Chapter 2

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As I guide Serena, Lillie, Alice, Chloe, and Goh into the grand castle, I casually stroll towards a seemingly ordinary section of the wall. With a mischievous grin, I press a concealed button, and with a soft rumble, the ornate bookshelf smoothly slides aside, revealing a hidden door adorned with intricate carvings. Goh's curiosity peaks as he asks, "What's with the secret door?"

"It's our portal to the regions I've explored," I explain, a hint of excitement in my voice. "Remember our sprawling estate with 18 manors?"

"Yeah, your family's wealth is pretty legendary," Chloe remarks with a chuckle. "So, how many siblings again?"

"Counting the adopted ones, there are 15," Alice replies, a playful glint in her eyes. "It's always a lively bunch."

As the hidden door swings open, a soft glow emanates from within, illuminating a vast chamber lined with shimmering teleportation panels, each adorned with symbols representing different regions. Goh, a bit apprehensive, asks, "Are these teleporters safe?"

"Absolutely," I reassure him with a laugh. "We've perfected the technology, and even if there's a glitch, we know how to fix it."

Lillie says, "If that's the case, how about we go to the Bug Manor in the Unova Region first?"

"That sounds like a good idea." Ash says as they step on the panel and teleport themselves to the Bug Manor.

Upon reaching the Bug Manor, the group is greeted by a majestic treehouse nestled among the branches of a towering tree. As they settle in, Ash places a delightful array of desserts on the table, announcing, "Insey whipped up some delectable Honey Cakes for us. Dig in!"

Savoring the sweet treats, Goh's curiosity is piqued. "Speaking of changes, I heard the Sevestar Region's Gym Leaders are stepping down. What's the buzz about that?"

Lillie chimes in, "Yes, they've decided to pass the torch to some up-and-coming trainers. Interestingly, all of them have journeyed with Ash at least once."

"Speaking of journeys," Serena interjects, turning to Alice with a smile, "Congratulations on becoming an Elite Four member! What are your specialties?"

"One of them is Ice Types," Alice responds with a grin. "Although, sorry Lillie, I'll be showcasing those chilly critters quite often."

Lillie playfully counters, "I'm not so sure about that. Trainers have to tackle the first three Elite Four members before reaching you.

Chloe, intrigued by the discussion, asks, "And what about your other specialty type?"

Alice, with a thoughtful expression, replies, "I've decided to go with Ghost Types. While some might expect me to choose Fairy Types due to my mother's influence, I wanted to explore something different, and Ghost Types caught my interest."

Serena nods understandingly, adding, "It's great that your mom supports your choices, even if they're different from hers."

Curiosity sparking, Goh redirects the conversation, asking, "What about the other three Elite Four members?"

I take the lead, sharing insights, "One of them is Mark. He mentioned he's specializing in both Water and Fighting Types. It's an intriguing combo, especially given the proximity of the FS Resort to the beach."

Serena contributes, "Drandon mentioned he's focusing on Flying alongside Dragon Types. Makes sense, considering the natural affinity many dragons have for flight."

Alice's smile widens as she continues, "And my sister Eve is embracing Grass Types, inspired by Flora, of course. Though I wonder, do you have strategies in mind to counter each of them?"

I let out a thoughtful sigh, "Eve and Drandon might seem manageable, given I can rely on Bug and Ice Type Pokemon for them. However, you and Mark present a more intricate challenge... with your dual typings and diverse movesets."

Lillie interjects, "Eve and Drandon won't be a walk in the park either. They're seasoned trainers who know how to cover their weaknesses."

Serena, ever inquisitive, shifts the focus, "What about the Gym Leaders? The Sevestar Gym Leaders are known for using a full team of six Pokemon, right?"

I nod, acknowledging the complexity, "Indeed, it's quite a puzzle. Sevestar's setup is unique with 18 Gym Leaders, unlike Galar where we face eight. We'll need to strategize for all 18, but the advantage is we can tackle them in any order, similar to the Paldea Region."

Chloe's curiosity shines through as she asks, "I'm also curious, is it true that you have 12 girlfriends, Ash?"

Caught off guard, I can feel my face heat up, and Alice jumps in with a teasing tone, "Why of course, though the three of us are his first and will always be the main ones who get Ash's affection."

Goh, clearly surprised, stammers, "Wait, what? What exactly happened? I mean... no way!"

With a resigned sigh, I explain, "Yeah, besides Serena, Lillie, and Alice, whom we've spent a lot of time together with since the beginning of my journey, there were also nine other girls added to our group..."

Serena reminisces fondly, "We met Yellow in Viridian Forest. Thanks to Ash's help, she joined us on our journey and even developed her own Pokemon skills. She had a talent for crafting badges that were so convincing, they could pass as official gym badges. Plus, her aura abilities were remarkable, so I made sure to train her extensively."

Lillie adds, "Then there's Kris from Johto. We met her and her brother at the start of their journey, and we ended up traveling together. Kris was athletic, especially in soccer, and she had a unique approach to catching Pokemon using her legs instead of her hands. After our journey, she became Professor Elm's research assistant."

Alice continues the recounting, "And let's not forget Lisia, Serena's idol partner. She's Wallace's niece and has been a part of our lives since childhood. Reisa was a little annoyed with her during our Hoenn travels when she showed up at Contest halls, but she and Ash did help each other improve their contest moves significantly."

Lillie adds to the recounting of companions, "And now we have Dawn, a friend from childhood. She joined us during our adventures in the Sinnoh Region along with her brother Tox. Dawn aspired to follow her mother's path to become a top coordinator, although Ash inadvertently took that chance away from her that year."

I interject with a hint of nostalgia, "But let's not forget the time we won a ribbon together."

Alice, ever observant, brings up another name, "And there's Yancy, the famous idol Nancy, right?"

Chloe, surprised, exclaims, "You're dating Nancy too?"

I explain with a smile, "Well, I found her Rotom Phone, and we've been using that for communication. I enjoy our conversations, though I'm not sure how Alice feels about it..."

Alice quickly clarifies, "Oh, I was never annoyed when you and Yancy talked. It was all good."

Serena steers the conversation towards Kalos, "What about Aria, the Kalos Queen? You and Scarlet must have had quite a few moments together."

Goh, intrigued, asks about Scarlet, "Scarlet?"

I admit with a chuckle, "That was a transformation mishap from my younger days. I decided to try my hand at showcases as Scarlet, practicing a lot with Aria. Unfortunately, I lost to Serena, and it came at a price..."

Serena adds with a rueful smile, "I won, but I also sprained my wrist. Ash's grandmother even advised me to reconsider challenging the throne after that incident."

Lillie adds to the list of companions, "There is also Acerola, who served as both a Trial Captain and an Elite Four member in the Alola Region. She specializes in Ghost Types and happens to be the niece of the Kahuna of Ula'ula Island."

Serena recalls their shared experiences, "I remember you spending a lot of time with Acerola after Ash's battles in Alola."

Alice adds another name to the mix, "And let's not forget Gloria, whose family owns the Pokemon Jobs Company. We've helped her with various Pokemon jobs, and they've been quite intriguing."

Lillie nods in agreement, "Yes, there were special Pokemon jobs tailored to different types, including Ghost Types."

Serena reminisces about another acquaintance, "And finally, there's Nemona, the battle maniac. She's our classmate and the student council member at Narauva Academy. She always saw us as rivals, especially since both of us became Champions."

Alice shares her perspective, "I remember her passion for battles well, especially since I spent time as an exchange student at Narauva Academy."

"Now you really do have a lot of girlfriends, Ash... you were such a lucky dude..." Goh remarks with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

"Well... I don't know how I should reply to that..." I sweatdrop before looking at the watch, "Well, excuse me, because I have a meeting that I need to attend."

"Oh right, forgot that you are the new PLA president." Chloe sighs.

I leave the living room and head to the bedroom, turning on the laptop. I begin the online meeting with the Champions, feeling a mix of anticipation and responsibility as the discussion unfolds.

As the online meeting with the Champions progresses, the discussion shifts towards the construction of new gyms and the upcoming gym leader tests. I share my enthusiasm for this project, emphasizing how important it is to ensure that aspiring trainers have a challenging yet fair path to becoming gym leaders.

"I believe creating new gyms and refining the gym leader selection process will not only encourage more trainers to pursue this path but also elevate the overall standard of gym battles," I explain, my passion for fostering growth and opportunity evident in my words.

The other Champions express varying opinions on the matter. My mother offers her support, acknowledging the need for innovation in the gym system.

"I agree, we must keep evolving to inspire the next generation of trainers," she remarks with a nod.

Lance, known for his strategic prowess, suggests implementing specialized gym themes to test trainers' adaptability.

"Imagine gyms focused on environmental challenges or team synergy. It could revolutionize how trainers approach battles," he suggests, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Wallace emphasizes the importance of mentorship, advocating for experienced trainers to guide and mentor aspiring gym leaders.

"We must cultivate strong bonds between mentors and protégés. It's not just about battling prowess but also character development," he states with conviction.

Cynthia, renowned for her wisdom, suggests incorporating elements of exploration and puzzle-solving into gym challenges.

"Trainers should be tested not just in battle prowess but also in their ability to think critically and strategize," she explains, her calm demeanor reflecting her thoughtful approach.

Iris shares her excitement for new gym designs that showcase the diversity of Pokemon types.

"I can't wait to see gyms that highlight the strengths of each type. It'll be a fantastic learning experience for trainers," she exclaims, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Diantha suggests incorporating elements of spectacle and creativity into gym battles.

"Gym battles can be a form of artistry. Let's make them captivating and unforgettable," she suggests, her voice resonating with elegance.

Leon supports the idea of introducing dynamic battle formats and regional challenges to keep gym battles engaging.

"Let's keep things fresh and exciting! Trainers love a good challenge, after all," he remarks, his trademark grin widening.

Geeta emphasizes the importance of fair play and sportsmanship in gym battles.

"Fairness and respect are key. Let's ensure that every trainer feels valued and respected during their journey," she asserts, her words carrying a sense of authority.

Finally, my father weighs in with practical suggestions on infrastructure and logistics, ensuring that the new gyms are accessible and well-equipped for trainers of all levels.

"Indeed, the construction and management of the gyms must be meticulous. We need to provide a conducive environment for trainers to showcase their skills," my father concludes, his voice reflecting a blend of experience and foresight.

After hearing everyone's thoughts, I nod, reflecting on the diverse perspectives shared by the Champions. "Thank you, everyone, for your valuable input. Together, we can create a gym system that not only challenges trainers but also nurtures their growth and passion for Pokemon battles," I conclude, my voice filled with determination.

Here is a new chapter and in this chapter I have included Ash's girlfriends and the Sevestar Gym Leaders. I hope you like this chapter.

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