Chapter 3

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As we stroll through Bug Manor, surrounded by my three girlfriends and accompanied by Chloe and Goh, we reach the sprawling ranch teeming with Bug-type Pokémon. "Just look at the sheer number of Bug Pokémon here," Goh gasps, his eyes wide with amazement. "Normal Pokémon, Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, Shiny Pokémon..."

I chuckle. "That's because our family has a passion for Pokémon. We're fortunate enough to afford expert breeders who help us care for them. Plus, all the Professors love visiting the ranch for their research."

Chloe nods in agreement. "My dad often comes to the castle for his Pokémon studies too." She turns to me with a curious smile. "So, Ash, which Pokémon are yours?"

"Well, we'll have to locate them first. Luckily, we have our trusty Pokédexes to assist us," Lillie chimes in optimistically.

Goh's curiosity piques. "If one of you is traveling with Ash, what about the others? Will you be capturing Pokémon too?"

Alice shakes her head. "Honestly, no. We prefer to use our existing Pokémon to compete in Leagues and Contests."

Serena adds with a wry smile, "Besides, we've encountered a unique challenge. Our Pokémon have been quite prolific in finding mates and laying eggs unexpectedly. We never anticipated completing the living Pokédex this way."

As we move forward, a charming sight greets us: a group of Butterfree tending to Caterpie and Metapods. "Hey, Butterfree!" I call out.

Our two Butterfree flutter over to us, their wings creating a gentle breeze. Goh marvels, "Wow... that Butterfree is pink! It's not your typical shiny variant!"

"And that scarf suits you perfectly," Chloe adds with a grin.

"Our Butterfree evolved from a Caterpie we encountered in the Viridian Forest. It swiftly grew into a powerful Butterfree and has been a steadfast companion in battles," I explain. "As for its mate, we discovered her during the mating season in Route 9 and managed to capture her too."

Curious, Serena inquires, "Butterfree, where are your offspring?"

Butterfree proudly showcases a gathering of young Butterfrees, some still in their Caterpie and Metapod stages. Alice observes, "Is it just me, or does it seem like there are more of them now than before?"

"Bug Pokémon tend to have shorter lifespans compared to other types, so they tend to produce more offspring," Lillie explains. "Our two Butterfree gained Gigantamax powers by consuming Max Soup."

"Indeed, its G-Max Befuddle move can induce Poison, Sleep, or Paralysis on opponents," I add. "However, since there's no Wish Star energy here, we can't demonstrate it now. But we can showcase its power in regions like Galar or Sevestar."

As we press onward, we stumble upon our Scizor deeply engrossed in training a young Scyther, teaching it the intricate maneuvers of the Fury Cutter attack. I approach the duo with a friendly nod, and Chloe's curiosity piques. "Is this Scizor also one of your Pokémon?"

"Absolutely, we encountered him as a Scyther during a thrilling adventure in the Safari Zone, now transformed into the Pal Park in Fuchsia City," I explain with a grin. "Through the magic of trading and a trusty Metal Coat, we facilitated his evolution into the formidable Scizor."

Goh, catching on to our unique trading dynamics, chimes in, "But how did you manage that? Oh, right, you and Lillie can trade seamlessly and don't have to physically swap locations..."

"Exactly," I affirm. "And this Scyther happens to be the offspring of our Scizor and a powerful Kleavor."

Alice interjects, "Our Scizor is diligently training the young Scyther in the art of Fury Cutter, passing down its expertise from one generation to the next."

"I wonder what it will evolve into... Scizor, or perhaps Kleavor?" Serena muses aloud, her eyes fixed on the training Scyther.

"Speaking of Scizor," I interject eagerly, "did you know it has a Mega Evolution? It's quite a spectacle."

A sense of mystery tinges my words as I continue, "The Scizorite that enables this transformation was an unexpected gift from the formidable Abomasnow residing deep within the Frost Cavern. Its towering presence and icy domain make every encounter with it memorable."

Alice's curiosity is piqued. "You mean the Abomasnow that fiercely guards its territory in the cavern? It is indeed peculiar that it would bestow such a rare item upon us."

As we gaze skyward, two distinctive Pokémon dart past us in a blur of motion: a swift Ninjask and a ghostly Shedinja, each embodying its unique traits. "Ninjask and Shedinja... are they also part of your Pokémon team?" Goh inquires with genuine curiosity.

"We encountered a Nincada on Route 116 in the Hoenn region," I explain. "Our journey led us to assist Misty at the Mirage Kingdom, where Nincada underwent a transformative evolution into both Ninjask and Shedinja."

Lillie adds insightfully, "The evolution process of Nincada has always been shrouded in mystery. Shedinja emerges from the husk left behind by Ninjask, possessing only 1 HP and relying solely on its Wonder Guard ability to evade attacks."

A playful Nincada suddenly emerges from the ground, drawing my attention. I gently stroke its back, remarking, "This little one has a knack for digging. It's the offspring of our Ninjask, although I can't recall the mother offhand, not that it matters."

"Could it have been Shedinja?" Goh ventures.

Alice clarifies with a chuckle, "Certainly not, as Shedinja and Ninjask belong to different egg groups—Bug and Mineral, respectively—so they can't breed together."

A melodious tune drifts through the air, drawing our attention to a group of Kricketune and Kricketot harmonizing with their antennae and arms, creating a symphony of natural music. "I assume only one of them is yours?" Goh asks, intrigued by the musical ensemble.

"Yeah, we have a Kricketune, and some of the Kricketot may be ours as well," Serena explains. "However, it's challenging to distinguish the offspring since they reside here and haven't accompanied us much on our journeys."

Lillie reminisces, "We first encountered Kricketot on Route 202, later evolving it into Kricketune after a thrilling battle with Team Rocket in Eterna Forest. Kricketune has always had a fondness for music, and I recall bringing it along to some of the vibrant Colors Concerts we attended."

"Indeed, Kricketune's xylophone-like tones added a delightful touch to the background music," Alice adds with a smile, evoking memories of past adventures intertwined with the harmonious melodies of their Pokémon companions.

As we explore further, we come across a group of Leavannys, Sewadles, and Swadloons engaged in a fascinating activity—crafting intricate leaf clothes. "You know, this manor is where we first encountered our Sewaddle," I reminisce. "I vividly recall how Alice fearlessly leaped into the river to save it."

"Wow, Alice, I didn't expect you to do that! I thought it was Ash's trademark move," Goh remarks, surprised.

"Hey, I'm not the only one with heroic instincts," I playfully retort, and Alice adds, "What can I say? Sewaddle was in danger of being swept away by the waterfall, and I had to act. Besides, Sewaddle proved its worth by defeating Roxanne's Koffing."

"A Grass and Bug type taking down a Poison type?" Chloe questions in disbelief.

"It's hard to believe, but it happened," Alice confirms with a smile.

"Sewaddle evolved into Swadloon during our battle against Black Team Plasma, and later matured into Leavanny on Route 7," I explain. "Leavanny's evolution is tied to friendship, making the journey to its final form quite meaningful."

Curious about the current scene, Lillie asks, "So what are they doing now?"

"Leavanny is showcasing its nurturing nature by using its cutters and sticky silk to fashion leaf clothing for smaller Pokémon," Alice explains. "It's known to create warm wrappings for young Sewadles and even incubates its eggs with fermenting leaves. While typically gentle, Leavanny will fiercely defend any young Pokémon in its care from harm."

As we observe Durants disappearing into the ground, Chloe remarks, "Durants seem to be everywhere..."

"Well, Durants are known for their intricate underground mazes," I explain. "However, things can get complicated when Heatmors are nearby. During our travels through the Clay Tunnel after the Unova League, we unwittingly stumbled into their turf and found ourselves caught in the middle of their rivalry. Surprisingly, we managed to capture both the Heatmor and the Durant in one fell swoop."

As Goh points out the person sketching the Durants, curiosity sparks. "And who might that be, drawing the Durants?" he asks, and we soon recognize the familiar figure of Burgh.

"Burgh! It's been a while," I greet him warmly.

Burgh turns towards us with a friendly smile. "Ah, Ash, good to see you and your friends again. I hope you don't mind me capturing the essence of these magnificent Bug-type Pokémon through art?"

"Of course not," Alice responds. "You're a valued member of Team Alpha, and the manor is always open to our fellow members."

"Nice to meet you, Burgh," Goh and Chloe chime in unison. "We've heard of you as the Gym Leader of Castelia City."

Serena adds, "Burgh is not just a Gym Leader; he's also an accomplished artist. He's been helping Ash's sister, Shelia, with her painting techniques."

Impressed by Burgh's work, Chloe compliments, "That's a lovely painting you've got there."

Burgh beams with appreciation. "Thank you. I often find inspiration here in the manor, especially surrounded by such a diverse array of Bug Pokémon." His passion for art and admiration for Pokémon are evident in his joyful expression. "So what are you doing here? Training for the Sevestar League?"

"Well, we decide to check what our Pokemon are doing. Not to mention I also have other things to do like finding new Gym Leaders." I say.

"Ah, I have heard of it, you are going to add gyms to make things more interesting." Burgh comments. "Well, good luck on that."

As we engage in conversation, a familiar voice interrupts us. "Ah, so this is where you guys are!" My sister, Insey, appears, and Serena rushes to greet her with a warm hug. "Hello, Insey! How's everything at the Resout Gym?" I inquire.

"The Honey Cafe is thriving! Thanks to you and Alice, who helped me create those delicious honey cakes," Insey replies gratefully.

"We merely assisted; the idea of turning cupcakes into birthday cakes was all yours," Alice interjects modestly.

"It's been a hit with Mom and Dad too. Creamy and sweet, yet it retains the essence of honey cakes," I add with a smile.

"We had a taste a few hours ago; they were absolutely delightful," Goh remarks enthusiastically.

Burgh, intrigued by the mention of honey cakes, pauses his artwork and inquires, "Honey cakes, you say?"

"Yes, would you like to try some, Mr. Burgh? Perhaps you could also take some back for your daughter, Shelly," Insey offers graciously.

"That would be wonderful," Burgh responds, his interest piqued. "By the way, I just finished another masterpiece. It's titled 'The Durants go Marching.'"

"Your artwork is truly impressive," Lillie compliments, admiring the skill and creativity on display.

As the conversation unfolds, Burgh extends his artwork to Insey with a warm smile. "I'd like you to have this, Insey. Perhaps it will complement the ambiance of the Honey Cafe," he offers graciously.

Insey accepts the painting with gratitude. "Thank you, Burgh. I'll proudly display it on our walls for all our challengers to admire."

With the day drawing to a close and our energy waning from all the Pokémon encounters, we collectively decide to make our way back to the manor. While there are more Pokémon to discover, exhaustion sets in, prompting us to seek some well-deserved rest.

Here is a new chapter, in this chapter, you can see that I will put the gym leaders back into the story and also add some new ones, though there aren't that much Bug Type leaders that I need to add because there are already some of them.

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