Chapter 49 Tablets of Ruin

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And now it is Sunday, Luke and Reisa are now following the four of us since we're going to find the stakes for the first Ruins of Treasure Pokemon. Nemona says, "I know that Professor Raifort asks you to do this, but I still think that it is not a good idea..."

I say, "But we have to do it, or else someone is after them."


"Wait, you mean that Team Rocket is also after the Ruins of Treasure Pokemon?" I ask my mom before she leaves.

"Yes, if they get their hands on those Pokemon, then we're done for." My mom says to me with a frown.

"So that's why those three are that right?" I ask.

"However, knowing those three, instead of trying to find where they are, they will stalk you until they find a chance to get the Legendary Pokemon themselves." My mom says. "Be careful and don't let them get any one of them."

"I promise, Mom." I say. "I also promise Arceus that I'm going to clean the darkness in the four Ruins of Treasure Pokemon's hearts."

My mom says, "Then if you manage to have them, do you mind if you lend me the four Pokemon so that we can finally end Team Rocket for good?"

I look at my mom with shock, "How are we going to do that?"

"You probably know about the history of the Paldea Region and the four Treasure of Ruins, right? We'll do the same thing." My mom says to me, and I remember all of Professor Raifort's teachings and I can only gasp in surprise. I never know that history lessons can be used in something like this.

"Okay... I'll try persuading them once we manage to capture them." I say.

(Flashback Ends)

"So that's why Team Rocket is here." Lillie says, "They're after the Ruins of Treasure Pokemon. Capturing Pikachu is their second objective..."

"Yes, and we're not going to let them get their hands on either one of them." I say. "And instead, we're going to use those Ruins of Treasure Pokemon to destroy Team Rocket once and for all. It will be amazing to witness the history in front of our eyes..."

Nemona asks, "How are you going to do that? Are you telling me that you're going to use the Ruins of Treasure Pokemon to destroy Team Rocket?"

"That is the plan from me and my mother." I say, "But first, let's find the purple stakes first."

The first Stake is located in South Province Area 3, it's in the middle of the craggy mountainous area on top of a cliff. When we manage to climb to the top, I decide to pull the stake, and then it just disappears in my hand.

"So we just get rid of the first stake?" Lillie asks.

"Yeah..." I say with a sigh, "Let's continue our search."

The second stake is located in South Province Area 5, it's along a grassy cliff by the water. The third stake is located in South Province Area 3, it's on a cliff overseeing Artazon. The fourth stake is located in South Province Area 5, it's on the edge of the grassy area north of the rocky zone.

The fifth stake is located in South Province Area 4, it's next to a waterfall source south of Los Platos. The sixth stake is located in South Province Area 1, it's on a grassy ledge northeast of Los Platos. The seventh stake is located in South Province Area 5, it's on top of a swirling grass cliff. And the final stake, which is located in South Province Area 5, is actually on the cliff right above the shrine.

Once we get rid of the 8 stakes, we hear a loud voice coming from the shrine. "What was that voice?" Reisa asks.

"It seems like the Ruins of Treasure Pokemon is awakened." I say.

But just as we get there, we are surprised to see the trio standing in front of us. "Team Rocket!" We yell in horror.

After their annoying motto, Jessie says, "Thank you for breaking those stakes for us."

"And now we're able to get these strong Pokemon to our boss!" Meowth says.

"We're not going to let you have it!" I yell.

"We'll see you try!" James suddenly presses the door, and much to our horror, the ground starts to shake and the door is opening. Just then, a giant snail comes out of the shrine.

"That... that's the Ruinous Pokemon?" I ask in shock.

"We've got it!" The trio is doing some sort of happy dance before throwing the net, then they jump into their hot-air balloon as they are going to flee.

"They... they got that Pokemon!" Lillie yells.

But much to our horror, the Legendary Pokemon suddenly uses Power Whip, destroying the net, and goes for the Leaf Storm, sending Team Rocket trio flying away. "We're blasting off again!"

Once they leave, the giant Legendary Pokemon are turning to us. It screeches in anger, and just then, all of the trees and the grass surrounding it are withering.

"It's draining the vegetation around us!" Luke says.

"What the hell is going on with this Pokemon?" Nemona asks.

"Please stop! The King you spoke of was already dead! Paldea is in peaceful times!" I yell, but Arceus appears beside me and says, "It is no use... its anger is too powerful. You have to calm it down by defeating the Pokemon."

"Defeating the Pokemon? Can we do it?" I ask.

"I'm sure you can do it." Arceus says.

And as it continues moving forward, attacking the wild Pokemon in sight, Drandon asks, "What are we going to do now?"

I sigh, "It is angry because he treats us as someone with Team Rocket. We treat this as a raid battle and we have to defeat it and capture it!"

"But how are we going to capture it? Ash, do you know anything about this Pokemon?" Lillie asks.

"This is Wo-Chien! Also known as the Tablets of Ruin. It's Dark and Grass Type! We might have a chance if we use the Type Advantage!"

Then we all send out our Pokemon: Volcarona, Snowy, Goodra, Salamence, Scizor, and Cloyster. And just then, Wo-Chien starts to growl as all of our Pokemon's Attack Stats are lowered.

"What is going on?" Lillie asks.

"That's the ability: Tablets of Ruin! The power of the Pokémon's ruinous wooden tablets lowers the Attack stats of all Pokémon except itself.

"Then we'll go with the Special attacks!" Drandon says, "Like Flamethrower!"

He has Salamence go for the move, but Wo-Chien dodges the attack and plants the Leech Seed on all of the Pokemon.

"It has Leech Seed!" I say. "Volcarona! Heat Wave!"

"We'll attack too! Scizor! X-Scissor!" Luke says.

Both of the attacks manage to hit Wo-Chien like a pincer, but it goes for the Grassy Terrain, recovering some health.

"Wait, the vegetation is back..." Nemona says as she looks around the area.

"Probably because of the Grassy Terrain, but once Wo-Chien absorbs the energy from life again, it will be pointless." Lillie says.

Then it goes for an attack that is quite the opposite of Tapu's Nature's Madness, and much to our shock, all of our Pokemon's HP are halved.

"What the... our Pokemon's HP!" Reisa says.

"That move is Ruination!" Arceus says to me. "The user summons a ruinous disaster. This cuts the target's HP in half."

"We have to be careful! Volcarona! Quiver Dance and Bug Buzz!" I yell, and the attack manages to cause the Legendary Pokemon to groan in pain.

"Let's do this together!" Lillie says. "Snowy! Dazzling Gleam!" The Alolan Vulpix glows white as it blinds the Legendary Pokemon.

"Goodra! Dragon Pulse!" Nemona has Goodra fire the attack and also hits Wo-Chien.

"Scizor! Bullet Punch!" Scizor gets close to the Pokemon and continues to punch it.

"Cloyster! Aurora Beam!" Reisa commands, and the beam also manages to hit the Pokemon.

"Salamence! Fly attack!" Drandon has Salamence fly into the air and crashes it.

"Volcarona! Bug Buzz!" And I deliver the final blow, and eventually, Wo-Chien stops struggling as it falls to the ground. I throw the Ultra Ball and the Tablets of Ruin is sucked inside. After what seems three shakes, the Pokemon is finally captured.

"We did it!" All of us cheer at the success of the capturing as I pick up the Pokeball.

Wo-Chien: The Ruinous Pokémon: Dark and Grass Type. The grudge of a person punished for writing the king's evil deeds upon wooden tablets has clad itself in dead leaves to become a Pokémon.

After the battle, we all head to Professor Raifort's office, and I say, "Professor Raifort!"

"What's wrong, why are the six of you looking tired?" Raifort asks us.

I take out the Pokeball and send it out, with the invisible Arceus' calming, the Pokemon doesn't seem to be attacking us. Raifort gasps and asks, "Wait, is this..."

"Professor, this is Wo-Chien, the Tablets of Ruin! The shrine is real, and so are the stakes!" Nemona says.

"Ohohooo! How interesting! I simply cannot keep my curiosity under control!" Then Professor Raifort starts to look around the tablet on Wo-Chien's back.

"I've never seen so many wooden writing tablets strung together! It must have been an epic tale! Most excavated tablets are tantamount to graffiti or simple memos - still valuable tools for learning about the past, but nothing like this!"

"Memos? So there are words on those tablets on this Pokemon's back?" Reisa asks.

Raifort decides to check out the writing, and she says, "I can't read it, but given the length... it must be a story, yes! Or perhaps the words of a curse? If only the words weren't faded! How frustrating! These wooden tablets piqued the curiosity of a king! What might have been written on them?"

"That is something that we want to know as well." I say.

"This mystery grows ever deeper. Ah! My thirst for knowledge is slowly being quenched! Seeing part of history with my own eyes fills me with joy. I thank you all." Raifort says.

After getting back to the dorm, I decide to send out the Wo-Chien in my room. I ask, "Wo-Chien, right? How are you feeling now?"

Wo-Chien looks at me and asks, "You're not the king, right?"

"The king you've spoken of already dead a lot of years ago. You were locked by the shrine because of the rampage, but as the Chosen one of Arceus, I have come to free you, in return, please don't harm the Paldea Region."

"You have a pure soul, so there are three of my kind trapped in other shrines?" Wo-Chien asks.

"Yes, but once we find out their location, we will help them and free them from their pain, just like how we did the same to you." I say.

"I trust you." The Pokemon says. "Because Arceus asks me to."

"I'm glad, and it is nice to work with you." I say as I hug the Pokemon, and then I realize how leafy the Pokemon is, and now that I think about it, when Wo-Chien moves, some of its leaves are falling to the ground as well. I sigh as I pick up the leaves and put it back into the Pokemon's body.

And here is a side chapter for the Legendary Pokemon quest. The first one is going to be Wo-Chien, the Tablet of Ruin, and as you can see, Team Rocket is going to get those Pokemon as well, but Ash and his mother are going to use the Ruins of Treasure Pokemon to destroy Team Rocket. I hope you like this chapter.

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