Chapter 62 Ruchbah Squad Raid Part 2

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When we wait for the Starmobile to appear, we gasp to see that it is the pink one with hearts on it, and on top of the car, Ortega is wearing a pink outfit with a wand in his hand.

"Huh. So it really is you, Ash and Lillie... Okaaay..." Ortega says.

"Ortega... to think you're a leader of the Team Star..." I mutter.

"Talk about underwhelming. I was expecting someone, I dunno, a little more beefed up? Well, whatever! I don't care who you are. Not like I'm gonna lose to you anyway."

"Going with the same talk like before is not going to help you, Ortega." Lillie says.

"That's a little hurt, Lillie. Anyway. If you think Fairy-Types are all about cuteness, you're in for a nasty surprise!"

Then he just tosses out six Pokemon: Klefki, Azumarill, Wigglytuff, Hatterene, Tinkaton, and Dachsbun. Nemona asks, "All six Pokemon at the same time?"

"It is not that we've never done before. Drandon, Nemona. This is going to be our fight, so assist us once our Pokemon fainted."

The two of them nod at us as we send out Dragalge, Frosmoth, Eelektross, Ghodengo, Pikachu, and Scovillain. Ortega says, "Just don't take it personal." Ortega sighs as he also uses the Terastallize on his Dachsbun, and we decide to use them on Pikachu, which becomes a Poison Type, and Scovillain, which becomes a Fire Type.

"I promise I'll play nice, so don't blame me when this battle sends you blubbering back home!" Ortega says.

Klefki is setting up both Reflect and Light Screen so that all of their Pokemon will be protected. I have Ghodengo use Make it Rain, hitting a lot of Pokemon with the coins. Pikachu also goes for the Poison Jab, poisoning the Wigglytuff. But Dachsbun goes for the Fire Fang, which manages to defeat Frosmoth.

"Help us heal the Pokemon, Drandon, Nemona." I say as I give them the Frosmoth, and they nod. Then I have Eelektross use Thunderbolt, defeating the Azumarill before it can land the Ice Punch on Dragalge. Dragalge goes for the Poison Tail, also defeating Wigglytuff.

Klefki goes for Flash Cannon, hitting Dragalge, and Tinkaton goes for the Giganton Hammer to defeat the Pokemon, but Pikachu lands the Iron Tail, hitting Dachsbun, and Scovillain uses Sunny Day and Overheat to defeat Tinakton. Eelektross is also defeated by Dachsbun after it uses Play Rough, but Scovillain goes for Fire Fang and knock out Klefki. And finally, Pikachu's Iron Tail eventually defeats the Dachsbun, before it defeated Gholdengo with Fire Fang.

"What the HECK?! Why is MY team on the ropes? That's totally not fair!" Ortega yells. "If that's the case, sorry that I have to do this!"

Then he jumps down from the Starmobile as it charges at Pikachu, who dodges in the way. Nemona asks, "That thing is going to battle as well?"

Drandon says, "That's crazy!"

"Well, it is not actually." I say as we see it summons the Misty Terrain using the ability Misty Surge. Then Nemona gives us the Frosmoth, but just as we send it out, it goes for the Spin Out attack to deal a lot of damage to it.

"Magical Torque!" Ortega yells, and here it is, another Torque move, and it hits Pikachu and also making it confused, thus Pikachu has been hurting itself. Scovillain goes for Seed Bomb, and Drandon also gives me the healed Gholdengo, and we have it use Make it Rain, and because of its Going for Gold ability, it won't get confused after being hit by the Magical Torque. And eventually, the four Pokemon's attack manages to destroy the car and also cause the Varooms and Revavroom to be defeated.

"Ugh! How could I LOSE?! What the HECK!" Ortega yells with a slight frown. "But then again... I always underestimated you two all this time... This sucks! I hate myself for losing, but I also can't get over how awesome you two were in that battle!"

"Ortega..." Lillie says.

"If any of us squad bosses are defeated, that means we have to step down. And going against our code would make me a traitor to the team..." Ortega says. "Gah, FINE! Not like I have a choice anyway, so take the badge already! You'd better treat it with the respect it deserves!"

"Of course we always do!" I say to him.

Then I take the Fairy Badge as we shake hands with him. Ortega says, "But still... I'm happy to see both of you again after all these years."

"Me too." I say.

"And just so you know? You are the WORST! Like, the most annoying person EVER!" Ortega says.

"Ouch..." Lillie and I wince a little, "Is this what you think about the two of us after all these years?"

"Heh, but I get it - you're super strong. I'll admit that much! You even busted up my Starmobile!" Ortega says.

And just then, Clive walks with Mr. Harrington. "Young Master Ortega..."

"Mr. Harrington! I guess it's time for my piano lesson, huh?" Ortega asks. "As it happens, I just lost my boss title, so I'm all good to head on home..."

"Ah, actually, a different matter brought me. There's somebody I would like you to meet." Harrington says as he shows Clive. "He's a... distant acquaintance of mine."

"The name's Clive." Clive says.

"Okaay... What's your business here?" Ortega asks.

"I want you to tell me something. You're the son of a wealthy family and heir to a major apparel company. So why join a group like Team Star?"

"What a question to ask someone you've just met." Ortega says.

I say, "This is also what we want to know as well. Is it because you were also being bullied like everyone else on the team?"

Ortega lowers his head and Lillie says, "If that's the case, we're going to make sure no one gets away bullying our friend."

"Ash, Lillie..." Ortega mutters.

"So the academy really did use to have an issue with bullying..." Clive sighs.

"Who would guess, right? The school is all rainbows and butterflies these days." Ortega says. "And the bullies from back then don't even go to the university anymore."

"Why? What happened to them?" Drandon asks.

"As the former director of the academy, I believe I am best positioned to answer that question." Harrington says.

"Mr. Harrington..." Nemona frowns.

"About 20 months ago, the members of Team Star confronted the students who used to bully them, and an altercation broke out between the groups. Though it did not escalate into a major incident, the altercation nonetheless caused a scandal of hitherto unknown proportions. As a result of what occurred that day, the students who had perpetrated the bullying dropped out of the university, one after another."

"But... but there aren't any records of that anywhere in the academy!" Clive gasps, and this also causes all of us to widen our eyes as well.

"No, I should imagine not. My former deputy deleted all records of the incident, you see." Mr. Harrington says.

"What?! Why would anyone do that?" Nemona asks.

"Just as I was puzzling over how best to deal with Team Star in the aftermath of the incident, a certain student came to see me. The student declared that they would take all responsibility for the team's actions. In exchange, they requested that I exonerated the other students of Team Star from any blame." Harrington says.

"HUH?! No... no one told me that!" Ortega says.

"I accepted the request and agreed not to take disciplinary action against Team Star. Then, I assigned 18 months of overseas study to the student who took responsibility for the team." Harrington says.

"A year and a half studying abroad...?" Clive asks.

"This was not intended as a punishment, you understand. Team Star were the victims, after all." Harrington says. "I wanted this student to take some time to rest, so I had them return home to the Galar region under the pretext of "overseas study." Around that time, however, the former deputy director took it upon himself to erase all traces of the incident from the university's servers. It appears his intent was to shield himself from any blame."

"So he tried to cover up the whole thing? That's terrible!" I say with slight anger.

"After we discovered what he had done, I dealt with him appropriately, of course." Harrington says. "But the inability of myself and the rest of the teaching staff to prevent this terrible act also represented a grave blunder on our part. I accepted the blame that lay at my feet and resigned from my position as director. The rest of the teaching staff then joined me in handing in their notices."

"So that's why the current teachers were all brought in a year and eight months ago..." Clive mutters.

"I understand my actions have caused you a great deal of trouble. You have my sincere apologies." Harrington says.

"Hang on, Mr. Harrington! How come you suddenly decided to talk about this now?!" Ortega asks.

"Young Master Ortega... Team Star cannot carry on in its current fashion. I merely wish to give you a chance to chart a better course." Harrington says.

"Well, there's no way I'm abandoning my friends and going to school without them. Not after we've come this far!" Ortega says.

"your friends in Team Star must mean a great deal to you." Lillie says.

"Isn't that obvious? It's 'cause, you know... they're my greatest treasure in the whole world." Ortega says. "That also includes the two of you. Ash, Lillie."

After dealing with the mess, we get a call from Cassiopeia. "Ash, Lillie... It's me. I take it that Ortega handed over his Star Badge to you, then?"

"Yeah." I say.

"I see. With its boss no longer around, the Ruchbah Squad is as good as finished." Then she is silent a little. "Even Ortega... I'm sorry... We're almost there now. Just one boss left. The operation's been a huge success thanks to you two, Ash and Lillie. And your friends and Clive have also performed admirably as your support. I remember Clive saying that you're acquaintances. Have you known each other long?"

"Well, we knew each other back in school." Lillie says.

"Well, he's clearly a reliable friend. He almost reminds me of the gang back in the day..." Cassiopeia says.

So she decides to show herself as the true boss of Team Star? "As you know, Team Star was formed by a group of students who were being bullied at school. Shortly after forming the team, these students - none other than the squad bosses themselves - confronted their bullies head on. The outcome was a resounding victory for Team Star... Though you could hardly call it a contest. The bullies didn't even put up a fight. They all bolted from battle the first chance they got. Scared spitless of Team Star, the bullies then dropped out of school, one after another... And Team Star ended up the villains of the story."

We frown, so this is the whole story of Team Star... "But that's neither here nor there. Forget I mentioned it. Now, about your reward. I'll transfer some LP over to your phone, as promised."

And we get 10000 LP this time. "Make good use of these TM Machines, they could help you defeat the final boss. My supply unit rep will be along soon to give you your bonus reward."

As usual, Penny arrives, and both Koraidon and Miraidon appear this time. "Gwah! Both of them? Stay in your Poke Ball for once, will you!"

"Calm down." I say to the two Pokemon, and once they are calmed down, we told everything about Team Star to Penny. "Wow... Team Star went through all that, huh. They just wanted the bullies to go away, but then they became the bad guys in everyone's eyes... What a joke. The students, the teachers - they're all so messed up. If even just one of them had been paying attention when everyone was getting bullied, they'd have been able to tell right away that Team Star wasn't the one in the wrong."

For some reason, I don't think Penny is clueless about anything, I think she might be the Cassiopeia that we're talking about. "But I guess the big boss was the one who urged everybody to face their bullies despite knowing how messed up the university is. What a massive idiot, creating Team Star and just hoping their plan would miraculously work out."

"I don't know about that..." Lillie says.

"I'm sure of it." Then she gives Lillie the Fairy Star Badge and also some materials for the TMs. "The next boss is the very last one. We're counting on you."

After that, we all decide to camp out and take a rest around the flowers.

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, this chapter also tells a lot about Team Star's backstory. I hope you like this chapter.

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