Chapter 63 Ortega's Past

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Ash and Lillie... They are two of the first friends that I've ever made, when did our friendship begin? And why did I join Team Star?

I was born into a famous family, my parents are designers for the famous apparel Brand Urtica. My family is rich as we have servants and maids working in our household, my father always taught me that we are from the high society and I shouldn't be bothered with the people from the low class, and that's why I didn't have any friends in the past. My mother is the complete opposite, though, she always considers my feelings, and that's why she would give me what I want. When I was alone, I like to read fairy tales, which might have influenced me to specialize in Fairy Type Pokemon. I also like to see how machines work, and I hope to become a great inventor or mechanic someday.

When I was 8 years old, my family bring me to the Kanto Region, and they told me that we were going to meet the queen of the Rota Kingdom. I was excited to meet a real queen in life, but I was also surprised. The queen is not living in the castle, instead, she is living in a small house, along with her son and her two daughters, who are supposed to be the prince and princesses.

"So you're Ortega, right? My name is Ash Ketchum! It is nice to meet you." The so-called prince greets me with a goofy smile, and I don't know how to react, I can only mutter, "I-it's nice to meet you as well."

"Come on, Ash, you're scaring Ortega." The blonde-haired sister scolds Ash, who rubs his head and says, "Sorry, I'm just excited to have a new friend, sis Ilene."

A new friend... we've only just met, and hearing those words... for some reason, it makes me happy. And after that, I start to try talking to them about my family, and they are also talking about theirs.

"I thought that you were a prince and princesses... why would you stay at such a small place instead of staying at a castle?" I ask, and Ash slightly chuckles.

"Of course, we have a castle at the Rota Kingdom, but the reason we live here is that we like living a normal life." Diantha says to me.

"Normal life?" I was confused, and Ash says, "Since we're royalties, a lot of people think that our lives are basically maids and butlers helping us. But that life is boring, we don't know the joy if we don't try doing all the things ourselves, like cooking food, gardening flowers, and playing with Pokemon."

I was amazed at how they think like that, and I also want to try out the "normal" life. That's why I ask my mother to let me stay at Pallet Town for a month with the Ketchum Family.

During my stay with them, I was amazed at how they don't feel tired after doing a lot of housework themselves, and how they used to visit Professor Oak's lab and meet with all kinds of Pokemon. There is also an annoying person called Gary Oak, and for some reason, he doesn't seem to like me, Ash has to stand up to me every time, and I was really grateful.

To repay the kindness of the Ketchum Family, I decide to create a remote car for Ash. Since I have been given lessons in playing with screws and other things, it is not that hard for me to do such a thing. When Ash is happy to get his remote car, I was also feeling happy that he likes the present that I gave him.

The day when we separate is also the last day that I've met him, it is sad, and Ash promises that he will find me when we become older, and I always keep that in mind.

And after a few more weeks, our family is visiting the Aether Foundation, since I will be able to get to learn more about the inventions at the Aether Paradise. It is also then I met a girl named Lillie and her brother Gladion.

I decide to show a Popplio to Lillie, but just as I get it close to the girl, she just jumps with a frightened tone. I ask, "I'm sorry... are you perhaps afraid of Pokemon?"

Lillie says, "No! I love Pokemon! I can touch them if I want to!"

Weird girl, but the way that she talks fondly about Pokemon is also making me curious, and thus we have been discussing a lot about Pokemon. I notice that Lillie really loves Ice Types, like how I really like Fairy Type Pokemon. She also likes Fairy Type Pokemon and I remember how she keeps telling me how her mother shouldn't even evolve Clefairy into a Clefable.

As for Gladion, he is not a talkative one, and he seems to be avoiding Lillie for some reason. And after that, he just runs away from home without being seen again, Lillie tells me that Gladion is going on a journey and he won't be returning so soon, but deep down, I can see Lillie's sadness in her. I want to make her happy, but what should I do?

The way she talks about Pokemon makes me remember Ash, and since her birthday is around the corner, I decided to create a similar Remote car like the one I gave Ash to her. The one I made is purple-colored, and when I ask my mother to help me wrap it as a present, she doubts that Lillie would like something like a remote car. But I am sure that she likes it, and I was right the whole time. Lillie really likes my present, and she also promises me that she will cherish the remote car that I made for her.

And just like the times, I spent with Ash, I only get to stay with Lillie for a month until we are returning to the Paldea Region. The way that she promises to find me again is also similar to Ash... and I never got to see her again ever since that day.

A lot of years passed, and no matter how hard I worked on my studies and everything, my father doesn't seem to be impressed. I tried too hard to appease my father, but his work causes us to meet seldomly.

"Your father still loves you, he might be strict with you sometimes, but remember never judge a book by its cover." My mom continues to comfort me, but I have been skeptical about everything that she says because I always wondered why he never showed me that he loves me.

Days after day, I was old enough to go to Narauva University. I apply for the department of Mechanical Engineering with high grades, and when I get there, all I wanted is to study with peace and get good grades to appeal to my father, but then I have to hear a lot of classmates bragging about how rich they are.

"You think your family will be richer than mine? Think again." I say with a cool tone.

And when asked who I am, I tell them about me being the son of designers of the famous apparel Brand Urtica. I want them to be awed by me, but instead, they ridiculed me, saying that I shouldn't be here and I should have played dolls with girls.

And since that day, I have been made fun of by my classmates, but I decided to put up with them. When my mother asks me if I was happy at school, I always lied to her that I am since I don't want them to be disappointed with me. But day after day, the condition is getting worse as I was also getting beaten by those same bullies.

It is then Giacomo and Eri come to me, they are just seniors, but they manage to bring me to this Team Star. They tell me that they are also people like me, those who are suffering from bullying, and their leader, the one named Cassiopeia, will help us get our revenge. I was surprised at what they've said, but I decide to join in because I just want to make sure that those people suffer.

After getting into Team Star, I decide to use my intelligence to create the Starmobiles, so that we can use them to defeat our bullies. But no matter how I try, the Starmobiles aren't moving...

"Arrrghhh! What the HECK!" I yell.

"Your toy car didn't budge an inch, huh." Mela says.

"I told you - it's not a toy! It's called the Starmobile, and I was up all night building it!" I was angry that Mela is disrespecting my masterpiece.

"The problem's clearly that we're not givin' it enough juice." Giacomo says. "You designed this thing to be powered by two Charcadet, but it's just too heavy."

"That's such a shame... I wanted to see the looks on our bullies' faces once we got it moving." Eri sighs.

"I'm sorry... I really thought it would work..." I lower my head.

"Come, good fellow. 'Tis no occasion for melancholy." Atticus says. "Why, to make such a remarkable contraption by thine own hand... Genius, thy name is Ortega!"

"Yeah, well... there's no point if it doesn't work, is there?" I frown. "If I knew all that effort would have zero payout, I'd have just asked Mother to buy a car for us..."

"See, this is why people don't take you seriously. You say some stupid things, you know that?" Mela rolls heer eyes.

"Wha-?" I was offended, and Giacomo scolds her, "Mela! Cool it, would ya?"

"Yeah, how 'bout no." Mela says. "I mean, we even put this in the cod, for cryin' out loud! When we started Team Star, we swore to quit relyin' on our parents or bags of cash to fix our problems for us. Or did you forget?"

Of course I didn't forget, but I just couldn't speak as my voice is dry.

"If that hunka junk doesn't move, get it moving!" Mela says. "If we're short on juice, just gotta crank up the power somehow. Doesn't take a genius, man."

"That's easy enough to say, Mellie. Do you have an actual plan?" Eri asks.

"Yup. I'm gonna train up my Charcadet and have 'em evolve. Their boosted firepower will get the Starmobile moving, no sweat." Mela turns away from me and says.

"But the hour of Operation Star is nigh at hand... Will you succeed in time?" Atticus asks with concern.

"Oh, I'll get it done!" Mela then rushes away.

"Mellie, wait!" Eri yells.

I was still speechless about anything, and Giacomo says, "You know, Mela shoots her mouth off an awful lot, but she means well."

"I know..." I turn to the car again, "Guh. This sucks..."

Now I'm missing Ash and Lillie... I wonder what will they do if they see me with Team Star and doing something like this. But I'm sure they'll understand because friends are going to help friends, that's what they believe, right?

Here is a new chapter, Ortega's past will be different from the others because he is the youngest of all the bosses of Team Star, and he knows Ash and Lillie in the past and still treats them as friends despite not meeting for several years. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the False Dragon Titan.

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