Chapter 75 Team Star's Conclusion

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A few months ago, Operation Star is a success, and all of my members get their revenge against their bullies in the end. But the plan backfired... those bullies decide to drop out of school, with their parents got angry at the staff... and people in the class started to be scared of Team Star, afraid that they were the next victims. Not only that, but all of us also got expulsion warnings.

"Did I really want this? Is this what I want to do to achieve?" I think. The reason I wanted to form Team Star is that I want to help bullied students. When I was still in the Galar Region, I suffered bullying in school and none of the teaching staff cared to help. That's why after I came to Narauva University, I tried to do this to help them out.

"We're done here. I think we should call it quits." It was the night before I head to the director's office, and I decided to talk to all five of the bosses of Team Star.

"Hold up - are you sayin' we should break up the team...?" Giacomo asks with shock. "You gotta be joking!"

"We got carried away with Operation Star... Now everything's gotten out of hand." I say.

"Yeah, well, that's what happens when you round up a buncha bullies in the courtyard and make a show of learning 'em some manners." Mela says.

"But we didn't even fight them in the end. We didn't do anything wrong!" Eri says.

"Indeed. Merely did we declare our intention to battle tooth and nail should the villains persist in their tyrannous oppression. 'Twas a bloodless victory, we assure you!"

"Yeah! They didn't even send out their Pokemon - they just blubbered and apologized a whole lot... Our outfits must've spooked them good!" Ortega says.

"But the bullies made a huge stink about what went down, and then they all ended up leaving the university. Our plan backfired epically. There's no way we're getting off scot-free."

"I guess you're right... This little stunt might've put us up the creek." Giacomo says.

"I'll fix this mess on my end. Just leave it to me." I say.

"What are you saying?" Mela gasps.

"I'm the one who started Team Star. I dragged you all into this." I say. "So I'll take responsibility for everything."

"Oh, noble and kind big boss. You cannot..." Atticus is cut off by me. "Now that the bullies are gone, you guys should start going to school again."

"Oh yeah? And what about you?" Mela asks.

"I can't go back..." I frown.

"Why? There's no reason for you to stay shut in your room anymore, right?" Giacomo asks.

"All I can say to you guys is... thanks." I frown. "Even though we never met in person, you were all so kind to me..."

"Stop right there, B.B.! Why are you talking like we'll never speak again?" Eri asks.

"I need to go take care of some things..." I say.

"Prithee, speak to us! What is thine intent?" Atticus asks.

I decided to stay silent, and Ortega says, "Hey, Big Boss! Answer us!"

The truth is, I was standing outside of the window where the five of them are, and I mutter, "Bye-bye, guys... Thanks for everything."

Then I end the call and leave, knowing that they should be fine if I do this.

I decided to go to the Director's office, telling Mr. Harrington that I was the one who did this, and hoping that the teaching staff would spare the rest of Team Star. He agreed with my request, and in exchange, I was forced to leave the school and back to Galar for 18 months... he would tell my friends that I was heading "overseas study." I accept the request in the end.

After 18 months of rest, I decide to come back to school. I was horrified that Team Star is still going on, and two of them are trying to get me into Team Star. If only they know who their big boss is. And it is then that a boy comes to my aid. I recognize him as Ash Ketchum, the World Monarch, but what is he doing here? Is he going to Narauva University just like me?

After that incident, I think I have an idea. If Ash Ketchum and his friends can help me stop Team Star, that would be better since I don't think any of the leaders will be able to defeat him. That's why I decide to hack into his phone number and call him about Operation Starfall.

"Yo, Big Boss! Long time no see!" Giacomo greets me after my battle against Lillie in the courtyard, I was still shocked that all five of them are here, Ash and the others are probably having the same surprise as me.

"Momo..." I mutter.

"More like "long time no meet," right? I mean, we only found out your real name just now!" Mela says.


"Verily is thy long-hidden countenance a sight for sore eyes, my lady." Atticus says.


"So, um, I heard your real name's Penny? How've you been this whole time?" Ortega asks.


"We found you at last... You've no idea how worried we've been!" Eri says.

"Eri..." I still can't believe what is going on here.

"OK, gang, on the count of three! One, two..." Giacomo says.

"Hasta la vistar, Cassiopeia! And hello, Penny!" They all yell in unison while doing our Star shaped pose, and tears start to come out of my eyes.

"Now then, Miss Penny - and each of you young bosses, as well." Director Clavell says. "On behalf of the university, I have something I would like to say to Team Star."

Just then, much to everyone's surprise, Director Clavell is bowing to us. "You all have... my sincerest apologies."

"Come again?" I was too shocked and these are the words that come from my mouth.

"As director of the university, I let you down. My handling of your situation was a dismal failure..." Director Clavell says to me.

"Wha-? I still don't... I mean... Why?" I ask with confusion.

"You all told me about your reasons for forming Team Star and about your subsequent actions. Ever since my first days as a director, all I've ever experienced at the university is an environment blessedly free from bullying. But I now know this peace was built on the backs of your hurt and anger - and, of course, your immense courage in putting things to right. And so, I'll get straight to the conclusion."

I can see that the five bosses are tensed up, and I was also worried about them. "The university's order for Team Star to disband and my threat to expel those who did not obey...are hereby revoked!"

We can't believe what we're hearing, and Ash and his group are also showing their surprises. "Does that mean what I think it means...?" Giacomo asks.

"Indeed! Team Star can continue to exist, should that be your wish!" Director Clavell says.

And just then, all five of the bosses rush towards me and give me a big group hug, Eri says, "Woo-hoo! Penny, isn't this great? Now we can all stay together!"

"O, mine heart is giddy with glee!" Atticus adds.

"B-but... I betrayed all of you..." I mutter.

"You mean Operation Starfall? Director Clavell told us all about it!" Ortega says.

"Far as we heard, you only went through with it to save us from getting expelled!" Giacomo says. "You were just worried about us, right?"

"Not like we'd ever chuck the team just 'cause someone told us to, after all. Ain't our style." Mela says.

"I cannot even begin to imagine how you must have fear'd for us, Lady Penny..." Atticus says to me.

"Sorry for making you worry, B.B. We're all OK now." Eri says.

"But - even so..." I mutter.

Director Clavell claps two times to gain our attention, and he says, "Hold on, everyone. I've more to say."

Then his face turns to a stern one. "As previously stated, the requirement for Team Star to disband has been revoked. However! There are still some unsettled matters to discuss. Allow me to provide a few examples... Your protracted truancy! Your brazen customization! Your unauthorized usage of academy equipment! Your reckless modification and jeopardous driving of Pokemon-powered vehicles! Need I go on? Your flagrant disregard for school rules cannot simply be overlooked!"

Of course, just because we are not going to be expulsed doesn't mean that we're all getting free. All of us lower our heads with shame, ready for the punishment giving to us.

"Thus, as punishment, you will all be required to engage in community service." Director Clavell says.

"Community... service?" I ask.

"Yes. Specifically, I will be asking you to manage the STCs." Director Clavell says.

"Aand that stands for...?" Ash asks, and this is also what I want to know.

"The Star Training Centers! They shall be facilities for cultivating Pokemon Trainer's talents. I plan for the academy to found them in collaboration with the Pokemon League. The idea came to me when I saw Master Ash and Miss Lillie battling their way through your bases. The bases' construction, as well as the battle tactics employed by the students in Team Star, are remarkably unique and creative! I would ask that you continue your team activities but henceforth as STC staff members, using your former bases as training facilities. And that is the sum of it. Does anyone have any concerns?"

"Um... no? It sounds like fun, so I don't see how this'd be anything but a win-win..." I say.

"This may be a weird thing to say since the STCs are supposed to be a punishment and all, but you should totally join in too, Penny!" Ortega says.

"'Tis true... We would most happily have you at our sides, my lady." Atticus says.

"We can go to school together too! That way if anything happens, we'll be there to protect you!" Eri says.

"We were already talkin' about how great it'd be to have both Team Star and school in our lives." Giacomo says while giving a thumbs up. "This'd be a sweet deal for us!"

"So, whaddya say...?" Mela asks.

"You guys..." I mutter.

"I think you should also do it as well." The talking is Ash, and Lillie says, "Yeah, Penny, I'm sure you guys can do it for sure. Just give it your best!"

"Huh? B-But -! Umm... I just..." I slutter.

"No need to give your response right this moment, Miss Penny. Do take some time to decide." Director Clavell says. "For now, at least, I think our little group should go their separate ways. Ah. Not to say you should break up Team Star after all! I simply meant it is time to leave."

Then Director Clavell turns to Ash and Lillie. "Master Ash, Miss Lillie, Miss Nemona, Master Drandon, Master Luke, Miss Reisa. Please stop by my office tomorrow if you would."

The six of them nod as we all go our separate ways, however, there is something that I also need to confess. And I will do it tomorrow and come clean to Director Clavell as well.

And this is a new chapter, in this chapter, you can see that Team Star is not going to be disbanded, all of the leaders are being punished and they'll do community service at the STCs. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the meeting with Director Clavell and the end of the storyline of this one.

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