Chapter 76 Meeting and Interview

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When we all head to the Director's office the next morning, Director Clavell says, "Ah, here you are. I wanted to thank you for all your hard work in resolving the situation with Team Star."

"No problem. I'm glad everything turns out to be fine." I say.

"If not for you, I suspect I would have done the team a grievous injustice in my choice of punishment for their actions. You have my sincere gratitude." Director Clavell says to us.

Just then, we hear the sound of doorknocking, and Director Clavell asks, "Who is it?"

"Um...It's Penny." We recognize the voice belonging to Penny.

"Ah, Miss Penny! Do come in!" Director Clavell says as she enters the office. She seems to be expecting us to be here as well.

"H-hello, Director." Penny says with a nervous tone. "About the STCs... I'd like to work on them together with the rest of Team Star."

"That's wonderful news. Thank you very much for your favorable response." Director Clavell says.

Lillie says, "And speaking of STCs, can we also work with them as well? I mean, we will definitely want to help Team Star as well."

"Of course, you can." Director Clavell says. "I'm sure that all of the Team Star members are happy to have you as well."

Penny also nods at us, before turning into a frown again, "But, um...I... I should be punished more heavily than the others, I think..."

"Why so? Because of Operation Starfall?" Director Clavell asks.

"No, not that. Because of the other really bad thing I did..." Penny lowers her head.

"And what would that be?" I ask.

"Um... Y'know the LP I gave you all in exchange for helping me with Operation Starfall...? I got hold of it sort of... illegally... by hacking the Pokemon League's LP management system." Penny says.

All of us look at her with shock. From what I know, the Pokemon League has the best security compared to other things, and to think that she manages to hack through the management system with ease?

"Ah. I see. That is... quite the revelation." Director Clavell says with a slightly disappointed tone. "I did not think such a thing was even possible in the first place."

"It wasn't all that har- Errr, I mean... I'm really sorry and I won't do it again." Penny says.

"Hmm. This matter is rather out of my jurisdiction, I'm afraid." Director Clavell says. "I will have to consult Ms. Geeta, the Pokemon League chairwoman, on how best to proceed."

"I figured as much..." Penny says.

"I do apologize, but I will have to ask the six of you to give us some privacy." Director Clavell says.

We all nod as we head out of the director's office. Nemona says, "To think that most of the LPs that you get from Operation Starfall were illegally acquired..."

Reisa says, "I just hope that Penny isn't going to quit school because of it... Especially since she is one of the people who can help us with the upcoming quest to Area Zero..."

Luke says, "I agree... but from what we know, Ms. Geeta is a nice person. I'm sure that she will manage to sort something out."

I say, "Do not get our hopes high, since hacking is a crime after all. But let's just train our Pokemon while waiting for the result."

After we decide to train for a while, we are now walking towards the Pokemon League Building since it is time for the two of us to take on the Elite Four. Just as we walk out of the school building, Penny is calling us.

"Ash, Lillie...?" Penny asks.

"Oh, hi. Penny." I say.

"There's something I want to talk to you about." Penny says. "Could you come to meet me in front of the school stairs? Y'know, where we first met? I'll be waiting..."

"Sure." Lillie says.

When the six of us head to the staircase, we find Penny waiting for us. Penny says, "Hasta la vistar..."

We decide to do the same phrase since we're going to help out with the STCs. And she says, "The six of us thought up that catchphrase back when we created the team. It's so cringy it's perfect, you know?"

"I see... we're worried about you, I mean, the whole LP thing." Lillie says.

"Anyway... about the LP thing. I thought I was going down big-time for hacking the League Point system, but looks like I got away with it..."

"That's great! But what happened?" I say.

"The Pokemon League said they'll waive my debt if I do some volunteer engineering for them. They even asked me to come work for them after I graduate, if you can believe that." Penny says. "Director Clavell and that Geeta lady kept complimenting me, like, a weird amount. Apparently, I have "outstanding talent" or something..."

"That's great, I mean, working at the League doesn't seem like a bad thing after all." Nemona says.

"Sorry for calling you out here to meet like this. I'm still not so great with people face-to-face... I never seem to find the right words, but, um... Th-thank you... so much. You saved Team Star - and my friends along with it. I know words won't ever be enough to properly thank you for all you've done, so here..."

She gave us the TM for Draco Meteor, and then she says, "I'm sure you put this to good use. And one more thing... I want to repay the debt I owe you. If you ever think of a way I can do that, just let me know. I'm great with machines and hacking and stuff... So next time, I'll be the one helping you."

"That's great, we actually have a request, more like having an adventure." I decide to tell her the Area Zero and other things. She was surprised at first, but she agrees to help us out as she is also interested in seeing Area Zero.

"Be seeing you, then. Hasta la vistar!" Penny says.

After she leaves, Nemona says, "So you're ready to take on the Elite Four?"

"Of course, let's go." I say as we all head to the Pokemon League Building.

After we're in front of the League, Chairwoman Geeta is already there as she's prepared to get inside.

"Hello. Ash and Lillie, I see your friends are here as well." Geeta says. "So, this is it... You've decided to face the Pokemon League. The final test you must pass to become a held here in this building. I wish you the best of luck from the bottom of my heart, Ash and Lillie. I look forward to meeting you again soon."

After she enters the building, Nemona asks, "So who is going first?"

"Of course I am." I say. "And I'm definitely going to win the League for sure."

Lillie says, "It will be better if we watch how the battles go."

"Are you ready to face the Pokemon League's Champion Assessment?" The staffer asks me, and I nod, showing the 8 badges.

"Let's see here... Ash Ketchum from Narauva University, is it? It appears you have a total of 8 Gym Badges! Very well! You may now proceed to the interview room."

"Interview Room?" I ask with shock, I don't remember the other Leagues having something like this.

"As for the other visitors, please wait until the interview is finished." The others say.

Nemona says, "Well, since it is a one-to-one interview, let's wait until it is finished before we head inside."

"I see." Drandon says.

After I get into the room, I see that Rika, the Elite Four member, is sitting at the table as she greets me. "Thank you for coming today. Please, do have a seat."

I nod as I sit on the chair, as Rika seems to be having an interview with me.

"I, Rika, will be your interviewer. Let's get started with the first portion of the Champion Assessment. We begin with the interview. First things first - let me see how many Gym Badges you have..."

She looks at the computer and says, "Excellent! You have all eight!" She turns to me. "Next, I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you wouldn't mind, Ash."

"Not at all." I say.

"Please think carefully, as you may automatically fail the interview depending on your answers." Rika says as I gulp a little.

As the interview begins, these are the questions and answers that I do in the test.

"How did you get here today?" "I come by walking with my friends, who are outside waiting for me."

"Very good. Very good. Please tell me the name of the school you are enrolled in." "The school is Narauva University."

"Ah, that's right. So, what brings you to the Pokemon League today?" "I come here to become a Champion so I can fulfill my promise with my friends."

"Yes, indeed. Why else would you be here, I suppose. Now, what do you intend to do if and when you become a Champion?" "I want to become stronger until I reach the goal of being the Pokemon Master."

"I see. Interesting. Tell me: Which of the eight Gyms gave you the most difficulty?" "I think it is the Glaseado Gym, I failed a lot of times with the Gym Test until I pass."

"I see. And what was the name of the Gym Leader you faced there?" "It's Grusha. The Subzero Shredder."

"I'm glad you seem to remember. But do you remember which type of Pokemon Grusha used?" "It's Ice Type. Although the Altaria wasn't an Ice Type until it Terastallized."

"Wonderful. Building the skills needed for the Champion Assessment is no small feat. You must have met a lot of Pokemon to get here, Ash. What was the category of the first Pokémon you chose to be your partner?" "Since I'm from the Kanto Region, my first partner is Pikachu, the Mouse Pokemon. However, if you mean here in Paldea Region, Lillie and I share our Pokedex and we get all three Starter Pokemon from Director Clavell."

"Very good, very good. Now, please forgive me, but I'm going to repeat a previous question. Remind me, what do you intend to do if and when you do become a Champion?" "As I said before. I want to become stronger until I reach the goal of being the Pokemon Master."

"Ah, yes. That's right. Next is the final question for this interview. Do you like Pokémon?" "Of course I like Pokemon."

"Good job, kiddo." I'm glad that it's finally over, my hands are sweating and Pikachu is already left my shoulder because of the sweat.

"That about wraps up the interview. And let me be the first to congratulate you, Ash... You just passed the first part of the Champion Assessment! Time to switch gears and get ready for the next segment. The second segment is what we call the Elite Test. And you'll be facing the Elite Four in Pokemon battles! I guess that's pretty obvious from the name of the test, huh."

" was obvious." I say.

"Anyway, we're the best the League has to offer. You'll be facing us four in a row - no turning back." Rika says. "This won't be a cakewalk - I promise you that. Make sure you're all ready, then go into the room behind me."

I nod as I take a deep breath because the real deal is going to come.

Here is a new chapter, and you can actually fail the first interview since there have correct answers. Not only that, Ash and the others also concluded the Starfall Street Storyline and I hope you like this chapter.

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