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High Five...Hundred!

Cloud Guy: (to Branch) High five! 😃

Branch high fives Cloud Guy.

Cloud Guy: (in a demonic voice) Hundred! 😈


Branch and Cloud Guy repeatedly high five each other rapidly.


JD is the Problem

John Dory, Bruce, and Clay all sit together in silence.

John Dory: (sighs) Am I the prob—

Clay: (pointing at John Dory) OF COURSE YOU ARE! 😡


Me: (announcing) Hello, friends! I hope you're having a good summer! Speaking of's time for a summertime knock knock joke of the day! Enjoy! 😃

🎶 Knock Knock Joke of the Day! 🎶

Branch: (to Bruce) Knock knock.

Bruce: Who's there?

Branch: Noah.

Bruce: Noah who?

Branch: Noah good place to get sunglasses?

🎶 Knock Knock Joke of the Day! 🎶


I'm Coming Out

Police Cop Troll: (aiming a gun at me) Come out with your hands up! 😠

I put on shades, raise my hands up, and start rapping. John Dory, Bruce, Clay, and Branch start dancing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Go to 0:31 of the video*

🎶 Yo, I'm comin' out like the sun after rain
Ready to shine, no time to be playin'
Feeling good, gonna get, get what I, what I want
Gonna show ev'ry, everybody how I, how I flaunt
Look at me now, my confidence is soaring
Dudes be impressed with the points I'm scoring like 🎶

John Dory, Bruce, Clay, and Branch chimed in the background.

🎶 (That ain't boring) 🎶

I continue to rap as the four BroZone brothers kept on dancing.

🎶 And it just don't quit 🎶

Soon, I began to shake my hips.

🎶 Watch the king drop his jaw when I'm shaking my hips 🎶

At the end, me and the four BroZone brothers did a really cool pose, leaving the police cop troll feeling shocked and speechless as he lowers his gun.


About Viva...

Branch: (to Clay) Hey, uh, about Viva...

Clay: What about her? 🤨

Branch: She's, uh...having a sugar rush. 😬

Viva screams with excitement as she runs rapidly nonstop all over the place, going absolutely crazy, having an infinite amount of energy.

Clay: (chuckles nervously) Yeah...she usually acts like that whenever she eats a lot of sweets. 😅


A Lullaby for Floyd

Floyd: Grandma?

Grandma Rosiepuff: Yes, Floyd?

Floyd: Can you sing a lullaby for me? I'm scared that I'll have a nightmare again.

Grandma Rosiepuff: Awww, Floyd. Come here.

Floyd comes closer to Grandma Rosiepuff. Grandma Rosiepuff hugs Floyd and starts to sing to him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Go to 0:15 of the video*

🎶 A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams, you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep 🎶

Soon enough, Floyd starts to yawn. As Grandma Rosiepuff tucks Floyd in bed, she continues singing.

🎶 Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true 🎶

Once Floyd was sleeping peacefully, Grandma Rosiepuff gently kisses him on the forehead.

Grandma Rosiepuff: (in a soft voice) Good night, sweetie.

After that, Grandma Rosiepuff leaves Floyd's room, turning off the light and quietly closing the door.


Hey There, Bruce!

John Dory: (rhythmically) Hey there, Bruce, whatcha doing with that juice?

Feeling annoyed, Bruce splashes a cup of orange juice at John Dory's face.

John Dory: Seriously? 😑


Tell Him, Poppy!

Creek: (to Poppy) I love you...

Poppy punches Creek in the face, causing him to fall unconscious.

Poppy: (angrily) Listen here, you traitor! I have a REAL boyfriend! Now just shut up and leave me ALONE! 😡

Poppy turns around and walks away.


Hand Clapping Game

Poppy and Viva are playing a rhyming hand clapping game.

Poppy: Lemonade!

Viva: Iced tea!

Poppy: Coca-Cola!

Viva: Pepsi!

Both: Lemonade, iced tea, Coca-Cola, Pepsi! Turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend out of town, freeze!

At the word "freeze", Poppy and Viva stop moving. However, a couple of seconds later, Poppy ends up moving.

Viva: Yay! I win! 😃

Poppy: (smiles and laughs) Good job, big sis! You beat me fair and square! 😆

Viva: I sure did! But hey, at least it was fun, am I right? 😄

Poppy: Yep! It certainly was! 😁

Poppy and Viva give each other a big hug.


That's His Girl

Creek: (to Poppy) I'm selling you out.

Poppy: (strangles Creek with her hair)

Branch (inside his head):


What's For Dinner?

Freddy: (to Bruce) What's for dinner, Dad? 😀

Brandy comes out, revealing a tasty dish.

Bruce: Spaghetti and meatballs! 😌

Freddy: Yum! My favorite! 😋

Brandy sets down the dish of spaghetti and meatballs. Freddy eats it happily.


Let's Get This Party Started!

John Dory: Let's get this party started! 😎

Poppy: This is a slumber party... 😕


John Dory flops on the floor and starts snoring.


Cute Broppy Kisses!

Poppy: I love you, Branchifer. (kisses Branch on the cheek)

Branch: (blushes and chuckles) And I love you too, Poppifer. (kisses Poppy on the cheek, making her blush and smile)


Poppy Doesn't Want to Die

Chef Bergen: (holding a knife) Are you ready to die? 😈

Poppy: (inside the bird cage) No! 😰

Chef Bergen: Then I'll come back later! 😈


Branch's Baby Pictures

Poppy: (fangirls) Look at you, Branch! You were so cute! I love it! 😍🥹

Branch: It was an era! 😠

John Dory: Tragic.


Following Her Footsteps

Random Young Troll: (to Poppy) When I grow up, I want to become just like you! 😄

Poppy: Awww...really? That's so sweet. 🥹


Poor Floyd Has a Cold

Floyd is in his bed, feeling sick with a cold. He sneezes into his arm. Branch enters Floyd's room, holding a box of tissues in his hand.

Branch: Bless you, Floyd! Here, I brought you a box of tissues so you can blow your nose.

Branch gives Floyd the box of tissues, to which Floyd takes it from him with a slight smile.

Floyd: (sniffles) Thanks, Branch.

Branch: No problem, Floyd. I hope you'll get better soon.


Flowers for Bridget

Bridget: (giggles) I got you, Grissy! 🤭

King Gristle: Well, I got! 💐😃

Bridget: (blushes) For me? 😳


BroZone Gangnam Style

John Dory: Ready to dance, bros? 😎

Clay, Bruce, Floyd, and Branch: Yeah! 😃

John Dory puts down his speaker, takes his phone out, and starts playing the song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Go to 1:06 of the video*

🎶 Oppan Gangnam style 🎶

All the BroZone brothers start doing the Gangnam Style dance.

🎶 Gangnam style
Op, op, op, op
Oppan Gangnam style 🎶

🎶 Gangnam style
Op, op, op, op
Oppan Gangnam style 🎶

🎶 Eh, sexy lady
Op, op, op, op
Oppan Gangnam style 🎶

🎶 Eh, sexy lady
Op, op, op, op
Eh-eh-eh, eh-eh-eh 🎶



As I was drawing a picture, Poppy comes by.

Poppy: Are you drawing something? 😄

Me: Yep! I sure am! 😌

Poppy: Oooh! Can I see it? Pretty please? 😃

Me: Well...alright! (gives the paper to Poppy)

Poppy takes the paper and looks at it.

Poppy: (in surprise)! (feeling proud) You're an artist! 😧🥹

Me: Awww, thank you so much, Poppy! 🥰

~Bonus Scene~

Got Your Nose (Remastered)

Bruce pretends to take Branch's nose.

Bruce: Got your nose! 😁

Branch: Will you stop? 😒

Bruce: Yeah, okay. 😕

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