeah me, how lucky.

"Hmm, bunch of over muscular, under brained cowards?" She said thoughtfully "Yeah imagine telling them you were a vampire and that you wanted their blood. Then again, watching them pee their pants would be soo worth it" I couldn't help but laugh, my wonderful yet crazy sister.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the toilets "come on sis lets go kill a few brain cells" My free hand puling my hoodie up.

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