Chapter 48 Quaking Earth Titans

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Drandon, Nemona, Lillie, and I are now at the Asado Desert, while we can feel that the desert is slightly shaking, it doesn't seem to affect us a lot. And Arven also gets to call us.

"Hey, Ash, Lillie, and Drandon! Oh, never know the school prez is here as well. Apparently, this desert is home to the Quaking Earth Titan. Speaking of which, the ground's been shaking off and on and... urk... making me feel a bit sick... Sorry, I'm gonna just sit down and rest a little before I get back to Titan hunting..."

"Just take your time." I sigh as we end the call. "But this shaking is really abnormal... I just hope it is not some sort of Tectonic Rage..."

"That was the Ground Type Z Move..." Lillie sighs. "I don't think Z Moves are used here."

Drandon says, "So what do you think of the Ground Type Pokemon?"

"Well, it is not that bad, I mean, I have a couple of them. My Krookodile is very unique since he likes to wear black glasses. And I also have a Palossand, which was capable of swallowing a house with the size."

"That's crazy..." Nemona gasps. "I mean, a Palossand that big?"

"Why don't you talk about your Gliscor?" Lillie asks, "I mean, he likes to crash onto you."

"Definitely not the best experience, and then..." When I look forward, I see two Donphan walking toward us. But something is not right. Nemona asks, "Wait, are those Donphan?"

"Something is not right about them... this one looks like it has two giant tusks and some red scales... and the other one looks so metallic..." Lillie says. "And those sizes... no doubt they are the Quaking Earth Titan!"

"You mean there is not one but two Titans at the same time?" Drandon asks. "Are they working together?"

"One is already hard to beat, but two of them?" I ask.

Just then, both of our Rotom Phones are ringing and Professor Sada and Professor Turo call us at the same time.

"Hello, Ash and Lillie. This is Professor Sada." "And this is Professor Turo."

"What is going on?" I ask.

Sada says, "I see that you have been facing two Pokemon that look like Donphan. However, their names are Great Tusk and Iron Treads."

Turo says, "Both of them came from the Great Crater of Paldea. I ask that you do whatever is needed to subdue them for us - with all due caution, of course."

"So they're called Great Tusk and Iron Treads? And they are both from the Great Crater of Paldea?" Lillie asks.

"But still, we need to deal with them. Donphan! I choose you!" I send out my Ground Type Pokemon, and Lillie also goes for Snowy, Nemona goes for Meowscarada, and Drandon goes for Salamence. We all go with the Terastallize, and Donphan is still Ground, Snowy is Fairy, Meowscarada is Grass, and Salamence is Flying.

"Use Blizzard!" Snowy fires the Ice-type attack, while Great Tusk is damaged heavily, but Iron Treads doesn't seem to take that much damage, and when Iron Treads go for Iron Head, dealing a lot of damage to Snowy.

"I get it, Iron Treads is not only Ground Type, but also Steel Type. That means Donphan's Earthquake can deal more damage to Iron Treads!" I say as I have Donphan go for the attack, hitting Iron Treads.

"Salamence! Hurricane!" Drandon yells, and his Salamence manages to hit Great Tusk, and it also seems to be super effective. It then goes for the Brick Break, hitting Meowscarada.

"And Great Tusk is Ground and Fighting!" Lillie says, "Snowy! Use Dazzling Gleam on Great Tusk!"

Snowy glows and Great Tusk is also taking some damage, Nemona says, "I don't care what they are, but battling those Pokemon seem to be exciting! Meowscarada! Flower Trick!"

And the attack manages to deal a lot of damage to Great Tusk. When I use Earthquake one more time, both Pokemon suddenly run off, creating more shaking on the ground.

"They are like the other Titan Pokemon! They're after the Herba Mystica! Let's go!" I yell, since Drandon and Nemona are probably the first time doing with us. And after we manage to get to the two weird Donphan, we decide to approach using Salamence, Volcarona, Dudunsparce, and Altaria because we can't handle the shaking ground. While we're at the sky, we also notice some Pokemon feeling pain because of the ground shaking, and we know that those two have to stop.

The two of them break open the cave and eat the Herba Mystica, and at the same time, Arven arrives.

"Guys! Looks like you found yourself not one but two Titans!" Arven says. "But THOSE are the Quaking Earth Titans? Uh...Are... are those things even a Pokemon?"

"We don't know, one is called Great Tusk and the other one is called Iron Treads, and we think they might be Donphan in the past and the future like how Koraidon and Miraidon are."

"They must be trying to get pumped up with that little snack...Time to show those things what you and I can do, guys!" Arven then sends out his Scovillain to help us out.

"I'm gonna use the Scovillain I caught nearby to seize a real spicy victory. This is gonna burn!" Arven says.

"Good, a Fire and Grass Type will be able to help us out." I say as the three of us Terastallize our Pokemon once again.

"Use Ice Beam on Great Tusk!" Lillie commands as Snowy attacks the ancient Donphan with the attack, and Scovillain also helps by using Giga Drain.

"Donphan! Rock Smash on Iron Treads!" I say, and Donphan manages to damage the Titan, and Drandon also helps by using Flamethrower.

Both Pokemon go for Stomping Tantrum, with the exception of Salamence, every one of our Pokemon is hurt. Nemona has Meowscarada use Play Rough on Great Tusk, and then use Shadow Claw on Iron Treads. While they're now weakened, I decide to go for the Earthquake, while Lillie has Snowy go for Dazzling Gleam, and both Donphan-looking creatures are defeated.

Lillie and I take out our Pokeballs and eventually capture the two Pokemon.

Great Tusk: The Paradox Pokemon: Ground and Fighting Type. Sightings of this Pokémon have occurred in recent years. The name Great Tusk was taken from a creature listed in a certain book.

Iron Treads: The Paradox Pokemon: Ground and Steel Type. Sightings of this Pokémon have occurred in recent years. It resembles a mysterious object described in an old expedition journal.

"Great, so not even Professor Jacq knows about those two... I have to guess that the information is only given by Professor Sada or Professor Turo..." Lillie says.

"But nice going, guys!" Arven says. "What even WERE those things, though?! I kinda feel like... maybe I've seen them before somewhere..."

We walk to the cave and Arven continues, "Anyway, I bet if we head inside here, we'll find more of that Herba Mystica they were eating."

When we get inside the cave, we find the yellow Herba Mysticas in the area. "It is either Sour or Spicy... I wonder which it is..." I take a bite of the leaf, and I made a painful face, "Yep, sour."

"This shape! This sheen! You look like it'll taste horrible, which means it's gotta be good for you!" Arven chuckles.

"And why is that?" I ask.

"Now then, let's see... What does the book have to say?" Arven says while checking out the book. "OK, Sour Herba Mystica is chock-full of nutrients and is great for boosting your overall health! Says here it works wonders whether you're tired physically or mentally. Perks you right up!"

"Well, so you're going to make some food with it or what?" Nemona asks.

Arven scowls a little before calming himself, "No time to waste - let's get some food going!"

Then we decide to make our new sandwich with the Sour Herba Mystica, and he says, "Sorry for the wait! Here's a super healthy sandwich that'll perk you right up once you eat it! Plus, as a token of our friendship, here's another Titan Badge! Gaze upon it in awe as you eat. Though I only prepare three of them."

"That's fine, I actually don't need it." Nemona says.

While we get our 13th badge, we also take a picture of looking at the weird-looking sandwich. And while we're eating the sandwich, Koraidon and Miraidon appear again.

"So you want the sandwiches again?" I sigh as both Lillie and I give the sandwich to the two Pokemon. Arven also takes out his Mabosstiff and feeds him the sandwich.

"Oh-ho-ho! Would you look at that! Seems like someone's got a proper appetite now!" Arven smiles at the Mabosstiff.

And after finishing the sandwich, Koraidon and Miraidon start to change their forms, and this time they have wings on their body.

"Seems like those fellows' also slowly regaining their original strength." Arven says. "Still... doesn't look like they're anywhere close to returning to their battle form."

"Yeah..." I sigh, and both Pokemon are depressed. "They seem healthy enough physically... Maybe they've got some kind of mental block that's preventing them from returning to their true form?"

I start to remember a lot of my Pokemon having the same problem, Lillie says, "You mean they have some sort of mental scars? Like psychological trauma?"

"It might be the case. Maybe they had a terrifying experience in battle, so now they're scared to battle at all?" Nemona asks.

"Well, don't worry! I'm sure both of those brutes and Mabosstiff will make a full recovery eventually!" Arven says. "So how do you feel, Mabosstiff? How's that Herba Mystica working?"

The Mabosstiff just grunts a little, and Arven is surprised, "Gah! Uhhh, no pressure! Not like it's fair to expect every kind of Herba Mystica to have some huge effect, right? And it's not like the effect has to be immediate, either."

Mabosstiff is depressed, and Arven continues to cheer him up. "Hey, it's OK! Don't worry! Ash, Lillie, and I are gonna make sure you're right as rain! We've got one more herb to go... and I bet it's the best of them all! It's... it's just gotta be."

Arven seems like he is going to cry again, I pat his back and say, "You might be right about that."

"Thanks, the next stop on our little herb hunt should be the last." Arven says. "But we can't lose steam until we're done! Let's keep up our momentum! Here! We! Go!"

Once we get out of the cave, we get a call from Professor Turo. "Hello, this is Turo. I detect that Koraidon and Miraidon have regained more of their original powers. After they have jumped into the air, it should glide now."

"Glide? You mean like what Gliscor used to do with Ash?" Nemona asks, and I groan.

"You must continue helping Koraidon and Miraidon recover." Then he ends the call.

"Well, that was amazing, and the desert is not shaking anymore." Drandon says.

"Yeah... all that's left is the False Dragon Titan, but we're not going to go there yet... I planned on going to the next gym next week, and the Ruinous Pokemon tomorrow."

"I'm sure you are." Nemona says.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, you can see that both Great Tusk and Iron Treads have appeared in the story. Nemona is also joining the hunt since she's a part of Ash's harem now. And I hope you like this chapter.

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