The word

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Serena was running away from the scene and sulking with tears in her eyes. The Kalos Queen who was known to have in a bright and warming smile was in so much despair when she found out the person she's admired and loved for so long was in a relationship. She ran to and wondered around Viridian Forrest when she was finally tired of walking and decided to sulk and cry under a tree. It wasn't long until the raven-haired boy who she admired has found her and had a shocked expression on his face.

Ash: Serena! Woah! Are you okay?!

Serena: *Sniffle* I'm okay...

Ash: Obviously not if your on the ground crying! Did you hurt yourself?

Serena: No...

Ash: What happened out there then? The crowd and your agents are worried about you!


Ash: Serena... What's gotten into you? Are you really okay?

Serena: ...

Ash: Serena... Please talk to me. We're really worried about you. I'm worried about you. Please Serena...

Serena: *sniffle* I-is it true, your *sniffle* dating that girl?

Ash: Wait, what? Who?

Serena: That orange haired girl...

Ash: Oh that's Misty. I took care of her earlier today. We're only friends. *Thinking* Somehow, I'm understanding a bit more about the conversation I had with Misty...

Serena: Oh...

Ash: Why you ask?

Serena: It's nothing really..

Ash: So if it's nothing, why don't you tell me?

Serena: *trying to hide her face* ...

Ash: *looking the other way* You know a pretty girl like you shouldn't be hiding her face...

Serena: Wha-?....

Ash: Serena. It's about time I tell you this... I-I


Ash: I think your a really cute girl... *hiding his face*

Serena: ...!

Ash: I get this weird emotion I've never had before around you. It only happens when I'm towards you, or when your name gets mentioned!

Serena: *tearing up*

Ash: What I guess I'm trying to say is according to Brock, I guess I...


Ash: What's that word again...?


Ash: I- I

Serena: ?

Ash: I forgot the word. But whatever it was, it summed up my feelings towards you! It feels good to have gotten that out of my chest now!


Ash: Is something still the matter?

Serena:... No.. I guess I'm good..

Ash: Are you sure there isn't anything you want to get off your chest? I mean this feeling feels really good right now!

Serena: I can't put it to words...

Ash: Well, *sitting next to Serena* it has to be in words... How else would I know?

Serena:... I'm not sure you would understand it....

It was silent between the both of them. Until Serena was finally done and about to break the silence. She knew it was her turn to confess, or at least attempt to considering she wasn't one hundred percent sure Ash was in love with her. When she closed her eyes let out a huge sigh and was about to get up, out of no where, her lips felt warmer. When she opened her eyes, Ash was kissing her.

Ash: I remembered now. The word is love. Serena, I guess I'm in love with you.

Serena: *Tearing up* Ash... I-I love you too... Ever since the day you helped me out, you know at Professor Oak's summer camp?

Ash: Yeah.

Serena: That's how long...

Ash: What a long time you kept that bottled in. I'm happy you got it out now.

Serena: Hey Ash...

Ash: Yeah?

Serena leaned in and kissed Ash unexpectedly. He was ok with it.

Ash: Let's get out of here. Everyone's so worried about you!

Serena: Ok...

Ash and Serena were holding hands as they exited the Viridian Forrest.

Just like they did as kids.

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