Chapter 77 Elite Four Battle: Rika

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Since Lillie is going to have her own interview, I was just chatting with Nemona and the others about what just happened while waiting for her to finish.

"So you have to do some sort of interview before you can fight the Elite Four?" Reisa says. "That's new, I mean, no other regions would've done that."

"I know." I say. "I was sweating bullets. But now I can finally get to face the Elite Four."

"I'm glad that you've finished the first try, I mean, I failed once and I have to do it all over again." Nemona says.

As Lillie comes out of the building, I ask, "How is it?"

Lillie smiles and says, "I also passed on my first try."

"That's great." Drandon says. "Now both of you can fight the Elite Four."

When we enter the battlefield, Rika also comes with us as she goes to the other side of the battlefield.

"Now then, let's get this started, eh? Let good ol' Rika be the first of the Elite Four to take you on!" Rika says.

"So you're the first one that I have to face. This is interesting." I say.

"I'd say I'll go easy on you, but... I'd be lying! Think fast!" Rika says as she takes out her Pokeball, revealing it to be a Whiscash.

"A Whiscash?" I say, "Then I'll go with Dragonite!"

After sending out my first Pokemon, Rika says, "I finally get to battle you! I've been looking forward to this, so don't you give up too soon!"

Whiscash starts off with Blizzard, dealing a lot of damage to Dragonite. "Dragonite! Hang in there and use Dragon Dance to boost the speed!"

Dragonite starts to do the Dragon Dance, and then I have it go for the Hurricane, hitting the Whiskers Pokemon.

"Now Dragon Claw!" I say, but just as Dragonite approaches near, Rika smirks, and then some portals appear and beams come from it to hit Dragonite.

"That's Future Sight!" Nemona gasps.

"Wait, seriously?" Lillie asks in shock.

"Finish it with Blizzard!" Rika says, and Whiscash goes for the Blizzard attack, easily knocking Dragonite out of the match.

"Are you kidding me? Dragonite is a Pseudo Legendary!" Drandon says. "How come it loses so easily?"

Reisa says, "You have to remember that it is four-times weak to Ice after all."

I sigh and recall my Dragonite, sending out Gardevoir as my next Pokemon. "A Gardevoir... quite an interesting choice." Rika says as she has Whiscash uses Earth Power.

I look at Gardevoir, who dodges the attack by using Teleport without my command. Reisa says, "There it is! The Eye-contacting dodging!"

"Like sister like brother." Luke says.

I have Gardevoir use Psychic, hitting the Pokemon time after time. Whiscash however uses Future Sight again, and then goes for Muddy Water, hitting Gardevoir and lowering the accuracy.

"Let's keep it up! Blizzard!" That move again, I'm not letting it hit Gardevoir. And thanks Gardevoir quickly dodges out of the way, and it continues to dodge the Future Sight until the attack hits Whiscash.

"What?" Rika is shocked.

"Finish with Energy Ball!" I say, and Gardevoir's attack finally defeats Rika's Whiscash.

"Well done, my next Pokemon is going to be Camerupt!" Rika says as she sends out her second Pokemon.

"So Rika is a Ground Type Elite Four member..." Lillie says.

I frown, this is not good for me because most of the Pokemon that I registered for the League challenge isn't good with Ground Types. Gardevoir starts with a Shadow Ball, but Camerupt responds with Fire Blast. The two attacks collide with each other, but when Camerupt uses Yawn, Gardevoir falls asleep and the Fire Blast overpowers Shadow Ball and hits the Pokemon.

"Gardevoir! Wake up!" I gasp in horror, and Rika decides to finish Gardevoir with the Flash Cannon attack.

"This isn't good for me..." I mutter as I recall Gardevoir. "Skeledirge! I choose you!"

I decide to go with the Fire Type Starter Pokemon in this battle. Camerupt goes for Flash Cannon, but Skeledirge takes the hit and doesn't seem to be affected.

"Use Torch Song!" I yell. The damage doesn't seem to do much, but it raises the Special Attack of my Pokemon. Camerupt uses Yawn again, and Skeledirge is drowsy. Then it goes for Earthquake, which deal a lot of damage.

"Shadow Ball!" I try to let the attack knock out Camerupt, but after the attack, the Camerupt is still standing, and Skeledirge falls asleep.

"Oh no!" Nemona gasps in horror.

"Now finish with Earthquake!" Rika says. Skeledirge is caught by the Ground Type attack, and then it is also knocked out of the battle.

Come on... I lost three Pokemon already while Rika has only lost 1 Pokemon? The odds aren't in my favor, that's what I know.

Lillie mutters with concern, "Ash..."

I sigh as I take out my next Pokeball. "Eiscue! I choose you!"

An Ice Type. Not a good type matchup for Camerupt, but I still want to bet for it. Luke says, "At least Eiscue has the ability Ice Face that can help him out.

"Now let's get rid of that face of your Pokemon. Fire Blast!" I have Eiscue dodge the attack and go for Headbutt. But Camerupt evades the attack and hits Eiscue with the Flash Cannon, getting rid of the Ice Face.

"Use Snowscape!" I yell, and Eiscue sets up the snow condition and also gets its Ice Face back, then I have it use Surf attack, which lands a direct hit. Camerupt struggles to get up, but it faints.

"Good, now just one more and we're even." I say.

"I'll see you try. Donphan!" She sends out her third Pokemon.

"Be careful, Eiscue. It might have some Rock or Steel moves that can damage you. Aurora Veil!" Using the weather, I decided to set up the defenses.

Donphan goes for Stone Edge, the attack causes Eiscue to get hit, and the Ice Face is broken as well. "There goes the Ice Face..." I mutter.

Then Donphan goes for Iron Head, but Eiscue dodges the attack and retaliates with Ice Spinner, defeating Donphan and tying the match.

"Now the real battle is just getting started." I say with a smile.

"Don't think it will be that easy." She sends out her fourth Pokemon, which is Dugtrio. It goes for the Sucker Punch before I have Eiscue use Ice Spinner, and then it defeats Eiscue with the Sandstorm and Stone Edge.

"Dugtrio is also a fast Pokemon..." Luke says.

"Damn..." I mutter. "Lucario! You're up next!"

My fifth Pokemon is Lucario, and Lillie says, "Wait... if Lucario is the fifth Pokemon of Ash already... that means Ash's final Pokemon are weak against Ground Types!"

"And Ash has to figure out a way to defeat 3 more Rika's Pokemon..." Nemona says.

I have Lucario go for the Extreme Speed, which manages to hit Dugtrio even though it tries to dig underground to dodge it.

"Use Earthquake!" Rika says.

"Lucario! Jump into the air and use Dragon Pulse!" I yell, and Lucario nods as he jumps into the air and attacks Dugtrio. But when he lands on the ground, Lucario is hit by the Earthquake again and this time, he is knocked out.

"You're kidding me! Lucario is knocked out as well?" Lillie asks.

"If only that the League didn't forbid the use of Mega Evolution, Z Moves, or Dynamax..." Nemona says. "A Mega Lucario probably can defeat the Dugtrio with ease."

I frown and I say, "Pikachu... you're my last Pokemon."

Rika says, "Looks like this is going to be an easy battle after all."

"Don't be so sure." I say as I take out the Tera Orb. "It is a good thing that Terastal Phenomenon doesn't have a time limit. Here we go, Pikachu!"

I use the item on Pikachu, and much to my delight, Pikachu's Tera Type is Ice Type this time.

"Ice Type Tera Type? That is interesting." Rika says as she has Dugtrio use Stone Edge, but Pikachu dodges and attacks with Splishy Splash. Dugtrio hides underground to avoid the attack, but Pikachu knocks it out with the Icicle Crash once it gets out of the ground.

The fifth Pokemon from Rika is a Toedscruel, much to my delight that it is four times weak than Ice.

"Use Spore!" Rika says, and I am not going to let Pikachu fall asleep by the attack.

"Dig to dodge the attack!" Pikachu dodges the spores and then digs underground, when it pops out, I yell, "Floaty Fall!"

Pikachu jumps into the air and lands the attack, causing Toedscruel to flinch. "Now use Icicle Crash!"

Pikachu goes for the Ice Type attack again, and it finally knocks the Toedscruel out.

"Nahahaha! Impressive! You really are something else, kiddo!" Rika smiles as she sends out her final Pokemon, which is a Clodsire.

"Let's finish this! Go on, Clodsire! Shake things up a bit!" Then Rika also takes out the Tera Orb and places it on Clodsire, making it a pure Ground Type.

"Pikachu! I trust you! Splishy Splash!" I yell, but Clodsire goes for Protect to block the attack. Then it uses Liquidation and hits Pikachu's face.

I have Pikachu use Grass Knot, but the Earthquake is able to break the grass. Pikachu continues to dodge the Liquidation attacks, and I have Pikachu use Icicle Crash to hit Clodsire.

"That wasn't enough..." I say after seeing how Clodsire keeps using Protect to dodge the attack. "I need to play it safely."

Then I have Pikachu use Grass Knot again, and this time with the add of Floaty Fall. Clodsire tries to defeat Pikachu with Toxic, but I have Pikachu finish it with the Splishy Splash again.

"Not bad." Rika claps her hand after recalling Clodsire. "Talk about unfair. No way was I ever gonna win that one. Still, though, what a great battle. Felt good even to lose!"

"Well, I was just lucky. I mean, my Pikachu is special, its Tera Type is actually random, and I never thought it would land on Ice Type." I say.

"Still, not a whole lot of Trainers have the skill to make it past the Elite Test...But who knows? I beginning to think you might be the one of the few that do, Ash." Rika says. "Better stay on your toes, though - the second of the Elite Four is stronger than me!"

"I will." I say.

Lillie says, "Ash... you really made us worry a lot..."

"I'm sorry, but at least I'm able to win the match." I chuckle. "Now it's your turn, Lillie."

Lillie smiles and we see Rika healing up all of her Pokemon and ready to fight Lillie. Lillie's team consists of Snowy, Heracross, Meowscarada, Noivern, Basculegion, and Revavroom. She doesn't struggle as much as I did, and she also wins against Rika with ease.

"You're up next, squirt! Come on out!" Rika yells, and the one who comes out of the door is Poppy, who says, "Coomiiing!"

So Poppy is the next one? Poppy says, "Oh wow! Did you lose, Rika?"

"Yeah, I did... Both of them are no pushovers, let me tell you! I'll be watching from the side. Avenge me if you can, eh?"

This is surprising, Rika is going to watch the match with Nemona and the others. Poppy smiles, "You bet I will!"

Here is a new chapter, and this marks the first Elite Four battle against Rika. As usual, I will only focus on Ash's battles instead of writing both because it's too tiring. And I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the battle against Poppy.

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