This is Goodbye

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Everyone was waiting back in Viridian City for Ash, with low hopes he'd find Serena. However to their surprise Ash and Serena returned, and they were holding hands! The group and a crowd of people rushed up to them, with tons of questions in their heads. Questions like "How did you find her?","How did you know she'd be there?" But the biggest question, "Are you guys dating now?" Ash and Serena explained most of what happened, trying to leave out embarrassing details about how Serena thought Misty and Ash were a thing. To answer all the questions from so many people was exhausting, but they knew they couldn't escape the last question. They both looked at each other, smiled and nodded. To answer the final question, they simply said "Yes." The crowd roared with "Awws," and asked even more questions, but that soon got broken up when Serena's agents came, and they did not look happy. Even when the group of friends tried to tell them there was a misunderstanding, they didn't want any type of excuses. Because of Serena running off, they had to potentially re schedule the entire world tour. Serena, didn't have the best look on her face either. In fact, she looked so mad, as if she was about to use a Explosion attack on the agents. Serena told them off and how she was beginning to not like being the Kalos Queen. Suddenly Palermo came with a very mad expression as well. Serena didn't even change her expression, so things didn't look like they were going to go well. Serena explained she didn't want to do this anymore and that she wanted freedom again and to do what she loves best - being with her friends and Ash. Palermo didn't take any no's for a answer. Serena reached in a little pocket on her heavily damaged and dirty dress. Ash's surprise he found the soiled dress attractive. Serena pulled out a flyer for her performance and her schedule and "rrrrrriiiiiippppppp" was all you heard from Serena's hands. With the remaining pieces, she made it rain all on Palermo's head. Palermo exploded with anger and took away the title of Kalos Queen from Serena and gave it back to Aria, and left with the most stiffest walk anyone's ever seen in their life - literally, she looked like she was constipated. An old constipated lady walking like that was something to laugh about, but not in the right moment. Everyone turned to Serena.

Ash: Serena... T-that was your dream... W-why would you do that?

Bonnie: You were doing so well....

Clemont: This is what you were dreaming for and wanted... Wasn't it?

Serena: *nodding her head and smiling* Being a Kalos Queen was nice and all, but it had its downs. Besides, traveling with you guys through the Kalos was a dream! I got to do things and experience things I've never seen or done before. And I also stood up to my mother to protect my dream. If I didn't find the courage to do so from you guys, I probably would have been stuck at home by now falling on my face from my Rhyhorn.

Bonnie: *tearing up* Serena.... *Hugging Serena*

Clemont: *sniffle* T-thanks Serena...

Ash: I'm glad you feel this way. I was so sad when you left. I felt like a part of me was missing. Serena?

Serena: Yeah?

Ash: I think it's safe to say, you were my dream.

Serena: *Speechless*

Ash: Since our very first minutes traveling together I knew something about this journey was going to be different from the other journeys I've had. Then, I looked at you and saw why. A very old friend I reunited with was why, and not to mention a cutie as well. *smirking*

Serena: Ash...

Ash: I really do love you Serena.

Serena: Same here Ash! *tearing up* I thought this day would never come... The day we'd actually confess.

Bonnie: Me too!

Clemont: Wait, what was that Bonnie?

Bonnie: *Chuckling*

Brock: *Whispering to Misty* Hey... Are you going to be okay?...

Misty: It hurts a bit... But I'll be okay. I'm happy for the both of them though...

Brock: Glad to hear...

The gang decided to spend a night at the Pokemon Center. In the morning, Brock had to attend a job in another Pokemon Center and said he wouldn't return until a week, so he parted ways with the group. Misty exchanged goodbyes and apologies to the group because she had to go back to the Cerulean Gym. This left the Kalos quad in Viridian City, with nothing to do. Until Clemont had to speak up...

Ash: So now what?

Clemont: Well believe it or not, I have to return to Kalos back to the Lumiose Gym. I thought about staying but then I realized I can't have Clembot taking over all the time. I can't have it malfunctioning on the job, and the gym need it's real and former leader.

Bonnie: And the gym leader needs his little sister too.

Clemont: I already bought two tickets to Lumiose City for Bonnie and I at night...

Ash: So this is goodbye... Huh...

Clemont: Afraid it is...

Bonnie: *tearing up* I wish our journey didn't have to come to a end so soon...

Ash: *kneeling down to Bonnie* Don't worry Bonnie! I'm sure we'll see each other again someday, especially when your a trainer!

Bonnie: *wiping eyes* Yeah! I'm going to be a good Pokemon trainer too!

Ash: So do you want me and Serena to take you guys to the airport?

Clemont: That would be nice. We would have a little time left of traveling together.

Ash: Okay then, let's get going.

So the group went to the airport. On the way there, they were remembering all the things they did in Kalos together and promised they weren't going to forget anything. The time came quick when they lemon siblings had to board the plane to Kalos. Before they went on, they exchanged tearful goodbyes.

Bonnie: *sobbing* Please don't forget our journey....

Serena: *tearing up* I wouldn't forget it for the world.

Bonnie: *trying to smile but fails and hugs Serena* Bye Serena... *waving to Ash* Bhe Ash...

Serena: Goodbye Bonnie...

Ash: Bye Bonnie...

Pikachu: *leaping out of Ash's shoulder and hugs Bonnie's leg* Pika pika...

Bonnie: *gently hugging Pikachu* Bye Pikachu..

Dedenne: *popping out of Bonnie's bag crying* Ne... Ne....

Pikachu: Pika-chu....

Dedenne:*nuzzling Pikachu* Ne ne ne....

Ash: Clemont, you'll make a great invented one day. I know it!

Clemont: Thanks Ash. I hope you achieve your dreams someday too.


Clemont: Alright Bonnie... Time to *sniffle* go...

Bonnie: It was really fun traveling with you guys... Let's do this again sometime...

Ash: We should! Good luck you too! Bye!

Serena: Bye!

Clemont&Bonnie: Goodbye!

The lemon siblings boarded the plane, and left for Kalos, leaving Ash and Serena alone.

Ash: Well, it's been a while since I've been home. I think I'll head home. Serena, are you sure your not going to go on tour anymore?

Serena: I promise I won't!

Ash: Okay! Want to come over my place for a while? I'm assuming you don't have anywhere to go.

Serena: Is it really okay with you Ash?

Ash: It is! Anything for someone I love!

Serena: *blushing*

Ash: Afterwards, let's head by the professor's place for a while as well.

Serena: Sounds good!

Ash: *Holding out hand* C'mon, let's go.

Serena: *nodding and takes his hand* Okay!

The new couple headed to Pallet Town. When they reached to Ash's house, they were greeted by Mimey, the Mr.Mime.

Mimey: Mime!

Ash: Hi Mimey! We're back!

Delia: Hey sweetie, glad to see your back!

Ash: Hi mom! All my friends left to tend to their jobs. So I came back.

Delia: Oh really? Then who's that lovely girl besides you?

Ash: Oh, right! Mom, I'd like you to meet Serena, my girlfriend.

Delia: My little boy has a girl friend now?! He's not a little boy anymore! Where has time gone? Pleased to meet you Serena!

Serena: Pleased to meet you too!

Delia: Hold on, you don't happen to be Serena, the Kalos Queen that went missing?

Serena: Oh, about that I'm not the Kalos Queen anymore. Everything got sorted out. But I was the Kalos Queen!

Delia: Oh... That's too bad...

Ash: How did you know?

Delia: I saw on T.V. What happened. It was on the news!

Ash: Woah. T.V. Reporters do make a big deal of everything....

Delia: If you'd like Serena, there's a extra room here where you could stay for a while.

Serena: Thank you very much!

Delia: Anything for my son's girlfriend!

Ash: Mom! Please... No need to make this a big deal....

Delia: Just don't stay up too late. *thinking* Arceus knows what kids today do late at night...

Ash: Anyways, let's head by the professor's lab!

Delia: Heading out already? Jeez Ash, don't you ever just relax?

Ash: I'll relax later! I'll be home afterwards!

Delia: Okay... Don't stay out too late you two....

Ash: We won't!

The duo went to the professor's lab.

Professor Oak: Hey Ash, good to see you again!

Ash: Hi Professor, good to see you too!

Professor Oak: And who do we have here?

Ash: This is Serena. She came to your Summer Camp a long time ago!

Professor Oak: Hmm... Ah yes! Your Grace's daughter, the Rhyhorn Racer, correct?

Serena: Yeah!

Professor Oak: I remember! I was honored to help out the famous Rhyhorn Racer Grace out! But then when I turned around, you went missing! Then I turned around again, Ash was missing too and I thought I was going to lose my mind! But then I saw you two return together making me relieved.

Serena: *sweatdropping and chuckling* Nice to see you again!

Professor Oak: Same to you too!

Ash: So, anything new Professor?

P. Oak: Actually, you came at the right time! There's been a new discovery! Another region called the Alola region full of new Pokemon, islands, Gym Leaders, and challenges!

Ash: No way!

P. Oak: Yes way! They started selling tickets there now to go by plane!

Serena: Wait a minute Ash, shouldn't we stay in Pallet Town for a while longer, your mom would be disappointed if you just up and left the same day you got home.

Ash: I guess your right... Let's go tomorrow then!

Serena: Jeez Ash, your mom is right! Your always eager to go on another adventure!
*thinking* But that's one of the many reasons why I admire you so much...

Ash: *Chuckling* It's fine we can break the news to her tomorrow and leave the day after!

Serena: I guess so...

P. Oak: So it's settled? Both of you are leaving together for Alola?

Ash: Oh yeah, Serena, wanna come along with me to the Alola region?

Serena: I'd love to!

Ash: It's settled. Two tickets to the Alola region in two days!

P.Oak: Great! I'll get the tickets ready then!

Ash: Thanks Professor! Here, I'll leave you my Kalos Pokemon here. *calls out his Pokemon* Thanks guys for a amazing journey! You guys can stay here now!

P. Oak: Ok then!

Ash: Ok professor, we'll be back soon!

P. Oak: Ok you two!

Ash and Serena spent he night at Ash's house, in separate rooms of course. In the morning, Ash's mom was no where to be found, so they ate breakfast first. After breakfast, she returned with things.

Ash: There you are mom! We were looking for you!

Delia: Morning kiddos! I had to step out and get a few things.

Ash: Anyway, mom, Professor Oak was talking about a new region that was discovered and I was wondering if I could go!

Delia: So soon Ash? You literally just came back to Kalos!

Ash: Please mom, I'm one step closer to becoming a Pokemon Master!

Delia: There's no use... It can't be helped can it? I guess you can go then...

Ash: Alright! Yeah! Pikachu, Serena, we get to go to the Alola region!

Pikachu: Pika pikachu!

Delia: Serena, if Ash is acting like a bafoon, you have every right to hit him!

Ash: Mom!

Serena: *chuckling*

Delia: Here, *pulling out clothes from a shopping bag* since I kind of figured you two would be out and about again soon, I got you guys some clothes!

Ash&Serena: Thanks!

Delia: You guys should eat well and get plenty of rest today since tomorrow will be exhausting.

Ash&Serena: Right!

Delia made them a dinner to remember. Then, they went to (different) beds and felt well rested for their departure. They went to Professor Oak's lab to get the tickets and from there they went to the airport in their new clothes. They exchanged thank you's and goodbyes to Delia. Ash and Serena were holding hands, in front of the airplane stairways.

Ash: Ready to start off a new adventure?

Serena: You bet!

They boarded the plane.

The end


Authors note:
Hey! Thanks for reading this story! I don't know about you, but I really hated this story. 🙁😅 I didn't like the way it came out, I had to redo it from the first time because it was so cringey looking back at this story and to top it off I've literally been making this book a entire YEAR. I just wanted to finally end off this story already. I may update it, take it down, or make a sequel or better version to this story. I already have my next story planned out and I'm going to make it better than this garbage. I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone with this story... 🙈 And I'll try to be on more especially for the Summer and all. Remember if I do go inactive again, find me on Twitter and Instagram and annoy me for not updating stories! That's all for now, gonna start on the new story now! ✌🏼️😋

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