Chapter 1

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It's been a month since my school days came to an end, and in that time, I've been on a whirlwind journey through various regions, engaging in training and handling other matters. It's a bit convoluted, but I'll do my best to recount what transpired during this eventful month.

To begin with, my family is quite extraordinary – I have a total of 15 siblings. Three of them belong to the revered Creation Trio, five share the divine lineage of Arceus like myself, and the remaining seven were welcomed into our family for diverse reasons. Due to my extensive travels, I've had limited opportunities to spend quality time with them. However, now that my journey has come to a pause, save for the exploration of my own birth region, the Sevestar Region, I'm eager to reconnect with my siblings.

Furthermore, it seems that besides Serena, Lillie, and Alice, there are several other individuals who harbor romantic feelings for me. As a result, I find myself unexpectedly navigating a complex dynamic – I'm compelled to form what can only be described as a harem. Nine more remarkable girls have joined the fold: Yellow, Kris, Lisia, Dawn, Yancy, Aria, Acerola, Gloria, and Nemona. Of course, my primary concern is ensuring that Serena, Lillie, and Alice are comfortable with this arrangement before proceeding.

Additionally, Brock, Ethan, Wally, Lucas, Cilan, Sawyer, Gladion, Victor, and Arven have been frequent visitors to my various residences. Our gatherings primarily revolve around discussions regarding our respective work and studies. Most of them seek my guidance and advice in their endeavors to improve themselves. Others, such as Lucas, Victor, and Gladion, are drawn to my homes due to their familial connections with Dawn, Gloria, and Lillie, respectively.

Dealing with the constant presence of reporters and fervent fans has proven to be quite the ordeal. Their persistence and intrusive nature can be overwhelming at times. Thankfully, the security measures in place at our residences serve as a formidable deterrent, preventing unauthorized individuals from getting too close or attempting to pilfer my belongings.

Today marks the day of my meeting with Mr. Goodshow, a pivotal moment that catches me off guard with its shocking revelation.

"You're proposing that I assume the role of President of the Pokémon League Association after your retirement?" I inquire, a mixture of disbelief and apprehension evident in my tone. Beside me, Pikachu mirrors my astonishment.

"Yes, Ash. You are undeniably the ideal candidate for the position. It's a decision that has been thoroughly discussed among all the Champions," Mr. Goodshow affirms.

"I understand that a vote was conducted... but to think I received the majority?" I question, still struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"Yes, while you chose to cast your vote for your father, the other nine Champions rallied behind you," Mr. Goodshow confirms, his words sinking in with a profound sense of astonishment.

"Even my Mom and Dad? Unbelievable..." I mutter, the shock still palpable in my voice. "If I assume the presidency, won't it impede my aspirations of conquering the Sevestar League? Building my own legacy?"

"I understand your reservations, Ash. At just 18 years old, it would indeed be a significant responsibility to shoulder. That's why we've arranged for your parents to serve as your advisors until you're more seasoned. Moreover, so long as your decisions prioritize the welfare of both the public and Pokémon, you'll have the autonomy to shape the association as you see fit," Mr. Goodshow explains, attempting to assuage my concerns.

"That does sound appealing," I admit, contemplating the weight of the offer. "I suppose there's no avoiding it. I'll accept the position."

And so, a ceremonial event ensues, marking my ascension to the leadership of the Pokémon League Association. As I stand amidst the festivities, a sense of apprehension washes over me. It's clear that with this new role comes a fresh set of challenges, and I can't help but wonder if I've inadvertently entangled myself in yet another intricate web of responsibilities.

"That's amazing news, Ash. Congratulations on assuming the role of President of the PLA!" Serena's voice carries genuine excitement.

"Thanks, Serena. Though I have a feeling it won't be a walk in the park," I reply, my gaze drifting out through the balcony doors.

Presently, I find myself in my birth castle, nestled in the heart of the Sevestar Region within Otem Town – the very starting point for aspiring trainers and the first stop for trainers journeying from afar. Alice interjects, breaking the momentary silence, "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

"I thought it might be nice to pay a visit to Professor Cerise. It's been a while since we last saw him," I suggest, turning to face my companions.

"That sounds like a plan," Lillie chimes in, her agreement echoing the sentiment of the group.

As we approach the laboratory, a Yamper greets us with enthusiastic barks. Serena's puzzled expression mirrors my own thoughts. "What's a Yamper doing here?" she wonders aloud.

Before we can ponder further, a familiar voice calls out, "Yamper, there you are." We turn to see Chloe, accompanied by her Eevee, rushing towards us. Serena gasps in recognition, "Chloe!"

"Hey, Ash! Serena! Lillie! Alice! It's been ages!" Chloe exclaims, her smile infectious. "What brings you all here?"

"We were planning to visit your Dad. Is he around?" I inquire.

"Absolutely, he's currently giving a lecture for some new Pokémon trainers," Chloe informs us cheerfully, leading the way into the lab.

Inside, we find Professor Cerise standing before a group of eager young trainers. "Thank you all for your patience. I'm Professor Cerise, and I oversee operations here at Cerise Laboratory. It's truly heartening to see so many of you gathered here today. Now, then..."

Professor Cerise snaps his fingers, and a device springs to life, projecting an image of the Earth. "As you're all aware, Pokémon are fascinating creatures that inhabit our planet. From forests to skies to seas, they can be found in every corner of the world. Humans and Pokémon coexist, forging diverse bonds. Here at Cerise Laboratory, our goal is to observe and analyze every aspect of these mysterious creatures, enhancing our understanding. Understanding Pokémon means understanding the world. And with that knowledge, we can strive to make our world a better place!"

As Professor Cerise continues his lecture, it becomes evident that it's going to be a while before he wraps up. Sensing the opportunity for a private conversation, I turn to Chloe. "So, Chloe, how's everything going with Trenor?"

Chloe's cheeks tint with a slight blush as she fidgets nervously. "Uh, it's going fine, I guess. We're dating, so..." Her words trail off uncertainly.

Serena interjects with a warm smile, "There's no need to be shy about it. Congratulations!"

"Thanks," Chloe responds, though a hint of wistfulness colors her tone. "Though you guys haven't come to visit, I mostly keep up with what you're all doing through the news or by asking Trenor."

"Sorry about that, Chloe. The Sevestar Region means a lot to me, and that's why I'm putting my all into my final attempt at the league," I explain, understanding her perspective.

"I understand," Chloe replies with a nod. "Speaking of which, Goh mentioned he'd be coming here, but he's nowhere to be found."

"Goh is here too?" Alice's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Come to think of it, Gary mentioned that Goh joined Project Mew as well."

"Yeah," Chloe confirms, irritation creeping into her voice. When her phone buzzes with a message from Goh, she reads it aloud with exasperation. "'I'm about to have a fateful encounter, so I'll be late.' Ugh, why are his messages always like this?"

"I suppose we'll have to track him down ourselves," I suggest, leading the group out of the lab in search of our elusive friend.

As we reach the port, a startling sight unfolds before us – Goh, accompanied by his Cinderace and Inteleon, engages in a fierce battle against none other than Lugia. But this isn't just any Lugia; it's Silver, my very own Legendary Pokémon. Goh appears to have successfully weakened the majestic creature and is now attempting to capture it with a Poké Ball.

"Go! Poké Ball!" Goh's throw is met with confusion as the ball merely bounces off, failing to make an impact. "Huh? Why won't it work?" he wonders aloud, his expression falling with disappointment.

"Because that Lugia belongs to me," I declare, stepping forward, catching Goh's attention. "Ash! Guys! It's been ages!" he exclaims, his surprise evident as he greets us warmly.

"Hey, Goh!" We share a brotherly embrace, but Goh's astonishment only grows. "Wait, did you just say that Lugia is yours?! You own a Legendary Pokémon?"

"Well, technically, we have access to all the Pokémon-" Before I can finish my explanation, Goh interrupts with a burst of excitement, "ALL the Pokémon? Are you serious? Even Mew?"

"Goh, cut it out," Chloe interjects, clearly irritated as she pulls him away by the ears. "Stop pestering him."

"Geez, Chloe, you don't have to be so rough," Goh grumbles, rubbing his ears where she had pulled him.

"Well, technically, I do have Mew, but it was quite the ordeal. Almost got us killed in the process," I explain, shaking my head at the memory.

"Wait, so you've had Mew all this time?!" Goh's frustration is palpable as he processes the revelation. "And here I've been tirelessly searching for it, only to find out my childhood friend beat me to it?"

"Hey, Goh, what brings you to Sevestar?" Lillie redirects the conversation.

"I was summoned by Professor Cerise. I'm working as his research assistant now," Goh replies proudly.

"That's fantastic," I commend. "By the way, if you wanted a Mew, why not just ask my Dad for one?"

"I could've done that, but where's the fun in that?" Goh retorts with a grin. "I want to capture Mew on my own terms. That's what makes it feel like a real accomplishment."

Chloe interjects, eager to steer the conversation elsewhere. "Alright, let's head back to the lab now, shall we?" With a collective agreement, we turn and make our way back to Cerise Laboratory, eager to catch up further and perhaps even uncover more surprises along the way.

"Long time no see, Ash, Serena, Alice, and Lillie. You four have really grown since our last encounter," Professor Cerise greets us warmly after the lecture concludes.

"Hey, Professor. Apologies for not visiting sooner; it's been quite a hectic period," I respond.

"I'm well aware. It's certainly an interesting twist having you as my boss now that you're the new president of the PLA," Professor Cerise teases, eliciting a surprised reaction from Goh.

"Ash, the new president of the PLA?" Goh's disbelief is palpable.

"Goh, were you not keeping up with the news?" Chloe sighs, shaking her head at her friend's lack of awareness.

"Yeah, it seems the other Champions voted for me," I explain with a resigned sigh before turning my attention to the abundance of Eevee in the lab. "Speaking of which, why are there so many Eevee here?" Lillie inquires.

"I'm glad you asked. Eevee is now the official starter Pokémon in the Sevestar Region," Professor Cerise announces proudly. "With the recent developments by Adam and Aurora, we now have access to all 18 Eeveelutions."

"Eighteen Eeveelutions? That's incredible!" Serena remarks, though she notes, "But we only have eight of them if we exclude our Eevee partners who can't evolve."

"And it's not just Eeveelutions; there are also some new Pokémon additions as well!" Goh adds enthusiastically.

"So, what are your plans for tomorrow?" Chloe inquires, shifting the topic.

"We'll likely continue training with our Pokémon. I want to ensure everyone is in top form before taking on the league," I explain.

"If you don't mind, could we also take a look at your Pokémon?" Goh asks eagerly.

"Absolutely," I reply with a grin.

"I'd like to come along too, Dad, if that's alright," Chloe requests, seeking approval from Professor Cerise, who readily agrees, seeing it as a valuable learning opportunity for his daughter.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, let's say that Pokemon Jouneys plot happened during Ash's Galar and Paldea Story, so which is why now Goh and Chloe's team are going to be the ones at the final episode. I hope you like this chapter.

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