Chapter 51 Sinnoh Fair Part 2

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After class, Lillie and I decide to head to East Province Area 3 to capture a Pokemon that we've been looking for a long time. And eventually, we find the Steel Type Pokemon that has been roaming around with its one wheel.

"There it is... so that's one a single Varoom looks like." Lillie says.

"Yeah, we did see those Starmobiles from Team Star having them as wheels. But let's capture them!" I say.

Varoom: Single-Cyl Pokémon: Steel and Poison Type. It is said that this Pokémon was born when an unknown poison Pokémon entered and inspirited an engine left at a scrap-processing factory.

"And this is the only evolution line that can use the move Spin Out... The user spins furiously by straining its legs, inflicting damage on the target. This also harshly lowers the user's Speed stat."

"Team Star uses this move a lot of time to damage us, but to think that it actually has 100 power but only 5 PP. No wonder it is one of the strong Steel Type moves.

And by battling some Carkol and Orthworms in the area, Varoom also evolves in the end into a Revavroom.

Revavroom: Multi-Cyl Pokémon: Steel and Poison Type. Evolve from Varoom at LV:40. It creates a gas out of poison and minerals from rocks. It then detonates the gas in its cylinders— now numbering eight—to generate energy.

"But still, I wonder how Team Star is able to transform this Pokemon into 5 different types and even let them use those Torque moves..." Lillie says.

"According to Atticus, there is a Team Star member that we haven't faced yet that is actually the one who created those Revavroom, maybe we can ask him once we go to the base."

"But we're not going there until we finish the Gym Battes, right?" Lillie asks.

"Yeah, I just want to finish the easy ones first, and besides, there is also Team Rocket we need to worry about." I say.

Once we get back to school, we are surprised to find a guest at our dorm. Reisa says, "Ash! Lillie! You're back! I want to introduce you to-"

"Dawn!" I say with a smile. "It's been a while!"

"Ash! Lillie! Great to see you again!" Dawn says to me as we high-five each other. Reisa says, "So you guys know each other."

"Of course, she's my traveling partner in Sinnoh." I say. "She was also there to cheer me on in person when I was at the Masters 8 Tournament."

"Indeed. That is an interesting match." Dawn says.

Piplup greets Pikachu and he also notices Snowy, who seems to be a little shy at the new face. Ash says, "So what are you doing in Paldea?"

Dawn says, "I'm here because I was going to apply to this university next year."

"For real?" I ask with surprise. "You're coming to the university next year? What about your Top Coordinator stuff?"

"You're still doing gym battles as well, no need to worry about that." Dawn says. "Speaking of Gym battles, how many gym badges do you have now?"

"Why does everyone need to ask me about this... Lillie and I have 6 Gym badges already, and we're going to battle our seventh one at Alfornada." I say.

"Alfornada Gym?" Reisa gasps. "I'm definitely going this time. The Leader is a famous makeup artist and also a model as well."

Luke says, "I also heard that Professor Dendra is close friends with her as well."

"Sounds like something that we can expect." Lillie says.

Dawn says, "By the way, Cynthia is also here, do you want to see her again? Ash?"

"You bet. It has been a while since I defeat her in a six-on-six battle." I say. "I'm sure she'll be happy to see me again as well."

And just after the speech is over, we find Nemona chatting with Cynthia, and we also get to greet her.

"Ash! What a surprise." Cynthia says. "So Diantha was right about you attending this university."

"Yeah. It is great to see you again, Cynthia." I say.

Nemona sighs, "Why am I not surprised that you two know each other? I forgot that you two have a full six-on-six battle at the Masters 8 tournament."

I say, "Cynthia is actually strong, back before I was traveling in Sinnoh, I watched all the Elite Four and Cynthia battles, but none of them actually manage to get close to Cynthia's Garchomp. I never thought I would defeat her in the end."

"That sure was a good match." Cynthia miles. "So how is school life for you?"

"It's fine, the school is great, we've learned a lot, and outside the school studies, we've got to explore more of the Paldea Region." I say.

"I see..." Cynthia says.

As we continue to chat, I was surprised to hear that Dawn is going to stay here for a few days, this was something that I wasn't expecting. I say, "So if you're going to stay with us, what about your accommodation?"

Reisa says, "Don't worry, I got Professor Clavell's mission to let her stay in my room. It is big enough for two people to sleep in."

"Since I'm not going to school as you do, I might as well travel around the Paldea Region on my own to see how great it is." Dawn says. "Flying Taxis might be a helpful tool after all."

"Yeah, they are very convenient." Lillie says.


After class, we meet up with Dawn as she is at Porto Marinado. I ask, "So what are you doing, Dawn?"

"I was trying with the auctions to get some items for use. And I must say that the competition is fierce." Dawn says.

"Well, this was actually one of our Gym Tests before we can challenge the Gym." Lillie says. "The gym is actually back at the Cascarafa City." Lillie says.

"For real." Dawn says.

"Yeah." I say. "It was not that easy."

And while we are talking, we notice a Cyclizar and I say, "Lillie, we have Koraidon and Miraidon, but we didn't have Cyclizar, right?"

"You're right, so we should catch it?" Lillie asks.

"I'll do the trick." I say while sending out Falinks, having it use First Impression to deal some damage before throwing the Pokeball and capturing it.

Cyclizar: The Mount Pokemon: Apparently Cyclizar has been allowing people to ride on its back since ancient times. Depictions of this have been found in 10,000-year-old murals.

"Looks like nothing new has happened with this Pokemon..." I say. "I wished there was a special move or ability..."

"So what's the deal with this Koraidon and Miraidon with the Cyclizar?" Dawn asks.

"It is a long story, Koraidon seems to be Cyclizar in the past, while Miraidon seems to be Cyclizar from the Future. We don't know how it is possible, but we also encounter Donphan from the ancient past and from the vast future."

"Apparently, Professor Sada and Professor Turo, two of my Dad's best friends, were researching about them, but we couldn't ask for any information from them because they won't answer when we call them."

"Is that so... that's strange." Dawn says.

"Not only that, Koraidon and Miraidon aren't able to battle as well. We think it might be some mental trauma..." I say.

"You mean like your Infernape once had?" Dawn asks.

"That's different... Infernape still wanted to battle despite not being able to control the Blaze, but those two are not able to battle. But we have been trying to recover their health by battling Titan Pokemon and getting the Herba Mystica."

"Titan Pokemon and Herba Mystica?" Dawn asks.

"They are giant Pokemon living in the Paldea Region. We've already captured 5 of them and there is 1 left." Lillie says. "Our friend Arven wants to use the Herba Mystica to save his Mabosstiff, so in return for helping him... he gives us the badges."

"Badges? Wait, surely you're not going to be confused with the gym badges, right?" Dawn asks.

"The truth is, we have 13 badges. 6 Gym badges, 4 Titan badges, and 3 Star Badges." I say. "As for the Star badges, they are the things that we get from defeating Team Star."

"Team Star? Are they bad people like Team Rocket?" Dawn asks.

"Not really, they're just students like us who are suffering from bullying." I say. "The director and we are still investigating each of them, and their boss actually wants us to defeat all of the bases."

"That is weird... why would they do that?" Dawn asks.

"We don't know, but Team Rocket is also here in the Paldea Region as well." I sigh.

"Really? After 8 years they're still trying to capture your Pikachu? When are they going to give up?" Dawn sighs.

"Don't worry, my mother has been in Kanto forming a plan to destroy Team Rocket once and for all." I say. "And I must say that she has been excited to get rid of Team Rocket."

The reason I say it out loud is that I notice Team Rocket hiding behind that bush trying to listen to us.

"Why would your mother want to get rid of Team Rocket?" Dawn asks.

I say, "My mother worked for Team Rocket before meeting my father, after leaving Team Rocket, they launched an attack at Rota, and thus my father was killed in the process. My mother was so angry at that time that even the boss of Team Rocket is scared of her, fearing that if they attack our family they would be dead for sure."

"If that's the case, why don't you just tell them that your mother? Surely they will leave you alone, right?" Dawn asks.

"I was not heartless enough to just kill them on the spot." I say. "If the boss finds out who those three are messing with, I'm sure that not only they won't be able to please the boss with my Pikachu, but they will also be killed by the other members of Team Rocket in the spot to save their asses."

Back at the bush, the Team Rocket trio is shivering. James says, "Did you hear what the twerp just say?"

"Yeah... don't tell me that his mother was actually the Rogue Assassin Aurora... the boss has been wanting us to stay out of their way..." Meowth says.

"But that means... I hope we didn't tell the boss about this." James gasps.

"He's probably bluffing, why the hell would he say something like that?" Jessie mutters. "Anyway, just call the boss and tell them everything we know."

"We can't do it! I don't want to die!" "Me too!" "Wobbuffet!"

"You cowards!" Jessie yells.

"If you want to die, don't drag us with you!" Meowth yells.

Looks like those three are scared, and I say, "Well, we've already been here too long, let's head back."

The other two nod as we all head back to the school, hoping that those three are not going to follow us all the way back to the school.

Here is a new chapter, and Dawn is going to stay for a couple of days and she will be at the scene while seeing Ash and Lillie's seventh Gym battle in the next chapter. Not only that, Team Rocket trio also learns about Ash's backstory, will they be stupid enough to continue stalking the son of a person that the boss is afraid of, or will they try to save their life by avoiding them as soon as possible? I hope you like this chapter.

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