Chapter 61 Ruchbah Squad Raid Part 1

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To our surprise, the most northern place of the Paldea Region isn't actually covered in snow, and there is a lot of Fairy and Grass Type Pokemon in the area. But all we can know is that the whole area belongs to the Team Star Fairy Crew.

Lillie, Drandon, Nemona, and I are the ones at the base, as this is actually Nemona and Drandon's first time clearing the Team Star Base with us.

"So how did you do this Team Star raid battle?" Nemona asks.

"First, we have to meet up with Director Clavell, and we will also wait for Cassiopeia's call." I say.

And speaking of the devil, Director Clavell, who is disguised as Clive, is now standing in front of us. Nemona and Drandon can only open their mouth with shock.

"Ash and Lillie... I see that even Nemona and Drandon are here. Operation Starfall is going well, wouldn't you say? Only two bosses left now. This whole experience has been eye-opening, to say the least. I'm glad I could take part."

"Yeah...Clive." I was reluctant to say the name because the director keeps asking us to keep a secret.

"Clive?" Drandon asks.

"That's his name, for now." Lillie replies. "Don't ask."

"But I'm curious, Ash and Lillie... What do you think of Cassiopeia?" Clive asks.

"That's a good question. She is mysterious, but she doesn't seem to be bad in some way." I say.

"Is that so... Personally, I don't think Cassiopeia feels any hate or resentment toward Team Star. No, there must be some other reason behind Operation Starfall... But what could it be?"

"I don't know..." Lillie says.

"Well. I'd best get back to keeping watch. Call for me if you decide to take on the base, OK?" Clive asks.

"Sure." I say as Clive leaves for a while.

Drandon says, "I must say that Director Clavell has a weird disguise."

"I agree..." Nemona says. "I wonder why he would be like that..."

"Anyway, we should get to the base now." I say.

Just as we step forward, we see a man talking to a Team Star Grunt, Nemona seems to be gasping in shock at the sight of the man.

"I will return later when it is time for the young master's piano lesson." The man says to the Team Star Grunt. "Until then, please give him my regards."

"Y-yes, Mr. Harrington!" The grunt says.

"Mr. Harrington? Is that really you?" Nemona asks in surprise.

The man and the grunt notice us and Harrington says, "I remember you're Nemona, the School Council President. It is quite surprising to see you here. And who might you three be? Friends of the young master, perhaps?"

"Young Master?" I ask. "Do you mean the boss of this place?"

"Ah. I see...Since you seem unaware, I must inform you that this is the base of Team Star's Fairy crew - the Ruchbah Squad led by young Master Ortega."

"Ortega?" Lillie and I gasp in shock, and I seem to have some memories from the past.


"Hey, Ash! Check this out!" I turn to see a boy two years older than me showing two cars, one is a Red one, and the other one is pink. "I made this car all by myself."

"For real? That's amazing!" I say. "Does that mean we can play it together? Ortega?"

"Of course. Let's see whose car can reach the tree over there." Ortega says to me.

"You're on!" I smile as we all use our remote controls to control the car, and Ortega manages to win in the end.

"I win!" Ortega says, "That means I'm better than you, Ash!"

"Don't be so sure! You might have made this car, but I'll win you next time, Ortega." I say back.

(Another Flashback)

"Here you go, it is a present for you. Happy birthday, Lillie." Lillie looks at Ortega, who gives her a present. After opening the present, it is a car that is purple colored.

"A car?" Lillie asks.

"Yeah... I made it myself, this is actually my third car since my second car was for my friend." Ortega says. "I hope you like it..."

"Thank you so much, Ortega. I'll cherish it." Lillie says to him with a smile.

"Of course, you will... if you like it, that's fine for me." Ortega says with a warm smile.

(Flashback Ends)

"You don't mean that Ortega? Son of the Apparel Brand Urtica?" I ask.

"Wait, Ash? You know him as well?" Lillie asks.

"You also know him, Lillie? How and when?" I ask with surprise.

"Um, Mr. Harrington? I don't think we're supposed to be giving out that information..." The Team Star Grunt says wit a sweat drop.

"No? Then please accept my apologies." Harrington says. "Do you have any idea as to who these people might be?"

"They're no friend of ours. Y'know, I think they might be here and try to take us on!" The Team Star grunt says.

"Understood. In that case... I take it you're an adversary of the young master?" Harrington asks.

"Well, if we didn't know that the boss here is Ortega, then yes. We might be." Lillie says.

"Is that so. Well then, that leaves me with one last thing to ask you..." Harrington says.

"Huh?" We are all confused.

"Would you be so kind as to indulge me in a quick battle?" Harrington asks.

"Wait, you're battling for Team Star? But that's impossible!" Nemona yells with horror.

"Nemona, do you know this guy?" I ask.

"He... he was the former Director before Director Clavell took over..." Nemona says, much to our surprise.

"Former director? I see..." I say. "Very well, I accept your challenge."

"Splendid. Then let us begin." Harrington says as he sends out two Pokemon to battle us: Morgrem and Hattrem.

"Both of them are Galar Region Pokemon." I say as we send out Dragalge and Frosmoth. Dragalge goes for the Poison Tail and Frosmoth goes for Bug Buzz, and after the continuous attacks, both of the former director's Pokemon are defeated.

"Well, well." Harrington says. "Outstanding performance. However. Be aware that young Master Ortega's battle prowess far surpasses my paltry skills. You would do well to take care."

He also notices Clive behind us and he says, "Now, if you excuse me."

As he leaves, the grunt says, "Hasta la vistaaar!"

After the man leaves, I ask, "That guy used to be the director of the university? The same director that took care of my sister and Gladion in their school years?"

The grunt says, "Yeah. Now he's, like, tutoring the boss or something. He shows up here sometimes to take the boss to his lessons... Hang on - why am I explaining this to you?! There's no doubt you're here to make trouble, so I gotta go let everyone know! Hasta la vistaaar!"

She does the pose before rushing into the base, and just as she leaves, we've got a call from Cassiopeia.

"I see the guard has been dealt with. Good job." Cassiopeia says. "That base belongs to Team Star's Fairy crew - the Ruchbah Squad. Their boss, Ortega, is the mechanic of the team. He may be the youngest of the bosses, but his battle skills are no joke. Underestimate him, and things'll go south for you quickly. He's also a real "lead from the back" type - he gets his grunts to do all the dirty work for him. But his weak point is his short fuse. Get him good and angry, and he'll march out to the front lines to deal with you himself."

"That sounds just like Ortega." I say. "His short fuse is something that I know well of."

"In terms of tactics... there's nothing else for it but to take down all the lackeys he sends your way. Just tough it out until Ortega shows up, and go from there. Ring the bell on the gates once you're ready to kick off this phase of the operation. Time to wipe the Ruchbah Squad off the map!"

After we end the call, Drandon asks, "So you two know about this Ortega person?"

I say, "I only know him because he stayed at my house for a few days during my childhood, since my family is a royalty of the Kanto Region, we have a lot of guests to play with. Ortega is one of them, and he was good at mechanics. I remember that he gave me a car so that we can always race to a tree at the end of Pallet Town."

Lillie says, "Wait, Ortega also gives you a car? He also gives me a car on one of my birthdays. Even though I was not a car fan, the fact that he is able to make the car on his own really surprises me. And now that I think of it, the car he gave me is similar to the one that Atticus rode back at the Navi Squad."

I widen my eyes, "And the car he gave me is similar to the one that Mela rode back at the Schedar Squad. But why? Why would he join Team Star?"

"We can only get some answers when we get into the Team Star Base. I have to assume that they all use Fairy Type Pokemon..." Nemona says.

"Fairy Type is my second favorite type." Lillie says. "I usually like Clefairy, but my mother has to evolve it into a Clefable in the end."

"Yeah, you did complain about it a lot. But there are also some cool Fairy Types, like Togekiss, Florges with five kinds of flowers, and also Alcremie with 63 flavors." I say.

"Don't tell me you actually have all 63 of them..." Drandon says.

"I do." I say. "But they usually help out with the cooking for my Pokemon." I say. "And their Z Move is also special. Twinkle Tackle uses the stars to attack the opponent."

"That's good to know." Nemona says. "So how do we battle them?"

"You'll see." I say as I press the button, opening the door.

"Code red! Code red! Operation Starfall alert!" The speaker says. "Everyone, get into position and defend the boss with all you got! And rest assured, intruders - we'll deal with you without the boss' help...Unless you manage to beat 30 of our Pokemon in 10 minutes, that is. Good luck with that!"

"And that's how we get to battle. Every time." I sigh.

And the grunts now send out Jigglypuff, Fidough, Tinkatink, Tinkatuff, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Wigglytuff, Mimikyu, Florges, Marill, Azumarill, Grimmsnarl, Morgrem, and Impidimp to deal with us. We use Gholdengo, Eelektross, Orthworm, and Corviknight to battle the Pokemon, and they are really no match for us despite having a lot of fully evolved Pokemon.

"So this is how you defeat the Pokemon..." Nemona says. "This is kinda fun."

"Yeah, but it is also troublesome." I say. "Since this is actually our fourth time doing this."

After we manage to defeat the rest of the Pokemon, the grunts are scared as usual. "Our defenses are breached... It's all up to the boss now!"

When the grunts are fleeing, Lillie and I are slightly nervous, as our opponent is going to be our friend Ortega, which is something that we're not expecting.

And here is a new chapter, and why not have one of the Team Star Members actually know Ash and Lillie since childhood? We're now at the Fairy Base, and the former director of Narauva University is also here. What's the story? Find out in the next chapter. I hope you like this chapter.

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