Now what????

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"No, no, no, it can't be. Anyone but him" I muttered as i paced my room. It was only a small room, with cream walls. I had a double bed pushed under the window with a desk next to it and a small wardrobe in a corner.

"Danny" my sister called from the other side of the door before coming in. We stood there looking at each other.

"I don't deserve this" I wispered looking down at the floor. My sister pulled me into her arms and i cried into her chest.

"Hey, come on now. It'll be ok" She tried to comfort me. "How? He hates me. I'm nothing to him but a little faggot"

I was pulled down to the bed "Look Danny, he is your mate. Ok I'll admit it is going to be hard, but this is what you're going to do" I wiped my eyes and looked over at her. "Now look at it from his point of view. This morning he was picking on you, a few hours later he wants to kiss you. Imagine how confused he must of felt" I nodded not sure where she was going with this.

"Being human this is something he doesn't understand, he'll more than likely fight it. But we both know there is no fighting it. So you my sweet little brother are going to do nothing. Act like it didn't happen ok? He'll figure out eventually that it's you he wants"

I bit my lip "Will that work?" I asked meekly. "Look you can't just turn round and say 'I'm a vampire and your my mate, making us eternal lovers' now can you?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Now get some sleep. You still have to decide what you two are going to do for your project" I smiled "I might have an idea" Amber placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Night sleeping beauty. Sweet dreams" I waited until she left and stripped to my boxers and climbed into bed.


I was so tired, i had next to no sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday.

was i really going to kiss him? I'm not even gay, I've had enough girls to prove that. So why was i lay in bed thinking about his grey eyes darkening, his soft looking lips parted as if gasping for breath. Or how perfect he fitted in my arms. "LUKE" My mothers voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "I'M UP" I yelled back.

I got out of bed and padded into the bathroom, jumpin into the shower my mind began to wander again.

Other things came to mind, why was he so quiet at school, he was obviously a mad guy. He could easily make friends. But then again, everyone either picked on him or ignore him. I sighed as i washed the soap off. What the hell am i thinking. It's just the loser, nobody special. I'm only like this 'cause i was at his. Yeah that's it, he was messing with my head. Hell I ain't no fag, i've never even thought of guys like that before.

I shuddered at the thought of even kissing another guy, disgusting. Yet the thougt of kissing Daniel filled me with excitement and my thoughts got dirtier. They went from kissing, to touching and i could imagine him under me. I shook my head, what the hell am i thinking.

I got dressed and headed downstairs. My mum was in the kitchen finishing breakfast "Morning mum" My mum turned round, at only 5'6 she was quite pretty for a woman in her thirties i had her eyes and hair, though hers was cut into a bob that framed a face that looked younger than she was. More than once i had heard people comment on how she looked mid twenties.

"Hey hun, you hungry?" I just gave her a look "Ok, ok" She laughed "Daft question" I smiled and sat down as she handed my plate. "So who was the girl who dropped you off yesterday?"

"Amber, me and her brother have a project together. I was at theirs working on it. Well tried but Daniel had sweets and went hypo" Mum looked at me "Oh, i thought she might be a girlfriend" I nearly choked on my sausage "Mum i'm still with Karen" A look crossed my mums face, but disapeared quickly. Karen was my on/off girlfriend. She was sexy, with blonde hair and hazel eyes. Ok the hair was died and we were off at the moment.

"What would you do of i was gay?" I had no idea what made me ask that. Mum looked thoughtful for a moment. "No idea, i'm not against gays. But i think i would be upset at first. More because i wouldn't have grandkids to look forward too. I know you could adopt, but there's nothing like your own flesh and blood. Nine months of planning and excitement, wondering what they will look like" She trailed off. I gulped "Is that how it was for you and dad. My dad died the day i was born, mum says i look like him. She smiled sadly "He was so looking forward to meeting you. While i was swearing at him in the car on the way to the hospital, he was smiling. I remember threatening to have you there and then if he didn't hurry up. He just turned around and told me if i did that then his would be the first face you saw and he didn't mind that idea one bit"

I said nothing, i had never heard that story before. "I'm glad you had him mum. He sounds wonderful" She patted my hand. "You remind me so much of him, from the way you eat to the way you get nervous. Silly little things really and as stupid as it sounds, so, etimes i think it's his way of saying he's here with us" I smiled "It's not stupid mum. Maybe it's his way of saying he loves you" She laughed. "Anyway, i don't care if your gay, straight or bi. Your my son and i will always love you. Your a good kid and i'm proud of you" I had finished my breakfast and kissed her cheek. "Got to go now, how about a date night, chick flick and popcorn?" "Sure hun sounds good" We said our goodbyes and i love yous and i headed out to school.

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