The project

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The day went fairly quick and it was the last lesson of the day. English, my favorite. No i didn't like the lesson, i liked the teacher. Mrs Lampard, a young beautiful woman with red wavy hair and blue eyes. No i don't have a crush, eww. She's over four hundred years old, that's why i like her. While she teaches we mind talk, i especially like it when she tells me how the others smell. And try not to laugh when she scrunches her nose because someone is having dirty thoughts in her class.

But today she was closed off to me and i frowned. I guess she had another dream. Yeah some vampires have a gift, Mrs Lampards was her dreams.

"Right i have a new project for you this term and it requires you to do it in pairs" Everyone looked excited, planning on who they would team with. "But" She silenced them "I will be picking your partner to ensure there is no cheating" Everyone groaned including me, please kill me now.

I was tempted to bash my head against the desk as she began reading out the names. "Luke Wade and Daniel Olivers"

"WHAT???" That was both of us. "No way, not a chance. I'm not working with him" I hissed. Mrs Lampard raised her eyebrow. "And what's wrong with working with me?" Luke demanded. Before i could open my mouth i felt Lampard enter my mind. "I cannot change my dreams Daniel"

So that's why she was closed off. She gave a slight nod that only i saw. "Because i actually want to finish school with grades, not loose the chance of a good college because someone couldn't take this seriously" Mrs Lampard knew i wouldn't argue, but she also knew that i had to keep up pretenses. "As if i want to be stuck with the school faggot" He shot back, making everyone laugh. "Are you homohobic Mr Wade?" Mrs Lampard asked.

Not good, one of her sons had a male mate. "No Mrs Lampard" I interupted "Mrs Lampard. It's ok, it's kind of a joke. No harm ment really" I was begging her to drop it, explaining that if she got to angry over it she might do something dangerous.

She nodded "You will be put together, and i expect to hear what you all plan on doing for your projects tomorrow. You have a choice of either a book, film, tv series or something in true life. Now dismissed" And that's when the bell went.

I put my things away and went to leave, that's when i noticed Luke was still here and he looked mad. "If we have to do this by tomorrow what do you suggest?" He asked. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Amber is going to love this" I muttered. "Come on we're going to mine. Hopefully we'll find something quickly" He grunted and followed me out.


"Amber is going to love this" He muttered "Come on we're going to mine. Hopefully we'll find something quickly" I just grunted and followed him out. I'm guessing Amber was his sister. Hell i wouldn't pass an opportunity to see her again.

"What the hell is that?" I asked as we left the school and was now walking towards a black car. "It's a mustang idiot. And don't diss it in front of Amber. She will kill you" For some reason i believed him.

"Why do you have a coward following you?" Amber asked, her voice emotionless. "School work we're partners" Daniel shrugged. They stared at each other for a moment then she looked away and sighed. "Get in"

The ride was quiet and it must have been twenty minutes before we stopped. I looked at their house, nothing special two floors and a roof with four walls. Daniel went in first and i followed, the house was tidy. As you step through the door there is another immediately on your right than an alcove where the stairs are in front of you is another door that led to the living room.

The living room was a square shape that sat to the side of the door. "Sit" Amber ordered me and i sat on a dark brown leather sofa that was next to the kitchen door, which was in front of the other door to the hallway.

"Ill be back in a min" Daniel muttered, then shocked me "Yo bitch pass the guest a can" "Fuck? I'll give you bitch, you whore" Daniel laughed and ran upstairs. "Let me guess, you didn't expect him to say that" Amber brought me out of my daze, a can of coke in her hand.

"Is he normally like this" Amber laughed "Aw hell no, he's not even started. If he gets comfortable with you then get ready. He will either make you laugh or drive you to the nearest loony bin"

I raised an eyebrow and watched her as she went over to the other sofa. "Are we talking about the same kid?" I asked. Amber laughed. "What color is his hair? His eyes? Does he have muscles? Do you think he's muscular or feminine?" She asked and i frowned. "Actually i don't know, he always hides himself" Amber shook her head. "Not always, he used to wear nice clothes. But he got bullied, don't get me wrong he's a good kid. But he has problems with people. And because no one gave him a chance, he believed what they were saying" She explained. I nodded as if i understood. Truthfully i didn't care as long as i could get her interested in me.

We heard what sounded like elephents coming down the stairs. "Damn it him and them sweets" She growled. Daniel came running through, grabbing my drink on the way into the kitchen before running out the back. I heard him laughing "Daniel" Amber got up and went after him. I couldn't help the smile as i followed them out. Daniel and Amber were in the garden, Amber chasing Daniel. What do you mean my sweets?" Amber yelled as Daniel laughed. "Come on sis i wanted a sweet. Next time don't hide them in your sock drawer" Amber screeched "My drawer? I'll kill you" Daniel turned and saw me. "Save me Luke, the pysco bitch is after me" He laughed and launched himself at me. I couldn't help but laugh and catch him.

Damn he's nimble, he wrapped his arms and legs around me as i caught him. I gasped, it felt like i was hit by a hundred volts. His grey eyes darkened, god they were beautiful. I noticed our faces were closer I was pulling him closer. I couldnt help but look at his lips, that were partly opened. 'I wonder what they taste like?' That was enough to snap me out of my haze. I dropped Daniel and we stared at each other.

"Luke?" I turned to look at Amber. "Do you need a lift home?" She asked. I looked back at Daniel who for some reason looked terrified. "Uh, yeah thanks" My voice cracked. Daniel jumped up and ran inside. I went in and grabbed my bag and jumped into the car. "Are you ok?" Amber asked. "Yeah fine, i think i'm just tired" Amber smiled and started the engine. I looked up out of the window in time to see Daniel watching us from upstairs then we left.

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