Chapter 79 Elite Four Battle: Larry

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I still can't believe that Larry is also an Elite Four member, does that mean he is going to use Normal Type Pokemon? If that's the case, that will be fine for me.

"So, you made it this far. I serve as a member of the Elite Four too, yes... Unfortunately for me. At my Gym, I use Normal-type Pokemon, since I feel they have a lot in common with me. But, well, the boss told me to use a different type here."

Wait, so that means he's not going to use Normal Type Pokemon... then what type is he now?

"So if you have any complaints, please take them up with La Primera." Larry says.

"Fine by me. I mean, it will be better if I fight a different type." I say.

"Anyway, time to get to work." He surprisingly sends out a Tropius, a Grass and Flying Type.

"Skeledirge! I choose you!" I decide to lead with the Fire Type.

"Well, I'll be trying my hand with Flying-type Pokemon this time..." Larry says.

So he's using Flying Types, just as I expected since he has that Staraptor in his team. I decide to go with the initiative by using Will-o-Wisp, burning the Pokemon, then I go for Hex, which seems to do a decent amount of damage.

Lillie says, "Still... to think that Larry is not only a Normal Type Specialist but a Flying Type specialist as well..."

"That is also interesting, it will be slightly boring if we see the same battle from before." Luke says.

Tropius goes for Air Slash, dealing some damage to Skeledirge, but Skeldirge goes for Torch Song, which is super effective against Tropius.

"Use Air Slash." Much to my horror, Skeledirge flinches from the attack, and it goes for another Dragon Pulse, dealing a lot of damage to Skeledirge.

"Use Hex again!" I yell, but the attack is blocked by the Sunny Day and Solar Beam, then it goes for another Air Slash, hitting Skeledirge and sending him flying back. Skeledirge hits the wall and falls to the ground, unconscious and out of the battle.

"Are you serious?" I groan with dismay as my first Pokemon is defeated that easily. As expected from the Elite Four in Paldea, but I'm not going to give up after all. I send out Lucario as my second Pokemon.

"Use Flash Cannon!" Lucario goes for the attack, but Tropius dodges the attack and goes for the Air Slash. "Bone Rush to block the attacks!"

Since I know Ground Type moves can't damage Tropius, I decide to use it to shield the Air Slash, before sending a Dark Pulse at Tropius. With the burn in effect, I have Lucario use Dragon Pulse, knocking the Tropius out of the battle.

The second Pokemon for Larry is Oricorio, which is a Pom-Pom Style. "An Electric and Flying Type..." I say.

I have Lucario use Stone Edge, but Oricorio dodges the attack and uses Revelation Dance, hitting Lucario. "Lucario! Use Aura Sphere!" Lucario fires the attack at Oricorio, but it is blocked by the Air Slash. When the Air Slash hits, it causes Lucario to flinch, but I also smile since the ability Steadfast is boosting the speed.

"Teeter Dance." Larry sighs, and much to my horror, Lucario is confused by the attack, much to my horror, and when Lucario is about to hit Oricorio with the Power-Up Punch, it hurts itself with confusion, and Oricorio uses Icy Wind and Revelation Dance to knock it out of the battle.

"Ash seems to be having some trouble with that Oricorio..." Lillie mutters.

"I wonder if Ash has some strategy to go with..." Drandon says.

"Pikachu! I choose you!" I decide to go with my mouse Pokemon, and by using Agility to raise the speed, I have it use Electro-Rock, but Oricorio dodges the attack and tries to do Teeter Dance.

"Pikachu! Don't look and Dig underground!" I yell, since hiding underground seems to work, and once it gets out, it goes for the Icicle Crash, but Oricorio dodges again.

"Electro Ball!" Pikachu fires the attack, but Oricorio retaliates with Icy Wind, both attacks collide and negate each other. I have Pikachu hide underground again, but this time with the Draco Meteor, and the move causes Larry to be surprised and Oricorio is eventually knocked out of the battle.

"Never thought you would do that." Larry mutters before sending out his Staraptor, using the Intimidate to lower Pikachu's Attack stat.

"Right now Pikachu has both Attack and Special Attack stat lowered." Poppy points out.

"Indeed... I wonder how he's going to deal with the Staraptor..." Rika says.

I have Pikachu use Electro-Rock again, hitting it super effectively as it gets paralyzed, but much to my horror, Staraptor goes for the Facade attack, and Pikachu takes a lot of damage from the attack.

"Pikachu! Use Iron Tail!" I have Pikachu jump into the air and hit the Staraptor, but Staraptor goes for Close Combat. I have Pikachu use Electro-Web to block the attack, and it goes for the Thunderbolt, with the paralysis kicking in, Staraptor fainted.

"Three down." I say. "Three to go."

But Pikachu seems to be weak so I decide to switch out. Larry's fourth Pokemon is Altaria, and I decide to go with Dragonite.

"Dragon and Flying vs. Dragon and Flying..." Nemona says. "Interesting."

The battle begins with Ash commanding Air Slash, which is dodged by Altaria numerous times before finally connecting. Dragonite then uses Dragon Claw but Larry has Altaria use Dragon Pulse to counter, hitting Dragonite.

"Dragonite, are you okay?" I ask, and he nods.

In the meantime, Larry commands Altaria to use Flamethrower. Dragonite nimbly dodges each fire attack flung his way, but after dodging the last, Altaria suddenly pops up in front of Dragonite and uses Ice Beam to send him flying.

"A close direct Ice Beam is not good for Dragonite..." Reisa says with concern.

After checking that Dragonite is alright, I have him dodge Altaria's Moonblast, as it fires another one, I have Dragonite use Icy Wind. The attacks collide and create a smoke cloud, which Ash uses to his advantage by commanding Dragonite to use Dragon Claw.

"Use Dragon Pulse." Larry says, and the attack manages to block Dragonite. Then both of them go for Dragon Pulse and Dragon Rush at the same time, and both Pokemon eventually go down together, resulting a draw.

"A draw..." Lillie says.

"That sure is interesting." Nemona says.

Both Larry and I return our defeated Pokémon to their Poké Balls. Larry immediately sends out Bombirdier, which is his fifth Pokemon. I decide to go with Gardevoir in response.

"Dual Wingbeat." Larry starts off the battle by having Bombirdier use the move, but I have Gardevoir dodge the attack with just eye contact. Then I have it use Dazzling Gleam, which is super effective on Bombirdier, but it appears to shrug it off.

"Rock Slide." Larry orders, and the attack causes Gardevoir to flinch so it can be hit by the Knock Off attack.

"Gardevoir, use Shadow Ball!" I decide to go for the attack, and Bombirdier counters with Dark Pulse, creating a giant smoke. Taking advantage of the field, Bombirdier uses Rock Slide again to hit Gardevoir and sends it flying back.

"Use Double Team and Moonblast!" I have Gardevoir create a lot of copies and have them use Moonblast at the Bombirdier, but Bombirdier is still standing as it goes for Dual Wingbeat again. When it destroys all the copies, I decide to have Gardevoir use Dazzling Gleam, but inside the light, Bombirdier still manages to land the Dual Wingbeat. And when the light dies down, both Pokemon also faint.

"Another draw..." Poppy says with shock.

"Sure is surprising." Nemona says.

Larry says, "You're even stronger than before. Guess I don't get a break today..." His final Pokemon is Flamigo, so I decide to send Pikachu back out. Pikachu goes for Floatty Fall, but just as it is about to hit, Pikachu is sent flying by the Liquidation attack. Then I have Pikachu use Thunderbolt, striking the Pokemon.

"Keep up the phase! Use Psychic!" I say, Pikachu tries to go with the Psychic Type move, but Flamigo jumps in front of Pikachu and goes for the Throat Chop, slamming it to the ground and Pikachu faints.

"Pikachu! Oh no!" I yell in horror after seeing him faint in the end.

"Looks like Ash only has Eiscue left..." Lillie says.

"Eiscue will be in trouble considering that Flamigo has the Fighting Type advantage..." Reisa says.

I decide to send out Eiscue and have it Terastallize, and my Eiscue has the Water Type Tera Type, so it is fine for me.

"At the risk of messing up my suit a bit... it's time to get some wind at our backs." Larry decides to go for the Terastallize, and Flamigo is now a pure Flying Type Pokemon. It immediately goes for the Brave Bird, breaking the Ice Face of Eiscue.

"Eiscue! Hang in there and use Snowscapes!" I decide to set up the snow and bring the Ice Face back, then I have Eiscue use Weather Ball, which is super effective.

Flamigo uses Throat Chop again to break the Ice Face again, and it goes for the Close Combat. It is a good thing that Eiscue is not Ice Type, and Flamigo's defenses are lowered.

"Now, finish with Blizzard!" I yell, and Eiscue eventually defeats the Flamigo in the end.

"Well, that took the wind from under our wings..." Larry says as he recalls his Pokemon.

"Nice work, Eiscue." I say, and Pikachu also cheers with me and Eiscue.

"You're a lot stronger than I recall. No wonder La Primera likes you." Larry says.

"I'm glad to hear that." I say.

After we're finished, it is Lillie's turn. Lillie is doing quite well in this match, though she might have struggled a bit because of her Pokemon. I still have to say that Snowy is doing a great job in this battle.

"Now then... I suppose the final member of the Elite Four is next." Larry sighs as he turns around. "It's your turn Hassel..."

Wait, is this guy serious? How can Hassel hear it if he's just going to stand there without walking towards the door, and using a voice as soft as a Fletchling?

"Now, where could he be?" Larry asks.

"Uh... don't think he heard you, Larry." Rika points out.

Larry sighs as he finally walks towards the door. "Come on in, Hassel..." Still, the quiet voice, is this guy not liking to yell or something?

"Larry, you... you may need to speak up just a little bit more." Rika says.

"Hassel...?" The voice is a little louder, but it is not enough... Lillie asks, "So how long are we going to wait until he finally calls Professor Hassel out?"

"I don't know." Nemona sighs.

Rika facepalms and yells in his place, "Haaasselll! You're up next!"

"Finally... Rika decides to step in." Drandon says.

And Professor Hassel finally walks out of the door, and he says, "Hello there, Ash and Lillie. I see that Drandon, Luke, Reisa, and Nemona are here as well. It delights me to see you here."

"Same here, Professor." I say.

"As for you, Larry... I see you made Rika do the shouting again, hm?" Professor Hassel turns to Larry with a slight glare, and Larry just turns away.

Here is a new chapter, and Ash is finished with the Elite Four match against Larry. And Larry, being the normal office worker, has to have Rika help him call Professor Hassel out. That was quite funny, to be honest. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the final Elite Four battle.

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