What is going on?

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Thank god Daniel came up with something. We're going to be comparing real life school with ones from the films, you know like in the films you have the jocks, cheerleaders, populars, nerds, losers ect, ect. 

Yeah i guess there isn't much difference, my friends and i are quite popular and Daniel and others were the losers. Yeah ok i don't really get it. 

"Hey Luke" Dave called out making his way "Karens back" I smiled and shook my head, i wondered if it was on or off this time. Though on would be good right now. 

"Hey baby" I smirked and turned around. "Hey sexy, how was the hols?" Karen wrapped her arms around me and i did the same. "Urgh parents suck, they dragged me around museums, art galleries and made me go walking in some woodlands" I grimaced at this, it was so not Karen. Especially the woods.  

"Excuse me dimwit" I groaned and turned round to face Amber tucking Karen under my arm. "Hello Amber what can i do for you"?" I asked politely, for some reason she didn't like me. She didn't answer, instead she was looking at Karen. I felt Karen shift and Amber turned to me. "Have you forgot the project? Or do i tell Danny you're ditching him for your girlfriend?" Karen moved from under my arm and i looked at her frowning, but her face was blank. "You better go" She told me "I only came to tell you that i've decided to call it off. We've never been steady and i was wondering if we could be friends?" Something told me she wasn't telling me the truth but i nodded anyway "Ok" She kissed my cheek and walked away, well that was weird. 

"Ready?" Amber asked a wide grin on her face "What was that?" I asked "What was what?" "You looked at her and now she doesn't want to go out with me. What was all that about?" Amber burst out laughing "Are you seriously suggesting that your girlfriend dumped you just because i looked at her?" Ok put like that it did sound silly.

"Forget it. I'm just having a weird day" I huffed. I turned to face the others "I'll see you guys later" They just nodded and i followed Amber  to the car. "Damn it" I mumbled when i got in and began searching my bag. "What's the matter?" Daniel whispered. "I forgot to tell mum i would be late home" I growled "Great, it's not here" I looked up to Amber "Can we stop by mine, i left my phone at home this morning" Daniel laughed "And i thought i was the only one" I frowned "I always forget something" He shrugged as Amber pulled out.

The ride to mine was quiet and we were there in a few minutes. "I'll be real quick" I told them as i ran to the house. I couldn't hear mum anywhere as i ran upstairs and grabbed my phone, i decided to leave a note and went into the kitchen. After that i stuck it by the kettle knowing that would be the first thing mum did when she got in and made my way outside. "Ok got it" I said closing the door. I noticed Daniel frowning "Hey you ok?" I asked, Daniel nodded and placed his head on the window. We arrived at theirs, much to my relief, the atmosphere in the car was stifling. "Danny you better stay out of my room" Amber growled at him, Daniel smiled "Ok" "Danny i swear i'll castrate you. Stay out of my room and away from the sweets" He huffed and crossed his arms "As you wish" Amber smiled and nodded her head. "Love you bro" "Yeah, yeah" I couldn't help but smile, why couldn't he be like this at school. We grabbed a drink and went upstairs. "So any idea how to start?" I asked "Cause no offence but i've not really watched films about high schools" Daniel blushed and fidgeted on his feet. Damn he looked cute. Wait no he doesn't, he's a guy damn it. "actually yeah, Amber being older used to make me watch chick flicks with her when i was younger" So that's why he's blushing. "You used to watch them?" I said trying to hold back the laughter. "Hey she forced me too" he snapped crossing his arms and turning his head. "Hey" I stood in front of him and lifted his head by the chin, tingles ran through my hand where i touched him "Admit it, if i admitted to being made to watch chick flicks you would laugh too" Daniel took a deep breath. "Let go" He whispered "Please" his eyes were closed and i felt his breath fan across my face. "Daniel, what's wrong?" I asked concerned not letting go. "Please" He begged and grabbed my wrist, but he never removed my hand. . I stepped closer and our bodies were practically touching, he put his hand on my chest as if to push away. But he didn't, it was almost as if he couldn't he bit his lip and i felt his breath hitch.

"Daniel" I breathed and i swear i heard him moan. My lips were a mere inch from his and i couldn't help myself. My lips brushed against his and his eyes flew open, his grey eyes dark and wide. And i have no idea why i did what i did next. I pressed my lips to his, and oh god, i swear fireworks had exploded. Daniel responded his hands gripped my shirt deepening the kiss. My tongue ran across his lips begging for entrance, which he willingly gave. We both moaned as i explored his mouth and my hips bucked, fuck we were both hard. His hands went to my hair as i wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. I had kissed plenty of girls, but it had never felt like this. My hands wandered lower and i grabbed his ass, kneading them. They felt so good under my hands, perfect. I removed my lips from his and began trailing kisses lower, over his jaw, his throat. He moaned when i reached the juncture of his neck and shoulder. I gave it a quick bite before licking the sting away and he bucked against me.

"Excuse me" We pulled away from each other and turned to face the door where Amber stood with her arms crossed. "Next time shut the door" She said before turning around to her own room. I backed away from Daniel. What the fuck did i just do. Daniel looked at me and i could see hurt in his eyes. He quickly rearranged his face and moved over to the bed. "Right well i think the best thing to do is start of with our own stories of high school and compare them, find out what it's like at each end of the pecking order. Yours is obviously going to be the popular jock and i guess i'm the one at the bottom. Then all we have to do is find the right films and see what the difference is" He looked up at me with a smile "Don't worry i won't damage your male pride by telling anyone you watched a chick flick or two" I frowned, how the hell could he be so calm. I was freaking out internally. Daniel sighed. "Look Luke, forget what happened. It was an in the moment thing, it didn't mean anything. Don't worry about it, it happens." I nodded "If it makes you feel any better, it's quite common, some people experiment through high school. Hell my mum did it, my dad did it even Amber did. They all decided it wasn't for them. So don't fret, anyway it's not like i'm going to tell anyone" That was good, i didn't need the others finding out i kissed a guy. They would castrate me there and then, my life would be over.

I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed "Come on, lets get this done" I smiled "Ok but if i find out that anyone knows i've been watching chick flicks then i will beat you to a pulp" I said half jokingly. Daniel smiled and nodded "As you wish"


"Wait, wait, wait" I said laughing. "You laughed at me because my sister forced me to watch those damn films and now you're telling me that you watch them willingly?" Luke nodded his head and my laughter got worse. "That's why i laughed" He told me smiling "It was ironic that we both watched them. And if you think that's bad i always call it date night" I was crying by now and my sides really hurt. "Ok. ok" I gasped as my laughter died down and i took a minute to calm myself. "So why do you do these date nights?" I asked. Sadness crossed his face before disappearing. "My mums only had me since my dad died, she never dated anyone else. Always said that he was her soulmate. I suppose it's my way of giving her some male attention, sure it's not the same as actually dating a guy her own age, but it makes her happy" I smiled sadly at him "Did you know your dad. He shook his head. "My mum went into labour at home and dad drove her to the hospital, on the way some drunken asshole hit them head on. Mum was in the back but dad.... He didn't make it, he died while mum was in labour"

My eyes were wide, that was some serious shit. "She gave me his name, i was supposed to be Adam, well i still am, it's my middle name" His head was lowered. "I'm sorry" I whispered. "My dad died a few years ago, he was murdered" I confessed Luke looked up at me his eyes saddened. "You had it worse" I frowned "I never knew my dad so i don't really miss him, you know. Mum talks about him and yeah i would loved to have known him. But you. You have memories of yours, you knew him. I can't say for sure but i would think remembering someone would be worse than just knowing about them"

I said nothing as we both got lost in our own little world. I notice Luke shake his head "Damn it look at us. We are definitely as bad as a couple of chick" He smiled and i smiled with him.

"Actually it would be considered sad that a straight guy is acting like a sappy chick" I said laughing, but stopped when he got a serious look on his face. "What?" I asked Luke looked at me "Are you really gay?" He asked. I sighed unsure whether to tell him. Oh well "Yeah" He nodded "Don't worry i'll understand if you don't want to come round anymore. We can do this in the library" I said sadly. "Hey, i was just asking. Fuck sake Daniel, we've been picking on you for so long about it i just wondered" I frowned "You don't care?" Luke just shrugged "Like you said it's just like the films one at the top and one at the bottom" I shook my head trying to get rid of the thoughts of Luke topping me and decided to make a joke of it "Oh so you like me being bottom?" I waggled my eyebrows. Luke gave me a puzzled look before realising what i meant. He grabbed a pillow and hit me with it. "You pervert" He laughed and i laughed with him.

"Oh shit" He exclaimed jumping off my bed "I got to go. I promised mum" I nodded and followed him downstairs. He opened the door and turned round to me "Listen you're a good kid Daniel. But this changes nothing at school" "Of course" I agreed with a fake smile "As you wish" He frowned at me and left. I closed the door behind him and slunk to the floor with my back to the wall.

"Danny?" I looked up to see Amber stood in front of me. "What am i going to do sis?" I asked miserably. Amber knelt in front of me and wrapped her arms around me. "It'll be ok" She said as the tears ran down my face. He had kissed me and that had only strengthened the bond.

The next day i really didn't want to go to school but Amber forced me too "Look if he wants to be a jerk then fine, but don't forget he will be yours" She snapped at me "But it hurts Amber. He's supposed to love me. And it hurts knowing he doesn't feel the same as i do" Yeah i admit it i love him already. "Oh Danny, you know it's complicated with humans. Remember what mum told us" I nodded, mum had never met her mate but she fell in love with a human, our dad. She had decided to tell him the truth because as she said it was better he knew than if she just disappeared if her mate ever turned up.

I wiped my eyes and squared my shoulders "Your right. He's my mate and we will be together one day. If this is what makes him happy for now i'll bear with it until he realises the truth" Amber smiled and clapped my shoulder. "Come on bro time to show him what he's missing"

I was now sat in english waiting for Luke, i had gone over what we had written down and was hoping he liked it. I saw him come in with his friends and he looked pissed, his friends were glaring at me. "So what you got?" He demanded. I lowered my head to hide the hurt in my eyes and grabbed the folder.

Here's what we came up with on our differences between us and how they compared to the films i also added in the similarities between both groups" He frowned and looked at me. "What similarities?" I pointed to the paper. "Well here you said that sometimes you wish you could just walk away for a few moments and be on your own, while i wish that i had people to talk to, laugh with. It may not be very often but once in a while we wish we were each other. But the only true similarity that we have is that neither of us want to be bullied in school"

Luke nodded, "That's true" Damn he really didn't want to be near me. "Look i know being stuck with the school faggot isn't easy. But damnit this wasn't my idea" I hissed

"Is anything wrong mr Olivers and mr Wade?" Mrs Lampard asked. When did she get here?

"No Miss" Luke answered "We were just having a heated discussion about the project. We can't decide what kind of film portrays us and which film blows the whole thing up" She knew he was lying but said nothing.  'You knew' I accused her in my mind 'Yes i knew, things are not as simple as you think' I frowned but she blocked me out.

"Listen loser you're coming round mine after school, my mum wants to meet you. Make sure your a nice lad and all that crap. Though if i had my way i'd keep you out of my life completely." I just nodded "Don't worry i'll try not to stay too long" I sneered back. He just grunted and we continued with our work.


I didn't want to be this way with him, i really didn't. But i couldn't let my friends know that we were getting on, i wasn't about to commit social suicide. Not for anyone. When the bell rang for the end of class Daniel hot footed it out of there. As i got up and gathered my things all i could think was 'What is going on?'

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