Chapter 50 Sinnoh Fair Part 1

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"It is great that we're at the beach again, but are you sure you can find that Pokemon?" Lillie asks.

Ash, Lillie, and Nemona are now at the beach and they are wearing their swimsuits. Since their class only starts in the afternoon, so they have a lot of time to spend in the morning.

"I'm sure that they have to be somewhere..." I say as I notice the white Pokemon coming out from the sand.

"There it is! The Wiglett!" I say as I throw the Pokeball, capturing it in the end.

Wiglett: The Garden Eel Pokemon: Water Type. Though it looks like Diglett, Wiglett is an entirely different species. The resemblance seems to be a coincidental result of environmental adaptation.

"I just really hope that it is actually a Paldean Diglett... but then again, we already have an Alolan Diglett." Lillie says.

"Alolan Diglett has some sort of weird hair, right? And when it evolves into a Dugtrio the hair becomes golden..." Nemona says.

"Yeah, and we also have wigs that are just like them." I say with a slight chuckle.

And we decide to train this Pokemon until it finally evolves into a Wugtrio, much to our delight.

Wugtrio: The Garden Eel Pokemon: Water Type. Evolve from Wiglett at LV:26. It has a vicious temperament, contrary to what its appearance may suggest. It wraps its long body around prey, then drags the prey into its den.

"I remember Kofu saying that Wugtrio has a signature move called Triple Dive. The user performs a perfectly timed triple dive, hitting the target with splashes of water three times in a row." Lillie says.

"Yeah." I say. "That is also amazing."


"Check what I've got, Ash. I finally get an Ability Capsule from the Raid Den." Lillie shows me the item and I smile.

"That is great, so you're going to use it?" I ask.

"I think I want to use it on Bombirdier, I heard that it has the hidden ability Rocky Payload. It is a move that powerups the Rock Type move." Lillie says.

"And Bombirdier is already a Flying and Dark Type. If having a Rock Type advantage... just think how much it can do." I say.

That night, Lillie and I decided to read some of the books in the library to see about the two Paradox Donphan that we captured two days ago.

Great Tusk: A Living Relic of the Dinosaur Era?!

In one arid corner of Paldea, there have been reports of a mysterious life form. It's said to resemble a Donphan at first glance, albeit one with gigantic tusks, tough scales, and an aggressive disposition.

Leading theories hold that this being is nothing less than a living relic of the dinosaur era, but no one can say for sure. Apparently, it's called Great Tusk after the name of a strange being that was written about in the mysterious Scarvio Book.

Iron Treads: An Alien Weapon?!

In one arid corner of Paldea, there have been reports of a mysterious life form. It's said to resemble a Donphan at first glance, albeit one that can abruptly assume a spherical shape and launch into a swift rolling attack.

Rumors say this being is some kind of weapon using technology not of this world, but no one can say for sure. Apparently, it's called Iron Treads after the name of a strange being that was written about in the mysterious Scarvio Book.

"Well, they are some interesting enigmas." Lillie says. "Don't you agree?"

"Yeah." I sigh.

The next day, Lillie and I decide to continue capturing Pokemon, and we find a cute dolphin Pokemon at the bay injured. After treating its injuries, the cute dolphin Pokemon decides to join our team.

Finizen: The Dolphin Pokemon: Water Type. It likes playing with others of its kind using the water ring on its tail. It uses ultrasonic waves to sense the emotions of other living creatures.

"Finizen is so cute, don't you think so, Ash?" Lillie asks.

"You're right. I wonder what it will evolve into..." I say.

And just after some training, Finizen starts to evolve, but after the evolution, we didn't see anything happen.

"Is this normal?" I ask.

"Let's see the Pokedex." Lillie says.

Palafin (Zero Form): The Dolphin Pokemon. Water Type. Evolve from Finizen at LV:38 while in the Union Circle with another player. This Pokémon changes its appearance if it hears its allies calling for help. Palafin will never show anybody its moment of transformation.

"Zero form? So there is another form... I wonder how we can activate it..." I say.

"Me too. To me, the only difference between Finizen and Palafin is the pink heart on the chest..." Then we decide to recall the Palafin into the Pokeball, but just then, Palafin breaks out of the Pokeball on its own and we are shocked to see what is going on. Its body color has become darker, and it is now standing with the fin and there are also muscles.

"Palafin?" We ask in surprise.

Palafin (Hero Form): The Dolphin Pokemon. Water Type. Evolve from Finizen at LV:38 while in the Union Circle with another player. This Pokémon's ancient genes have awakened. It is now so extraordinarily strong that it can easily lift a cruise ship with one fin.

"Wait, so what is going on here?" Lillie asks. "Because I don't understand..."

"Zero to Hero... that's the name of its ability." I say. "The Pokémon transforms into its Hero Form when it switches out."

After getting back to school, it is time for us to go to the Sinnoh Fair, which is something that I'm a little interest on.

Reisa says, "Unbelievable! You manage to get a Palafin? I've always wanted to have a Palafin!"

"Don't you have a Finizen? I mean, if the only problem is the Union Circle, I'm sure either one of us will like to help you." Drandon says.

"Yeah... I have Lillie's help, that's why we can evolve it." I say.

"No matter, instead of evolving, I still want to find one in the 5 Star Dens." Reisa says.

"Anyway, we're now at the Sinnoh Fair... there are a lot of Mythicals and Legendary Pokemon in Sinnoh." Nemona says.

"Yeah. So we're starting with Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf?" I ask. "Those three are meant to represent knowledge, emotion, and willpower, respectively. The Lake guardians are said to reside in three lakes in Sinnoh; Lake Acuity, Lake Verity, and Lake Valor."

"That's good to know." Nemona says. "Those three lakes are also famous in the Sinnoh Region, did you get each of them in their respective lakes? Or they gather in one spot?"

"I captured them in one spot because of Team Galactic. Those three can create the item known as the Red Chain using Azelf's Fang, Uxie's Claw, and Mesprit's Plume."

"The Red Chain?" Lillie asks.

"The Red Chain is used to control these two. Dialga and Palkia." I say while showing them the two Pokemon. "Dialga is the Time Pokemon, and Palkia is the Space Pokemon. I've witnessed their powers and they are amazing."

"Their powers?" Drandon asks. "What do you mean by that?"

"I was sent back in time with the help of Dialga, and I was in the town trapped by the dimensions of Palkia." I say. "And it is also horrifying when you try to fight against them by using balms."

"Balms?" Lillie asks.

"Dialga and Palkia have origin forms, what you see here is the alternate form." I say. "Anyway, let's move on to the next one."

When we continue, we manage to see the Heatran, and then Regigigas. And once they're done, we see Giratina and Arceus.

"Giratina and Arceus..." Nemona says, "By the way, what's the deal with those two Pokemon?"

"Giratina used to have violent behavior, and it is because of that reason Arceus banished her to the distortion world as a punishment. Years later, the grudge against Arceus becomes less, and Giratina has also become gentler. She started to treat the Distortion World as her own home, and observe the real world through mirrors and transparent sights like lakes." I say.

"And is it true that Arceus once gave up on humans and tried to destroy the earth before?" Drandon asks. "But they were stopped by Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina at the same time."

"That's not quite true." I say. "In fact, should I tell you that the same Arceus that you talk about is with me right now?"

"With all the crazy things around you, I must say that I should believe it." Nemona says. "You also told us that it is because of him that you're able to know everything about Wo-Chien a few days ago."

"Yeah. He was giving me instructions on how to beat Wo-Chien." I say.

Then we get to the next stand, which is about Cresselia and Darkrai. "And those two, one is a dream Pokemon and the other one is the nightmare Pokemon." Reisa says. "I heard that a Lunar Wing from Cresselia can even prevent nightmares."

"Well, you're right about that." I say. "I am not sure what those two's relationship is. But it must be a happy one."

"In history, you are also the first one who use a Sceptile to defeat a Darkrai at the Sinnoh League." Luke says to me, and I flinch a little.

"I guess you're right about that." I sigh. "But I still lost to him because he has more than one Legendary and I decided to use regular Pokemon."

The next one is the exhibit of Manaphy and Phione, after telling them about what happened at a place known as Samiya, and then we also find the one with the Shaymin, and I also tell them about the Shaymin I've met, and Lillie also tells them about Mallow's Shaymin.

"As for the history of Sinnoh, it is actually a really strange one." Nemona says. "There is a boy who comes from the space-time rift, by calming the Frenzies of Lord Pokemon of the Diamond and Pearl Clans, they also find a way to bring Pokemon and humans together."

"A boy from the space-time rift... only that his name is not recorded in history." Reisa says. "But who thinks that it might be related to Time-travel?"

"It has to be if Dialga is involved." Drandon says, "Ash... don't tell me it is you again..."

"Why do you think it is me?" I ask.

"Come on, you have a Wyrdeer, Ursaluna, Kleavor... those Pokemon don't exist in the modern Sinnoh." Nemona says. "It is obvious."

"Well, I guess you're right, I did refuse to leave my name to my friends at the Survey Corps." I sigh. "But I did go to the past and try to survive, though."

"That sounds harsh..." Reisa says.

"Trust me, it is really harsh for him." Lillie says. "To monitor Ash's condition, Arceus did help us by setting up a portal that links to the time here so that if things go wrong, we will be trying to interfere. Though the portal is closed forever since Ash is not there anymore."

"I wonder what kind of crazy journeys did you actually have before coming to Paldea..." Drandon says, "But I'm glad that you're still alive and we're still classmates."

And here is a new chapter, we're now at the Sinnoh Fair, and since I don't have Wi-fi in my switch, I couldn't do the Union Circle, so I did capture a Palafin in a 5-star raid, I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be some reunions.

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